5.1 - 309 Park Ln - Application_Redacted — original pdf

City of Austin - Historic Preservation Office Historic Zoning Application Packet A. APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC ZONING PROJECT INFORMATION: DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY APPLICATION DATE:__________________ FILE NUMBER(S) _____________________________________________ TENTATIVE HLC DATE: TENTATIVE PC or ZAP DATE:_________________ TENTATIVE CC DATE:_________________ CASE MANAGER _______________________________ APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY:________________________________________ CITY INITIATED: YES / NO ROLLBACK: YES/NO BASIC PROJECT DATA: 1. OWNER’S NAME:________________________________________________________________________________ 2. PROJECT NAME:________________________________________________________________________________ 3. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (or Range): __________________________________________________________ ZIP__________________________ COUNTY:______________________________________ IF PROJECT ADDRESS CANNOT BE DEFINED ABOVE: LOCATED ____________ FRONTAGE FEET ALONG THE N. S. E. W. (CIRCLE ONE) SIDE OF ______________________________________ (ROAD NAME PROPERTY FRONTS ONTO), WHICH IS APPROXIMATELY _______________________________________ DISTANCE FROM ITS INTERSECTION WITH _________________________________________ CROSS STREET. AREA TO BE REZONED: 4. ACRES _________________ (OR) SQ.FT._______________ 5. ZONING AND LAND USE INFORMATION: EXISTING ZONING EXISTING USE __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ TRACT# (IF MORE THAN 1) ________ ________ ________ ACRES / SQ. FT. PROPOSED USE PROPOSED ZONING _______________ _______________ _______________ _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ RELATED CURRENT CASES: (YES / NO) 6. ACTIVE ZONING CASE? 7. RESTRICTIVE COVENANT? (YES / NO) (YES / NO) 8. SUBDIVISION? (YES / NO) 9. SITE PLAN? FILE NUMBER: ______________________________________ FILE NUMBER: ______________________________________ FILE NUMBER: ______________________________________ FILE NUMBER: ______________________________________ Adopted December 2012 1 SF-3-NCCD-NPNathaniel and Elizabeth ChapinYarrington-Moore House309 Park Lane78704-2412Travis.352915,371.49ResidentialResidentialSF-3-H-NCCD-NP.3529/15,371.49Permitting and Development Center | 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Drive, Austin, TX 78752 | (512) 978-4000 Property Profile Report General Information Location: Parcel ID: Grid: 309 PARK LN 0300010905 MJ20 Planning & Zoning *Right click hyperlinks to open in a new window. Future Land Use (FLUM): Single Family, Transportation Regulating Plan: No Regulating Plan Zoning: Zoning Cases: Zoning Ordinances: Zoning Overlays: SF-3-H-NCCD-NP C14-02-0067 030717-119 19990225-070b 20050929-Z003 860807-H Neighborhood Plan: Infill Options: -- Historic Landmark: Urban Roadways: -- Yes Neighborhood Restricted Parking Areas: South River City NPA Mobile Food Vendors: South River City CA ADU Approximate Area Reduced Parking Neighborhood Conservation Combining District: FAIRVIEW PARK Residential Design Standards: LDC/25-2-Subchapter F Selected Sign Ordinances SOUTH RIVER CITY: FAIRVIEW PARK Zoning Map Zoning Guide The Guide to Zoning provides a quick explanation of the above Zoning codes, however, the Land Development Information Services provides general zoning assistance and can advise you on the type of development allowed on a property. Visit Zoning for the description of each Base Zoning District. For official verification of the zoning of a property, please order a Zoning Verification Letter. General information on the Neighborhood Planning Areas is available from Neighborhood Planning. Imagery Map Austin Watershed Regulation Areas: URBAN East Bouldin Creek, Blunn Creek No No No No No No Environmental Fully Developed Floodplain: FEMA Floodplain: Watershed Boundaries: Creek Buffers: Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone: Edwards Aquifer Recharge Verification Zone: Erosion Hazard Zone Review Buffer: AUSTIN FULL PURPOSE Political Boundaries Jurisdiction: Council District: 9 County: School District: TRAVIS Austin ISD Community Registry: Austin Independent School District, Austin Lost and Found Pets, Austin Neighborhoods Council, Friends of Austin Neighborhoods, Greater South River City Combined Neighborhood Plan Contact Team, Homeless Neighborhood Association, Neighborhood Empowerment Foundation, Preservation Austin, SELTexas, Sierra Club, Austin Regional Group, South Central Coalition, South River City Citizens Assn., Zoning Committee of South River City Citizens Vicinity Map The Information on this report has been produced by the City of Austin as a working document and is not warranted for any other use. No warranty is made by the City regarding its accuracy or completeness. 5 Date created: 9/18/2023 City of Austin – Historic Preservation Office Historic Zoning Application Packet F. 1: Historical Documentation – Deed Chronology Occupancy Research for 309 Park Land, Austin, TX 78704 List Deeds chronologically, beginning with earliest transaction first and proceeding through present ownership. The first transaction listed should date at least back to when the original builder of any historic structures on the site first acquired the property (i.e., should pre-date the construction of any buildings/structures on the site). Please use the format delineated below. For each transaction, please include name of Grantor/Grantee, date of transaction, legal description involved, price, and volume/page number of deed records. If there is a mechanic's lien, please copy the entire document. E126.63FTX137.43FT AV BLK 12B&12C FAIRVIEW PARK Date Executed Instrument Grantor Grantee Plat Records/Source September 09, 1886 Charles A. Newning, Owner Book 71, Page 123 Monday, March 19, 1900 Charles A. Newning Arthur H. Yarrington Volume 161, Page 271A CNY0210981CNY Tuesday, February 7, 1900 Thursday, January 23, 1902 Saturday, July 6, 1929 Mary Smith Yarrington James R. Masterson Volume 152, Page 287 287 James R. Masterson J.B. Moore Volume 176, Page 69 CNY0204341CNY J.B. Moore Volume 441, Page 35 Saturday, July 13, 1929 Ben and Maud Morrall Volume 441, Page 108A Ben and Maud Morrall Ralph C. and Melita F. Goeth Friday, June 20, 1930 Ralph C. and Melita F. Goeth Hubert M. Syler Volume 454, Page 89A CNY0070329CNY Tuesday, November 17, 1931 David Wire Volume 472, Page 610A CNY0064567CNY Hubert M. and Monnie Lou Syler Thursday, March 15, 1934 Deed of Trust David Wire T.T. Smith Volume 501, Page 269A CNY0047682NCY Online Deed Record 417790 1937 1939-41 1942 1944-45 Adopted December 2012 T.T. Smith Mrs. M.H. Spencer Austin City Directory, 1937 Mrs. M.H. Spencer J.J. Franzetti Austin City Directories, 1939, 1940, 1941 J.J. Franzetti Travis J. Lewis Austin City Directory, 1942 Travis J. Lewis Mrs. Mary Farmer Austin City Directory, 1944- 45 Plat Subdivision Release Deed Deed Deed Deed Deed Deed City of Austin – Historic Preservation Office Historic Zoning Application Packet F. 1: Historical Documentation – Deed Chronology Occupancy Research for 309 Park Land, Austin, TX 78704 List Deeds chronologically, beginning with earliest transaction first and proceeding through present ownership. The first transaction listed should date at least back to when the original builder of any historic structures on the site first acquired the property (i.e., should pre-date the construction of any buildings/structures on the site). Please use the format delineated below. For each transaction, please include name of Grantor/Grantee, date of transaction, legal description involved, price, and volume/page number of deed records. If there is a mechanic's lien, please copy the entire document. 1953-54 1957-1959 1960-64 Mrs. Mary Farmer John W. Worthy Austin City Directories 1953, 1954 John W. Worthy Aubry F. Bolding Austin City Directory 1957 Aubry F. Bolding Alberta A. Bolding Friday, September 10, 1965 Deed Roger S. and Lucy Hanks JP and Velma Keller Friday, March 10, 1978 JP and Velma Keller Sidney Rose Volume 06097, Page 01807 Tuesday, October 16, 1979 Sidney Rose Leonard Seiden Volume 06810, Page 00080 Wednesday, March 28, 1990 Leonard Seiden Carol Seiden Volume 12597, Page 00356 Austin City Directories 1950, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964 Volume 3010, Page 177 Carol Seiden Sidney Rose Volume 12567, Page 00367 Sidney Rose Volume 13249, Page 02182 Martha Rose, Trustee of the Testamentary Trust of Sidney Rose Martha Rose, Trustee Nathaniel Chapin and spouse, Elizabeth Chapin 1999061308 Warranty Deed Warranty Deed Warranty Deed Warranty Deed Warranty Deed Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien Wednesday, November 8, 1995 Tuesday, August 11, 1998 Tuesday, June 29, 1999 Adopted December 2012 City of Austin – Historic Preservation Office Historic Zoning Application Packet F. 2: Historical Documentation – Occupancy History Occupancy Research for 309 Park Land, Austin, TX 78704 Using City Directories available at the Austin History Center or other information available, please provide a chronology of all occupants of the property from its construction to the present. For commercial property, please provide residential information on business owner as well. Owner/Occupant A.H. Yarrington Occupation Source Brokers & Commission Merchant Austin City Directory, 1889- 90 Year 1889-1899 1900-01 1905-27 1932-33 1932-1934 1937 1940 1943 1947 1953 1956 1957 1958 1960 1962 1967 1972 1977 1983 1928-29 A - Hugh H. Martin, B - Charles H. Berg A - Clovis F. Stevens; B - Pearl Bearden; C - William Elva Woodall Salesman; seamstress; bricklayer Austin City Directory, 1937 No listing J.B. Moore No listing T.T. Smith John Franzetti Mrs. Jack H. Bond Caldwell D. Spiller Caldwell D. Spiller Anna Maurine Williams and James Benjamin McKennon A - Aubry F. Bolding, Owner; B - Vacant; C - Vacant; D - A.E. Coggin Martha Gebauer Robert Kosler A - Alberta Bolding, Owner; B - No listing; C - James Kanuch; D - Vacant A - Wm. Rogers; B - Robt. C. Mayfield; C - John L. White; D - Johnny Johnson A - Arthur Abrams; B - Ray Partain; C - Howard E. Bebout; D - Benjamin J. Norwood A - Gary Littlefield; B - David Matula; C - Judy Springer; D - Al Caballero A - Van Brooks; B - Lenore Boston; C - Carolyn T. Aaronson; D - Diane Vickers Owner, Excelsior Steam, Ranchman Austin City Directory, 1905 Trucker driver; Mgr. Service Cash Grocery No. 5 Austin City Directory, 1928- 29 Display ad - AAS Mar. 9, 1921 Mgr, Sutor Hotel AAS Aug. 3, 1934 Owner Tenant Tenant Tenant Tenant Tenant AAS Dec. 12, 1940 AAS June 11, 1943 AAS Mar. 11, 1947 AAS Aug. 25, 1953 AAS Nov. 23, 1956 AAS Apr. 3, 1958 AAS Mar. 2, 1960 Owner/Tenants Austin City Directory, 1957 Owner/Tenants Austin City Directory, 1962 Tenants Austin City Directory, 1967 Tenants Austin City Directory, 1972 Tenants Austin City Directory, 1977 Tenants Austin City Directory, 1983 Adopted December 2012 7 City of Austin – Historic Preservation Office Historic Zoning Application Packet F. 2: Historical Documentation – Occupancy History Occupancy Research for 309 Park Land, Austin, TX 78704 Using City Directories available at the Austin History Center or other information available, please provide a chronology of all occupants of the property from its construction to the present. For commercial property, please provide residential information on business owner as well. 1988 1996 2000 2005 2010- Present A - Michelle Vardeman; B - Michael Smith; C - No listing; D - Connie Fisher A - Oli Bear; B - Jeff Coleman; C - Adrien Lexington; D - Susan Newhouse A - Nathaniel and Elizabeth Chapin, Owners; B - T. Kerr; C - No listing; D - No listing A - No listing; B - Tamara D. Havenhill; C - No listing; D - No listing Tenants Austin City Directory, 1988 Tenants Austin City Directory, 1996 Owner/Tenants Austin City Directory, 2000 Tenant Austin City Directory 2005 Nathaniel and Elizabeth Chapin Attorney and Artist Current Owners Adopted December 2012 8 Historical Narrative Yarrington-Moore House 309 Park Lane SUMMARY The Yarrington-Moore House is a ca. 1889 Queen Anne style residence that sits back on a corner lot at Newning Avenue and Park Lane. Arthur H. Yarrington purchased the property from Charles Newning as part of the original Fairview Park subdivision, now part of Travis Heights. It stands among the earliest houses in Fairview Park. Only a few houses in the district employ the architectural features and design details traditionally associated with the Queen Anne style. The Yarrington-Moore House is a well-known marker of the neighborhood, standing out for its classic elegance and grandeur. Arthur Yarrington was a businessman and community leader who owned a dry goods company at 525 E. 6th Street and later a shoe store with his son in downtown Austin. Yarrington and his wife Mary were staunch advocates of the Travis Heights neighborhood, as evidenced by the testimonial published in the American Statesman in 1926.1 J.B. Moore was grandson to Texas pioneer, Thomas A. Moore, who came to Texas from Tennessee about 1821, among the first white settlers of the State. They settled a small community called Moore’s Crossing on Onion Creek and ran a store for the town for many years. J.B was a cattleman and one of the first to bring short-horned Herefords to central Texas. The Moore’s lived at Park Lane for nearly two decades. STATEMENT OF SIGNIFICANCE The period of significance is 1889-1927, when A.H. Yarrington purchased the lot from Charles A. Newning and built the home as one of the first in the Fairview Park Addition, later a part of Travis Heights. The house is eligible for designation under the category of Architecture as an early and stately example of Free Classic Queen Anne architecture in the Travis Heights- Fairview Park Historic District. The house is one of earliest homes in the district, dating to the late part of the nineteenth century and ornamented with detailing exemplifying the Free Classic characteristics of Victorian architecture, popular in the United States between 1880 and 1910.2 The house is also significant under Historical Associations, for its connection with A.H. Yarrington, a prominent Austin business, community leader and Travis Heights booster. Another noteworthy resident of the home was J.B. Moore, the descendant of early Texas pioneers, who raised prize-winning short-horned cattle in and around Austin. 1 You’ll Like Travis Heights, Ask Me. Austin American-Statesman. Sep. 26, 1926. Pg. 11. www.newspapers.com/image/366333332. 2 Virginia Savage McAlester. A Field Guide to American Houses. Alfred A. Knopf, Publisher. 2015. Pg. 345-350. Page 9 Yarrington-Moore House O’Connell Architecture, LLC Historical Narrative Yarrington-Moore House 309 Park Lane ARCHITECTURAL DESCRIPTION Fairview Park, described by its developer as a “residence park,”3 was patterned somewhat after the city planning ideals espoused by Andrew Jackson Downing and Frederick Law Olmstead who advocated curvilinear streets and natural or designed landscapes for the creation of attractive, and largely affluent, neighborhoods. In one brief newspaper article in 1886, the word “park” appeared nine times to emphasize that Fairview wasn’t just a subdivision, it was a “park.” Fairview Park’s curvilinear street pattern was dictated to a large degree by its irregular topography, but the developer used the natural topography and landscape to good effect in his plat.4 Queen Anne style houses from the early development period were in keeping with Newning’s vision for Fairview Park. Typically, they were large, multi-story dwellings with elaborate decorative elements such as gingerbread wood details and patterned wall shingles, complex roof forms with intersecting gables and turrets, wraparound porches, and stained-glass windows. The house is one of a handful of examples of the Queen Anne style in the Travis Heights and Fairview Park neighborhood which dominated domestic architectural fashion in America from about 1880 to about 1910. Queen Anne style houses are characterized by their irregular shape, sometimes complex roof forms combining gables and hipped roofs, and one or more porches, some of which “wraparound” the primary façade to side walls. The Yarrington-Moore House is further distinguishable as a Free Classic subtype of the Queen Anne style. The decorative detailing of the Free Classic style employs classic full height columns at the entry and porches, asymmetrical massing, steeply pitched roofs, projecting bay windows and towers, and a variety of exterior finishes and textures, including patterned shingles in gable ends and the upper story walls.5 The large, 3-story home at 309 Park Lane is a grand, intact example of Queen Anne style architecture built in the Fairview Park addition during the earliest years of its development. While the 1922 Sanborn Fire Insurance Map generally identifies the Fairview Park Addition on Sheet 0, no lot or house detail is specified until the area is more formally mapped on the 1935 Sanborn map. Online building permits for this property only date back to 2006. Travis County Appraisal District also lists the house as built in 1930 but Austin City Directories list Arthur H. Yarrington as a resident at this address in 1889-90 and the architectural style and building materials uncovered during the 2012 rehabilitation suggest an earlier construction date, likely before the turn of the 20th century. The house was divided into four apartments in the early 3 A Grand Enterprise. Austin American-Statesman, Apr. 14, 1886. Pg. 5. www.newspapers.com/image/364619788 4 Travis Heights-Fairview Park Historic District Nomination. Preservation Central, Inc. July 1, 2020. Listed in the National Register of Historic Places July 30, 2021. 5 Virginia Savage McAlester, A Field Guide to American Houses. Pgs. 344-350. Page 10 Yarrington-Moore House O’Connell Architecture, LLC Historical Narrative Yarrington-Moore House 309 Park Lane 1950s and served as such until the current owners purchased the house in 1999. The house is a contributing building to the Travis Heights-Fairview Park Historic District. The house sits back from the street at the corner of Newning and Park Lane and presents as a beautiful Queen Anne gem with Free Classic detailing. The style was popular in the United States between 1880 and 1910. A brick walk leads straight from the sidewalk through a metal gate and up to a porch covered by a portico supported by simple square columns at the outer corners and matching pediments where the porch connects to the building. The house is clad in wood siding on all elevations. The roof of the portico is enclosed with a railing of turned balusters and finished with larger turned posts at the corners to compliment the original cantilevered balcony on the turret. A wood door with sidelights beckons the lucky visitor into the house. The original fenestration pattern is very uniform and remains intact, and the double hung windows gleam with their one over one glass panes. The first and second-floor windows are precisely aligned with one another. The windows in the turret are topped with decorative wooden trim, modest but more ornamental than the other windows throughout the house. The house has asymmetrical massing with a cross gabled roof and a unique oversized turret at the northeast corner. A vented cement skirt runs the perimeter of the house and galvanized steel gutters and downspouts protect the house during rainstorms. The crown jewel of the house is, of course, the grand turret that sits at the northwest corner of the and looms large. A small balcony extends from the turret and is bounded by a balustrade of turned spindles interspersed between four larger turned posts The turret evokes a romantic whimsy and fairytale quality to the house. The turret is clad in intricate wooden fish-scale pattern shingles with decorative wood banding defining each floor and under the eave of a conical shake-shingled roof. A small balcony extends from the turret and is bounded by an original balustrade of turned spindles interspersed between four larger turned posts that secure the railing to the cantilevered balcony. This picturesque moment may tempt passersby to linger for a chance to see if a golden-haired princess emerges onto the balcony. The west elevation has a slightly elevated open-air porch that is accessed by four wooden steps from the yard. One double door from the porch leads to the kitchen and a second pair of double doors leads to a secondary space. The south elevation is secluded and serves as a backdrop to the backyard living area and pool. The window fenestration continues in its same uniform pattern, except for narrow windows in the addition at the southwest corner of the house. A stately double-gallery porch runs along the west elevation. Each level has five fluted Corinthian column porch supports with matching pilasters where the porch connects to the house. Smooth upper and lower rails secure a balustrade of turned posts. The beadboard ceiling is painted a refreshing sky blue color, reminiscent of traditional Queen Anne detailing. Page 11 Yarrington-Moore House O’Connell Architecture, LLC Historical Narrative Yarrington-Moore House 309 Park Lane Three doors with transoms offer entry into the house on the first floor and three doors matching the lower level, but without transoms lead out to the porch from the second floor. The interior of the house retains much of its original trim detail. The interior staircase was removed when the house was divided into apartments. A new staircase was built using pine treads milled from original roof joists which were replaced to meet present-day building codes. The color, imagination and creativity used throughout the house further emphasize the eclectic style of its owners and its revival as a magnificent Queen Anne residence and gem in Fairview Park. Work Performed on House6 Built as a single-family residence, the Yarrington-Moore House befell the fate of many a large home during the Great Depression and was converted into a boarding house. In the process, the interior staircase was removed, and an exterior staircase was installed in place of the double gallery porch on the east elevation. Two large, flat-roofed additions were made to the building’s north and south façades to accommodate additional tenants, obscuring the original facades and rooflines. The home’s original main entrance was replaced and dramatically altered its appearance and circulation. In the early 1950s, the house was converted into a four-plex rental property and underwent further deterioration over time. When purchased in 1999 by current owners Elizabeth and Nathaniel Chapin, the house suffered from a raccoon and squirrel infestation, a leaky roof, holes in the siding from years of neglect, and was leaning to one side. Elizabeth and Nathaniel occupied just one of the home’s four apartments early on, renting out the other units to save funds for renovations. The Chapins gradually took over additional units and enlisted restoration architect Emily Little, Principal of Architects Clayton & Little (now Clayton-Korte), to design a full-scale rehabilitation. Work began in 2012 and was completed in 2014. While the Chapins were unable to find photos or plans of the house dating from before the modifications in the 1930s, they worked with Little and made every effort to restore the house to its original appearance and style by preserving the original parts of the house and removing the newer additions or making period-appropriate replacements. Little removed the 1930s additions and restored a period-appropriate portico and main entrance to the north façade, where the house’s original entrance had been. The south addition, in turn, was replaced by a two-story gabled wing to match the house’s existing gables. The house’s rounded turret, one of its defining features, was reinforced with a concrete and steel ring inserted into the crawl space without damaging its patterned brick chimney and wooden fish-scale pattern shingles. The original Corinthian columns and railings on the two- story porch along the house’s eastern facade, and the third-floor cantilevered balcony on the 6 Nathaniel Chapin. Description provided by the homeowner. August 29, 2023. Page 12 Yarrington-Moore House O’Connell Architecture, LLC Historical Narrative Yarrington-Moore House 309 Park Lane turret, were disassembled, preserved, and reconstructed. The project preserved the home’s original clapboard siding and historic wooden windows and peeled away (in places) twelve layers of composition shingles from its roof. The 1930s exterior stair was removed, and a new staircase was built inside using pine treads milled from original roof joists which had been replaced to meet present-day building codes. Solar panels were installed away from street view to complete this beautiful project. According to research conducted for the Travis Heights-Fairview Park National Historic District nomination, construction dates in the district span more than a century from 1877 to 2021; but only 11 of the total 1,367 buildings identified in the district – fewer than one percent – are known to date from the 19th century. The Yarrington-Moore House is one of those properties. Only ten houses in the district are classified as Queen Anne and only sixteen are identified as Folk Victorian.7 Despite their small numbers, these styles stand out for their sometimes elaborate architectural details and asymmetrical forms. HISTORY AND HISTORICAL ASSOCIATIONS Construction and Fairview Park According to records of the Austin History Center, the house was built in 1889 by Arthur H. Yarrington and his wife Mary, on land they bought in 1888 from Charles Newning and Simeon Drake in the original Fairview Park subdivision, now part of Travis Heights. At the time, Park Lane was named “Southside Drive.” During the house’s renovation in 2014, the Chapins discovered original timbers in the attic on which Yarrington had painted his name.8 Fairview Park, platted in 1886, was carved out of the James G. Swisher homestead tract (part of “Swisher’s Addition”), which lay south of the Colorado River, east of South Congress Avenue, and extended south to present Live Oak Street. Swisher’s Addition, platted in 1877, was Austin’s first addition on either side of the Colorado River, though the original survey notes identify it as an addition to the “village of South Austin.” Swisher’s Addition offered few amenities or incentives to move to the south side of the river and the subdivision was not widely promoted, which may be the reason it was not immediately successful. Moreover, access to South Austin at the time was not always reliable. Since Austin’s earliest days, a ferry across the Colorado River had served South Austin from the foot of Congress Avenue on the north side of the river. In the 1870s, a wooden pontoon bridge, which washed away regularly during flooding, spanned the river to serve the few residents living in South Austin. That changed in 1883 when an iron bridge was opened across the river, subsidized by a toll. The City of Austin and Travis County purchased the bridge and opened it to the public free of charge in 1886, marking the occasion with a parade down Congress Avenue. Realizing that more 7 Travis Heights-Fairview Park Historic District Nomination. 8 Nathaniel Chapin. Interview with the author. August 29, 2023. Page 13 Yarrington-Moore House O’Connell Architecture, LLC Historical Narrative Yarrington-Moore House 309 Park Lane reliable access to South Austin would be established and anticipating the desirability of the area following the building of a free bridge, Charles Newning had formed a partnership in 1880 with William H. Stacy and George Warner and purchased 200 acres on the south bank of the river, which would be platted in 1886 as Fairview Park. The purchased tract occupied the area north of Monroe Street and east of South Congress Avenue to Fowber’s Creek (now called Blunn Creek, after the family of Elizabeth Virginia Blunn, who was an owner and resident of the house). Newning, who had come to Austin in 1878 as an agent for a New York bank, envisioned an upscale, owner-occupied “garden suburb,” which he named Fairview Park for its views of the city across the Colorado River. By 1892, a number of fine houses had been built in Fairview Park, including the Academy (402 Academy), the Dumble-Boatwright House (1419 Newning) and the Red-Purcell House (210 Academy). The Yarrington-Moore house, directly across Newning Avenue from the Dumble-Boatright House, was built just a few years later. Likewise, the design for Fairview Park called for all homesites to be “located on prominent points overlooking the city and surrounding country,” with roads “laid without the conventional regard for right angles.”9 It was designed with large, irregular-sized lots of an acre or more, each of which had an elevated “homesite” for spacious homes built according to the topography of the river bluffs, ravines, creeks, and hills, in an organic, rather than regimented, pattern. The Yarrington-Moore House was one if these original houses, sitting on a large lot at a high point between Blunn Creek and the Ravine (a prehistoric streambed), with views of downtown Austin from its third-floor balcony. The rugged landscape of the neighborhood is reflected in the original street names such as Ravine, The Cliffs, The Circle, Pecan Grove, The Ramble and Terrace. Some of the streets were later renamed, but the terrain and street patterns remained the same. The varied environment also factored into the addition’s irregular streetscapes, inconsistent setbacks, and uneven orientation of dwellings to the street. Later development efforts, both historic and modern, attempted to impose a more regular pattern of lots, setback, and orientation in their junior subdivisions, but Fairview Park retains its original, erratic layout and design to a great degree. The earliest development in the district occurred in Swisher’s Addition and Fairview Park, in its southwest and northwest quadrants, respectively. Thus, the earliest architectural styles in those sections date to the late 19th century when Queen Anne and Folk Victorian styles were at their most popular. A handful of elaborate Queen Anne style houses dating to that era survive in the northwest – Fairview – quadrant, including the Yarrington-Moore House. Only ten houses in the district are classified as Queen Anne and only sixteen are identified as Folk Victorian. 9 Fairview Park. Austin Daily Statesman. Sep. 1, 1886. Pg. 69. www.newspapers.com/image/364662892 Page 14 Yarrington-Moore House O’Connell Architecture, LLC Historical Narrative Yarrington-Moore House 309 Park Lane Despite their small numbers, these styles stand out for their elaborate architectural details and asymmetrical forms. Arthur H. and Mary Smith Yarrington (Original Owners ) Arthur Yarrington was born February 12, 1860, in Richmond, Virginia, and moved to Austin in 1883. Two years later he married Mary Smith, daughter of Robert H. Smith, a successful general store owner, one of the most prosperous merchants in early Austin, and a member of the Knights Templar of Austin. Smith had earlier moved to Texas from Tennessee (bills of sale describe the purchase of enslaved people by Smith during the Civil War). Yarrington is listed in the 1887-1888 Austin City Directory as a salesman for R.H. Smith at 304 East 10th St. After a stint working for his father-in-law, Yarrington established his first business, a laundry and a cotton commission and grain brokerage, with Elly B. Fisher. In the 1889 Austin City Directory, the first year he is listed as a Fairview Park resident, his profession is described as “dry goods, clothing, groceries, boots, shoes, agent Dupont Powder Co, 327 East 6th corner Trinity.” He is also listed as a partner in Yarrington & Harwood, brokers and commission merchants for flour, meal and bran located at 109 East 4th Street. He later opened the Yarrington Shoe Company with one of his sons, Lester. He was listed in the 1892 Shoe and Leather Reporter Annual, and the 1910-1911 Austin City Directory lists Yarrington Shoe Co. Yarrington died in 1936 and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery. City Council records show that Yarrington opposed the paving of Riverside Drive. John B. Moore & Elizabeth Blunn Moore (Second Owners) Research appears to indicate that Yarrington sold the property in 1899 or 1900, when the Austin City Directory no longer lists him as the property’s occupant. The property was acquired in 1901 by John Burleson Moore, Sr. (J.B. Moore) and his wife Elizabeth Virginia Blunn, who moved there from the family settlement at Moore’s Crossing, on the south bank of Onion Creek off present-day Burleson Road. Moore’s Crossing had been established by John B. Moore’s father, Robert J. Moore, the son of Thomas A. and Mary Moore, who arrived in Texas around 1821 and were among the earliest white settlers of the area that would later become southeast Travis County. Elizabeth Blunn was the daughter of Joseph Blunn, who had emigrated from England and after who’s family Blunn Creek is named. John B Moore, profession “Stockman,” is listed in Austin City Directories as resident of the property from 1903 to 1929. J.B. Moore’s name is engraved in the original river sand concrete sidewalk in front of the house. While living in Austin, J.B. and Elizabeth Blunn Moore maintained the 200-acre homestead tract at Moore’s Crossing and continued to oversee the family cattle business until 1935, when Banker’s Life, an Iowa financial institution, foreclosed on the Moore’s Crossing property. Family lore recounts the Moore’s regularly riding horses from the Yarrington-Moore House to visit the family homestead seven miles away and swim in Onion Creek. Page 15 Yarrington-Moore House O’Connell Architecture, LLC Historical Narrative Yarrington-Moore House 309 Park Lane J.B. Moore was born in 1861. As a young man he had worked for Bill Blocker driving cattle on the Chisholm Trail to Dodge City and Abilene, Kansas. He is reported to have been one of the cattle drivers who brought the first shorthorn cattle to Texas. An undated photograph shows him in front of the Austin American Statesman office on Congress Avenue, wearing a black hat he had bought in Kansas at the end of the trail, with Calvin Hughes, Bill Blocker and two shorthorn cattle. J.B. Moore’s photographic portrait is displayed in the Witte Museum in San Antonio as part of the “Trail Drivers of Texas” exhibit. He died in Austin in 1939 and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery. Elizabeth Virginia Blunn was born in 1872, the daughter of Joseph Blunn and Elizabeth Virginia Sawyer. She died in Austin in 1945 and is buried in Oakwood Cemetery. Subsequent History After the Moores left the house in 1928 or 1929, Austin City Directories and tax records show frequent changes in the house’s ownership and annual turnover of the house’s residents, indicating that it became a rental property and boarding house. The evolution of the house from single family to boarding house and the change in residents from prominent merchants to widows and laborers seems to be consistent with the social changes forced by the hard economic times of the Great Depression. The Austin City Directory for 1929, the first year after the Moores’ departure, lists as residents Hugh H. Martin, truck driver and employee of “Wood & Cedar yd,” and Charles H. Berg, “mgr. Service Cash Grocery No. 5.” The 1935 directory lists as sole resident Thomas T. Smith, “Manager of Sutor Hotel,” which according to city records was located at 304-306 Congress Avenue, adjacent to the railroad tracks, and had been sold by its original owners in 1924. (In its heyday after being built in 1903, the Sutor Hotel was known for its elegant suppers and Sunday dinners and accommodations for traveling businessmen, but one imagines that the place might have fallen into decline six years into the Great Depression.) The 1937 City Directory lists six residents of 309 Park Lane (nine, if spouses are included), including Clovis F. Stevens, “salesman,” and his wife Ruby, Pearl Bearden, a widowed seamstress, and William Elva Woodall, a bricklayer. The house was divided into four distinct units by 1952, when the City Directory lists a different resident at each of 309a, 309b, 309c and 309d Park Lane. The apartments experienced nearly complete turnover most years, and some years certain of the four units are listed as vacant. Residents included taxi drivers, truck drivers and painters. The 1955 directory lists a “massage clinic” in 309a, as well as resident Ida Schrader. One wonders at the nature of the clinic. Anecdotes from longtime neighbors and Austin residents describe a party house in the 1970s through the 1990s. (The bungalow directly across the street at 1423 Newning Avenue was an informal outlaw motorcycle clubhouse.) Several old timers have stopped by to describe the wild Page 16 Yarrington-Moore House O’Connell Architecture, LLC Historical Narrative Yarrington-Moore House 309 Park Lane parties they attended. JT Van Zandt, the son of famed singer-songwriter Townes Van Zandt, recalls coming to the house more than once as a boy to retrieve his father and Blaze Foley, who had come there to score and shoot heroin. Nathaniel and Elizabeth Chapin bought the house in 1999 from the absentee owner/landlord Martha Rose, and the party came to an end, to the dismay of some renters and the delight of others. At the time of their purchase, the house remained divided into four rental units, each with a separate outside entrance. Sections of the exterior were rotted, the roof leaked, and the yard was overgrown. They painstakingly restored the house to a single-family residence in 2014, to what they imagined was its original glory. Page 17 Yarrington-Moore House O’Connell Architecture, LLC Sanborn Fire Insurance Map, Austin 1922, Sheet 0 Courtesy of the Austin Public Library Sanborn Fire Insurance Map, Austin 1935, Sheet 222 Courtesy of the Austin Public Library Sanborn Fire Insurance Map, Austin Volume 2, 1935, Updated May 1962, Sheet 222 Courtesy of the Austin Public Library 0101000201 FAIRVIEW PARK 0201010601 NELLIE ST 0101000308 0101000307 0101000309 0101000310 0101000306 0101000305 0101000311 0101000312 0101000318 0101000304 0101000303 0101000302 SWISHER ADDN 0101000319 S PID S E R G N O C H T U O S 7 2 . 6 7 0300010402 0300010401 T H E C I R C L E 0300010308 0300010307 0300010306 0300010305 0300010304 0300010303 0400001106 JAMES ST 0400001105 DEAF LUTHERAN ADDN T N S TO W E N 0400001103 0400001102 0400001101 0400001115 0400001113 NORA ECK RESUB 0400001108 0400001109 0400001110 B U S E G R N I W E N 0400001114 GIBSON ST 0400001008 0400001009 0400001007 0400001010 04 FLATS CONDOMINIUMS AMD 5 6.5 5 2 .3 2 4 2 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