11.0-209 E 6th St-Morley Brothers — original pdf

11 – 1 HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS JANUARY 10, 2024 HR-2023-160714 MORLEY BROTHERS DRUGSTORE 209 EAST SIXTH STREET PROPOSAL Convert a landmarked building from retail to restaurant use, rehabilitating historic features. Remove and store the sign. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS 1) Repair the brick and metal bay window as needed. Retain historic painted signage. 2) Repair openings, doors, and windows as needed. 3) Remove the ca. 1935 “Grove” sign and store it for use elsewhere. 4) Paint the existing ground-level wooden doors. Repair the cast iron detailing around the doors as needed. 5) Repair existing upper bay windows, restore existing stained-glass windows, and retain existing sconces. ARCHITECTURE The 1975 National Register listing describes the building as follows: Built 1874/1898, is a slender, three-bay, brick and stone commercial structure with a two-story cast-iron oriel on the upper stories. The first two floors were built ca. 1874, while the top story and bay were added in 1898. This Queen Anne cast-iron bay front was one of the few prefabricated iron fronts used in Austin. All the window frames are studded with rows of lightbulb sockets...Morley Brothers Drug Store occupied the building from 1906 through 1935, at which time Grove Drug Store became the occupants.1 DESIGN STANDARDS The City of Austin’s Historic Design Standards (March 2021) are based on the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and are used to evaluate projects at historic landmarks. The following standards apply to the proposed project: Repair and alterations 1. General standards The project proposes retention and repair, rather than removal or replacement, of all historic-age elements other than the sign. 4. Exterior walls and trim The project proposes repair, rather than replacement, of historic material. 5. Windows, doors, and screens The project proposes repair, rather than replacement, of historic fenestration. 9. Light fixtures The project proposes repair, rather than replacement, of historic fixtures. Summary The project meets the applicable standards. COMMITTEE FEEDBACK Consult with the Texas Historical Commission on removing the sign. 11. Commercial storefronts The project proposes repair of the existing storefront where historic material is present. It does not alter existing openings. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approve the proposed repairs. Encourage sign retention, as it has gained significance over time, but should the recommended THC documentation support sign removal, approve the remainder of the application on the condition that the sign be stored on-site in a climate-controlled area for potential future reinstallation, rather than removed from its historic context. 1 https://atlas.thc.texas.gov/NR/pdfs/75002132/75002132.pdf LOCATION MAP 11 – 2