37.0-3705 Balcones Dr — original pdf

HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION DEMOLITION AND RELOCATION PERMITS JANUARY 10, 2024 PR-2023-157233; GF-2023-161494 3705 BALCONES DRIVE 36 – 1 PROPOSAL Demolish a ca. 1951 house. ARCHITECTURE RESEARCH One- and one-half story Ranch house with Colonial Revival influences, clad in brick with a rambling footprint and 6:6 and 8:8 replacement windows. The house at 3705 Balcones Drive was constructed in 1951. Its first long-term occupants were Stephen E. and Patricia S. Clabaugh and their children. Both Stephen and Patricia Clabaugh were geologists; Dr. Stephen Clabaugh taught at the University of Texas for 33 years and served as chairman of the Geology Department, and Dr. Patricia Clabaugh worked for the US Geological Survey before her marriage and went back to UT for her doctorate after their children entered school. Stephen E. Clabaugh’s obituary notes his professional achievements as a leading Texas geologist and dedicated instructor: He taught at the University of Texas for 33 years. He was the Fred M. Bullard Professor Emeritus in Geological Sciences. He taught physical geology, mineralogy and petrology, metamorphic petrology, and an elementary field geology course, among others. He received the UT Student's Association Award for teaching excellence in 1957. In 1958, he received the Minnie Stevens Piper Award for "outstanding academic, scientific, and scholarly achievement and for dedication to the teaching profession." He served as Department chair from 1962 to 1966. In 1974 and again in 1978, he received UT's Carolyn G. and G. Moses Knebel Distinguished Teaching Award…. He was a member of the Geological Society of America for more than 50 years. In 2006 he was inducted into The Jackson School of Geosciences Hall of Distinction.1 PROPERTY EVALUATION Designation Criteria—Historic Landmark 1) The building is more than 50 years old. 2) The building appears to retain moderate integrity. Windows have been replaced, and parts of the building appear to 3) Properties must meet two criteria for landmark designation (LDC §25-2-352). Staff has evaluated the property and have been reconstructed. determined that it may meet two criteria: a. Architecture. The building is constructed with Styled Ranch influences. b. Historical association. The property is associated with Dr. Patricia S. and Dr. Stephen E. Clabaugh, prominent Texas geologists and University of Texas instructors. c. Archaeology. The property was not evaluated for its potential to yield significant data concerning the human history or prehistory of the region. d. Community value. The property was not evaluated for its ability to convey a unique location, physical characteristic, or significant feature that contributes to the character, image, or cultural identity of the city, the neighborhood, or a particular demographic group. e. Landscape feature. The property is not a significant natural or designed landscape with artistic, aesthetic, cultural, or historical value to the city. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Strongly encourage rehabilitation and adaptive reuse, but release the demolition permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. While the association with the Clabaugh family of geologists is strong, the building lacks architectural distinction. 1 “Memorial: Stephen Clabaugh.” https://www.jsg.utexas.edu/news/2010/12/memorial-stephen-clabaugh/ LOCATION MAP 36 – 2 PROPERTY INFORMATION Photos 36 – 3 36 – 4 Demolition permit application, 2023 Occupancy History City Directory Research, December 2023 1959 1957 1955 1952 Stephen E. and Patricia Clabaugh, owners –professor, UT Stephen E. and Patricia Clabaugh, owners –professor, UT Stephen E. and Patricia Clabaugh, owners –professor, UT Stephen E. Clabaugh, owner – associate professor, UT Historical Information 36 – 5 The Austin Statesman (1921-1973); Austin, Tex.. 07 Sep 1962: 9. UT Geologists Lead Field Trips Today. The Austin Statesman (1921-1973); Austin, Tex.. 10 Nov 1962: 5. 36 – 6 Homemakers Pursue Varied Careers. Bardin, Jo Ann. The Austin American (1914-1973); Austin, Tex.. 28 Apr 1963: B10. 36 – 7 The Austin Statesman (1921-1973); Austin, Tex.. 22 May 1963: 16. The Austin Statesman (1921-1973); Austin, Tex.. 12 Nov 1966: 8. The Austin Statesman (1921-1973); Austin, Tex.. 01 Apr 1967: 8 36 8 The Austin Statesman (1921-1973); Austin, Tex.. 01 Dec 1968: B11. The Austin American - Statesman (1973-1980), Evening ed.; Austin, Tex.. 06 Apr 1974: 21. 36 – 9 https://endowments.giving.utexas.edu/stephen-e-and-patricia-s-clabaugh-fund-in-geology-research/ 36 – 10 https://www.jsg.utexas.edu/news/2010/12/memorial-stephen-clabaugh/ Permits 36 – 11