Historic Landmark CommissionDec. 14, 2022

16.0 - 515 Congress - sign — original pdf

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16 – 1 HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR A HISTORIC DISTRICT SIGN PERMIT DECEMBER 14, 2022 SB-2022-156600 CONGRESS AVENUE NATIONAL REGISTER DISTRICT 515 CONGRESS AVENUE PROPOSAL Replace existing signage on a noncontributing building. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS DESIGN STANDARDS Standards for signs in National Register districts include: The proposed project installs two internally lit flush-mounted signs, each measuring 60” X 350”, near the top of the tower. Number of signs. The Commission allows one sign per building, unless the building has multiple tenants; the Commission may allow one sign per façade module, if modules correspond to tenant spaces. The Commission may also allow one sign for each street frontage if the building is at an intersection. Sign types. The Commission may allow window signs, awning signs, projecting signs, and flush mounted signs for most commercial buildings. The proposed signage will replace existing signage. Sign size The proposed signage is 60” X 350”; however, the Commission granted and exception and approved the existing signage project in 2014, which also exceeds the allowable sign size. Sign Design, Coloring and Materials. Use simple shapes, such as rectangular or oval signs. The Commission recommends painted wood or metal signs with matte finishes for all signs; plastic, reflective materials, and unfinished surfaces are not allowed. Limit the colors used in a sign to no more than three. For sites with multiple signs, all signs should have corresponding or matching designs, coloring and materials. The proposed signage is simple in design and meets applicable standards. Lettering. No more than two typefaces are allowed. Avoid lettering which appears too contemporary in the sign. The proposed sign includes one typeface. Lighting. Internally-lit cabinet signs are not allowed for signs on historic buildings or within the historic districts. The proposed signage is internally lit and does not meet this standard. However, it replaces existing internally lit signage approved in 2014. Sign Placement The proposed signage will be located at the top of the tower and will not impact the district. Sign Mounting There will be no damage to historic-age buildings. Summary The project meets the applicable standards. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approve the application. PROPERTY INFORMATION 16 – 2 Existing signage Proposed signage