19.2 - 1610 Preston Ave - Owner Letter — original pdf

Historical landmark commission, As the owner representative of our family’s estate we are wholeheartedly in agreement for a demolition permit to be issued. There are severe foundation and structural roofing conditions that have been prevalent for years that we have dealt with. We feel that there is nothing about our home that would contribute to a national historical district. Again we approve and support a demolition permit to be issued so we can better help and serve our family. Historical landmark commission, As the owner and representative of my family’s estate, we wholeheartedly, approve and agree on a demolition permit for the structure. The failing roof and foundation have been a problem for years. We also feel there is zero contributing attributes of this home and its shape, appearance or materials used that word contribute any kind of significance at all to a national historical registry. We fully support and approve the demolition to better help our family and our futures. Murrey Swanson DocuSign Envelope ID: 76F5B166-AF42-4994-A77E-67FE16726654Murrey Swanson10/23/2023