5.2 - 3110 West Ave - Heritage Neighborhood Support Letter — original pdf

Russell and Jean Lee House 3110 West Avenue 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr, Austin, Texas 78752 Adrian.Moreno2@austintexas.gov March 5, 2024 To: Adrian Moreno Customer Service Rep Sr, Customer Experience Unit City of Austin Development Services Department From: Jolene Kiolbassa, President Heritage Neighborhood Association Re: Zoning Case C14H-2024-0016 Dear Mr. Moreno: At a meeting on Monday, March 4 2024, the Heritage Neighborhood Association voted unanimously to support historic landmark status for the Russell and Jean Lee House, 3110 West Avenue. Please let me know if you have any questions or need further information. Sincerely, Jolene Kiolbassa, President Heritage Neighborhood Association