5.0 - C14H-2023-0145_309ParkLn — original pdf

ZONING CHANGE REVIEW SHEET CASE NUMBER: C14H-2023-0145 HLC DATE: January 10, 2024 PC DATE: CC Date: APPLICANT: O’Connell Architecture, LLC (owner-initiated) HISTORIC NAME: Yarrington-Moore House WATERSHED: East Bouldin Creek, Blunn Creek ADDRESS OF PROPOSED ZONING CHANGE: 309 Park Lane ZONING CHANGE: SF-3-NCCD-NP to SF-3-H-NCCD-NP COUNCIL DISTRICT: 9 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the proposed zoning change from single family-neighborhood conservation-neighborhood plan (SF-3-NCCD-NP) to single family-historic landmark-neighborhood conservation- neighborhood plan (SF-3-H-NCCD-NP) combining district. QUALIFICATIONS FOR LANDMARK DESIGNATION: Architecture and historical associations HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION ACTION: PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION: CITY COUNCIL ACTION: CASE MANAGER: Kalan Contreras, 512-974-2727 NEIGHBORHOOD ORGANIZATIONS: DEPARTMENT COMMENTS: Austin Independent School District, Austin Lost and Found Pets, Austin Neighborhoods Council, Friends of Austin Neighborhoods, Greater South River City Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team, Homeless Neighborhood Association, Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation, Preservation Austin, SELTexas, Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group, South Central Coalition, South River City Citizens Assn., Zoning Committee of South River City Citizens BASIS FOR RECOMMENDATION: § 25-2-352(3)(c)(i) Architecture. The property embodies the distinguishing characteristics of a recognized architectural style, type, or method of construction; exemplifies technological innovation in design or construction; displays high artistic value in representing ethnic or folk art, architecture, or construction; represents a rare example of an architectural style in the city; serves as an outstanding example of the work of an architect, builder, or artisan who significantly contributed to the development of the city, state, or nation; possesses cultural, historical, or architectural value as a particularly fine or unique example of a utilitarian or vernacular structure; or represents an architectural curiosity or one-of-a-kind building. The house is an excellent example of the Free Classic variant of Queen Anne architecture and is likely one-of-a-kind in Austin. The application describes its significance as follows: The Yarrington-Moore House is a ca. 1889 Queen Anne-style residence that sits back on a corner lot at Newning Avenue and Park Lane. Arthur H. Yarrington purchased the property from Charles Newning as part of the original Fairview Park subdivision, now part of Travis Heights. It stands among the earliest houses in Fairview Park. Only a few houses in the district employ the architectural features and design details traditionally associated with the Queen Anne style. The Yarrington-Moore House is a well-known marker of the neighborhood, standing out for its classic elegance and grandeur. […] The house is one of a handful of examples of the Queen Anne style in the Travis Heights and Fairview Park neighborhood which dominated domestic architectural fashion in America from about 1880 to about 1910. Queen Anne-style houses are characterized by their irregular shape, sometimes complex roof forms combining gables and hipped roofs, and one or more porches…The Yarrington-Moore House is further distinguishable as a Free Classic subtype of the Queen Anne style. The decorative detailing of the Free Classic style employs classic full-height columns at the entry and porches, asymmetrical massing, steeply pitched roofs, projecting bay windows and towers, and a variety of exterior finishes and textures, including patterned shingles in gable ends and the upper story walls. The large, 3-story home at 309 Park Lane is a grand, intact example of Queen Anne-style architecture built in the Fairview Park addition during the earliest years of its development.1 § 25-2-352(3)(c)(ii) Historical Associations. The property has long-standing significant associations with persons, groups, institutions, businesses, or events of historical importance that contributed significantly to the history of the city, state, or nation; or represent a significant portrayal of the cultural practices or the way of life of a definable group of people in a historic time. The application for historic zoning summarizes the property’s associational significance as follows: Arthur Yarrington was a businessman and community leader who owned a dry goods company at 525 E. 6th Street and later a shoe store with his son in downtown Austin. Yarrington and his wife Mary were staunch advocates of the Travis Heights neighborhood… J.B. Moore was the grandson of Texas pioneer Thomas A. Moore…They settled in a small community called Moore’s Crossing on Onion Creek and ran a store for the town for many years. J.B. was a cattleman and one of the first to bring short-horned Herefords to central Texas.2 PARCEL NO.: 0300010905 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: E126.63FTX137.43FT AV BLK 12B&12C FAIRVIEW PARK ESTIMATED ANNUAL TAX EXEMPTION (homestead, capped): AISD ($3500 cap) COA ($2500 cap) TC ($2500 cap) TC Health ($2500 cap) Total $3,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,500.00 $2,313.29 $10,813.29 APPRAISED VALUE: $ 3,411,744 PRESENT USE: Residence DATE BUILT/PERIOD OF SIGNIFICANCE: ca. 1889 INTEGRITY/ALTERATIONS: High. The building was restored to its historic appearance in 2014. PRESENT OWNERS: Nathaniel & Elizabeth Chapin, 309 Park Ln, Austin, TX 78704-2412 ORIGINAL OWNER(S): Arthur Yarrington OTHER HISTORICAL DESIGNATIONS: Contributes to Travis Heights-Fairview Park National Register Historic District LOCATION MAP 2 Ibid. 1 Martin, Lori for O’Connell Architecture, Inc. Historic Zoning Application: 309 Park Lane. 2023.