34.0 - 812 W Elizabeth St — original pdf

HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION DEMOLITION AND RELOCATION PERMITS NOVEMBER 1, 2023 PR-2023-115579; GF-2023-130954 812 WEST ELIZABETH STREET 33– 1 PROPOSAL Demolish a ca. 1890 house. ARCHITECTURE RESEARCH One-story T-plan Folk Victorian house with asbestos shingle siding, 1:1 wood windows, a partial-width porch supported by Classical columns, and a front-facing bay window. Details include a jigsawn frieze board and cedar shingles at gable ends. The house at 812 West Elizabeth Street was estimated to have been built around 1890 by the 2016 Bouldin Creek Neighborhood historic resource survey. It appears to have been part of a “homestead” owned by the Click family, who appear to have moved back and forth from their South Austin property to their ranch in Dripping Springs until the 1920s, when they moved permanently to Austin. George Harvey and Sarah Josephine Click were both children of Texas pioneers. They lived on their family’s South Austin property, surrounded by their children and in-laws, for much of their lives. The house at 812, occupied by both the elder Clicks and later rented by their pastor, appears to be the oldest on the block. Newspaper research showing that Myra Click Clayton purchased and developed surrounding lots during the late 1930s. During the 1950s, the home was owned by Inez Piper and her husband Clifford, a painter. The couple divorced in 1960. Later that year, sales clerk Consuelo Sanchez and Air Force serviceman Robert Martinez married and moved into 812 West Elizabeth Street. PROPERTY EVALUATION The 2016 Bouldin Creek Neighborhood survey lists the property as a high priority. Designation Criteria—Historic Landmark 1) The building is more than 50 years old. 2) The building appears to retain high to moderate integrity. The survey notes that modifications took place in 1930, during the period of significance, though asbestos siding and screens appear to have been added later in the twentieth century. Non-original window awnings have been removed. 3) Properties must meet two criteria for landmark designation (LDC §25-2-352). Staff has evaluated the property and determined that it may meet two criteria: a. Architecture. The building is constructed in the Folk Victorian style. b. Historical association. The property appears to be associated with the Click family, ranchers and early South Austin residents. history or prehistory of the region. c. Archaeology. The property was not evaluated for its potential to yield significant data concerning the human d. Community value. The property was not evaluated for its ability to possess a unique location, physical characteristic, or significant feature that contributes to the character, image, or cultural identity of the city, the neighborhood, or a particular demographic group. e. Landscape feature. The property is not a significant natural or designed landscape with artistic, aesthetic, cultural, or historical value to the city. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Consider whether the building’s integrity is sufficient to meet the merits of landmark designation. If so, initiate historic zoning. Should the Commission decide against initiation, encourage rehabilitation and adaptive reuse, then relocation over demolition, but release the demolition permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. LOCATION MAP 33 – 2 PROPERTY INFORMATION Photos Demolition permit application, 2023 Occupancy History City Directory Research, October 2023 Clifford S. Piper, owner Clifford S. and Inez Piper, owners – painter Clifford S. and Inez Piper, owners – painter Clifford S. and Inez Piper, owners – painter Mrs. Maggie Cox, renter Vacant Reverend J.L. and Bertha Holcomb, renters – pastor, Capitol Heights Baptist Church 1959 1955 1952 1949 1944 1941 1939 1935 1932 1929 1927 1924 1920 1918 James R. and Mary Hutson, renters George H. Click, owner George H. and Sarah J. Click, owners George H. and Sarah J. Click, owners Address listed as 812 W. Gibson St. Address not listed George H. and Sarah J. Click, owners Address listed as 812 W. Gibson St. George H. and Sarah J. Click, owners Address listed as 812 W. Gibson St. Historical Information 1940 aerial photograph The Statesman (1916-1921); Austin, Tex.. 06 Feb 1918: 8. And The Statesman (1916-1921); Austin, Tex.. 04 Jan 1918: 8. Mrs Austin E Sullivan. The Statesman (1916-1921); Austin, Tex.. 05 Oct 1919: A5. The Austin American (1914-1973); Austin, Tex.. 08 Nov 1925: B11 and 20 Dec 1925: A3. The Austin American (1914-1973); Austin, Tex.. 04 June 1939: A9 and 06 June 1939: 11. The Austin American (1914-1973); Austin, Tex.. 25 June 1939: A2. The Austin Statesman (1921-1973); Austin, Tex.. 09 Mar 1940: 9 and 14 Feb 1943: 12. The Austin Statesman (1921-1973); Austin, Tex.. 05 May 1960: A4. Consuelo Sanchez Weds Roberto Martinez in Church. The Austin Statesman (1921-1973); Austin, Tex.. 01 Nov 1960: 6. Handbookof Texas Online. 1994. https://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/entries/click-tx Permits Sewer tap permit, 1930