32. 3 - 6804 Mesa - email — original pdf

Victoria From: Sent: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Victoria Thursday, January 4, 2024 9:22 AM Ron Thrower; Contreras, Kalan; Fahnestock, Sam Item # - 6804 Mesa Drive - Request for demolition 6804 Mesa Survey.pdf; 6804 Mesa Pictures.pdf Hello Commissioner, On behalf of the landowner of 6804 Mesa Drive, I want to share information with you about this property, prior to the upcoming hearing on January 10th. The character defining features that made this structure unique and interesting in the 1960’s are no longer existing, calling to question the architectural integrity of the structure. As the property exists today, it is hardly recognizable to its original character; The U-shaped design touting a front facing courtyard have been walled off and closed in. The side-entry car port has been enclosed, becoming an interior space, and the property now has multiple 6ft rock walls that block much of the view of the property from the street. We respectfully ask that you consider the loss of integrity when reviewing his structure and request for demolition. Additionally, the property owner shares the following information: My name is Randy Johnson and I have owned 6804 Mesa for 10+ years and love our neighborhood. By way of background, I was born and raised here, attended public schools, graduated from UT and have spent 60+ years in Austin, including the last 30 years in NW Hills. Both of my daughters were raised in NW Hills and attended neighborhood public schools. I have respect for HLC’s mission, the commissioners, and staff. That said, I disagree with the idea of my home being considered for historical landmark designation. My reasons are outlined below: -The original house has been materially modified from its original condition and the street view has been mostly ‘closed in’ with walls added and the atrium and carport closed in. I am also attaching the survey of both lots and have highlighted the original street facing ‘sections’ in orange as well as the major additions and changes in yellow. All of these changes pre-date my ownership (see attached photographs)- Original atrium has been ‘closed in’ by a rock wall such that you cannot see the atrium at all. Original carport has been ‘closed in’ and converted to an interior room. A large, 6 ft rock wall has been added in front, on both the north and south sides and two middle sections of the lot, virtually eliminating any street views. In 1977, a bedroom was enlarged (270 ft) and covered walkway and a garage (904 ft) were added on the south lot (HLC page 32-18) From the street view, there is only 22 ft of the original wall while an equal 22 ft of rock wall/entry gate was added. The only other original, street facing portion is 19 ft of wall that was the original carport which, as stated above, has been converted to an interior room. There are no windows or any architectural features on either, just a rock wall (see highlighted survey) -The condition of the house is below average and not in good condition. There are major water drainage issues during heavy rains, especially the atrium and former carport areas. -It was listed as one of 10 or so homes in the 1962 Parade of Homes advertisement. Another house, 6805 Mesa, was also in the same 1962 PoH and was torn down (1-2 years ago) and another home is currently being built there. It is directly across the street from my house. 1 - David Barrow was the builder but Barrow developed much of Northwest Hills and Mr. Barrow never lived at 6804 Mesa. -Acknowledging that all people have purpose, the fact that a banker lived in the house for 10 years, doesn’t seem significant enough to meet HLC criteria. There are likely many, many bankers that currently live (or have lived) in NW Hills. -NW Hills is not designated as a historical district and there are no other homes designated as historical landmarks. NW Hills has been developed over the past 60+ years with many different and varied styles. Finally, at the time I originally purchased the house I considered a major remodel but soon began to realize that there were just too many issues to deal with and it was not suitable for me as an older person and would not allow me to ‘age in place’. I plan to replace the existing house with a new, energy efficient, safer and smaller home that blends into my lot and the neighborhood. Thank you very much for your time. With much respect, Randy Johnson 512-632-8000 Please do not hesitate to reach out through this email or to my cell phone below should you have ques(cid:51)ons prior to next Wednesday. Thank you greatly for your (cid:51)me and service to the City. Victoria Haase www.throwerdesign.com 512-998-5900 Cell 512-476-4456 Office Mail: P.O. Box 41957 Austin, Texas 78704 2