10.3 - 706 Oakland - Webster House - demo plans — original pdf

1/A3.00 1/A3.01 KEYNOTES 1 Excavate existing soil to prepare for new foundation; shore 2 Remove existing door and infill to match existing as required underpinning 3 Remove portion of existing fence 4 Remove existing stone steps and low planter walls 5 Prepare wall for new door; ref. structural 6 Existing 17" Southern Magnolia tree; protect during construction 7 Existing 15" Palm tree 8 Existing 24.5" Crape Myrtle tree to be removed 9 Remove / relocate existing water / gas meters DEMO PLAN NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Refer to architectural drawings prior to demolition to understand the scope of work. Re: sheet A1.01 for the architectural floor plan. All existing electrical, plumbing and mechanical systems to be removed. Contractor to take care protecting existing wood flooring while demolishing adjacent elements. All existing glass panel windows to be removed and replaced. Remove all ceiling finishes and insulation. Expose all structural framing and ceilings. 6 7 . 0 0 3 A / 2 2 4 5 1 3 Full CRZ LEGEND 1/2 CRZ 9 1/4 CRZ WG 8 PROGRESS PRINT NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMIT, OR CONSTRUCTION Copyright: These drawings are property of the architect and may not be reproduced, distributed, published, or used in any way without written consent of the architect. e c n e d i s e R h c o o S , . e v A d n a l k a O 6 0 7 3 0 7 8 7 x T , n i t s u A Historic Review October 14, 2022 Drawn by: CG,MC,EK Checked by: CS Revisions: Demo Floor Plan - Ground Floor. D1.10 line of first floor, above N 1 Ground Floor Demo Plan. 1/4" = 1'-0" 1/A3.00 4 1 14 2 1/A3.01 7 3 6 . 1 0 3 A / 2 5 2 2 3 N 1 First Floor Demo Plan. 1/4" = 1'-0" 8 9 12 10 11 1/4 CRZ KEYNOTES 1 Demo wall where dashed and not poched, typ. 2 Demo portion of existing wall to allow for new window 3 Remove existing window and infill wall to match 4 Remove existing window and wall as needed to prepare for 5 Demo shed, patio flatwork, pavers, and trellis structure 6 Remove existing pavers and store for potential reuse; ref. new door associated landscape 7 Remove shed and patch existing exterior wall 8 Mechanical systems to be revised and relocated 9 Remove mechanical screen 10 Remove existing stone steps and low planter walls 11 Remove portion of existing fence 12 Remove soil and level as needed for new drive 13 Demo existing sidewalk as needed to prepare for new curb cut 14 Demolish existing door DEMO PLAN NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Refer to architectural drawings prior to demolition to understand the scope of work. Re: sheet A1.01 for the architectural floor plan. All existing electrical, plumbing and mechanical systems to be removed. Contractor to take care protecting existing wood flooring while demolishing adjacent elements. All existing glass panel windows to be removed and replaced. Remove all ceiling finishes and insulation. Expose all structural framing and ceilings. . 0 0 3 A / 2 Full CRZ LEGEND 13 1/2 CRZ PROGRESS PRINT NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMIT, OR CONSTRUCTION Copyright: These drawings are property of the architect and may not be reproduced, distributed, published, or used in any way without written consent of the architect. e c n e d i s e R h c o o S , . e v A d n a l k a O 6 0 7 3 0 7 8 7 x T , n i t s u A Historic Review October 14, 2022 Drawn by: CG,MC,EK Checked by: CS Revisions: Demo Floor Plan - First Floor. D1.11 . 1 0 3 A / 2 1 . 0 0 3 A / 2 1/A3.00 1/A3.01 2 2 N 1 Second Floor Demo Plan. 1/4" = 1'-0" KEYNOTES 1 Demo wall where dashed and not poched, typ. 2 Remove skylights and replace roof to match existing as needed DEMO PLAN NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Refer to architectural drawings prior to demolition to understand the scope of work. Re: sheet A1.01 for the architectural floor plan. All existing electrical, plumbing and mechanical systems to be removed. Contractor to take care protecting existing wood flooring while demolishing adjacent elements. All existing glass panel windows to be removed and replaced. Remove all ceiling finishes and insulation. Expose all structural framing and ceilings. LEGEND PROGRESS PRINT NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMIT, OR CONSTRUCTION Copyright: These drawings are property of the architect and may not be reproduced, distributed, published, or used in any way without written consent of the architect. e c n e d i s e R h c o o S , . e v A d n a l k a O 6 0 7 3 0 7 8 7 x T , n i t s u A Historic Review October 14, 2022 Drawn by: CG,MC,EK Checked by: CS Revisions: Demo Floor Plan - Second Floor. D1.12 line of first floor, above 6 1 5 5 1 5 4 1 5 513 Tremont St 1/A3.00 8 1 5 Wine Stair 1 002 UP LC D W Mud Room / Entry 001 512' - 3" Crawlspace 512' - 3" 517' - 0" Mech. 2 1 10 512' - 2" 5 1 5 4 1 5 4 1 5 Driveway 3/4" / 1'-0" 2 512 4 property line 511 3 511 . 0 0 3 A / 2 5 2 1 5 2 1 5 3 1 5 8 6 3 1 5 KEYNOTES 1 New wood board door, to match existing exterior wood door finish 2 Steel edge retaining wall, both sides of drive 3 Existing mailbox 4 Existing fire hydrant 5 Existing 17" Southern Magnolia tree 6 Existing 15" Palm tree 7 Existing 24.5" Crape Myrtle tree 8 Patch, repair, and restore stair 9 New concrete driveway 10 Infill existing crawlspace door to match existing underpinning FLOOR PLAN NOTES 1. 2. All millwork, plumbing and appliances should be assumed new construction, unless noted otherwise Darker poched walls are existing to remain; lighter poched walls are new construction e v A d n a l k a O SHEET REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Refer to G2.01 for wall types and partition types. Refer to G2.50 for door and frame types and schedules. Refer to G2.60 for window types and schedule. Refer to G3.01 for finish schedule, appliance schedule, plumbing fixture schedule, bath accessory schedule. Refer to A2.01 for lighting fixture legend and lighting dimensions. Full CRZ 9 510' - 0" 1/2 CRZ 1/4 CRZ 7 PROGRESS PRINT NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMIT, OR CONSTRUCTION Copyright: These drawings are property of the architect and may not be reproduced, distributed, published, or used in any way without written consent of the architect. e c n e d i s e R h c o o S , . e v A d n a l k a O 6 0 7 3 0 7 8 7 x T , n i t s u A Historic Review October 14, 2022 Drawn by: CG,MC,EK Checked by: CS Revisions: Floor Plan - Ground Floor. A1.00 N 1 Ground Floor Plan. 1/4" = 1'-0" 1/A3.01 8 1 5 7 1 5 6 1 5 5 1 5 514 3 1 5 2 1 5 1 1 5 9 1 5 8 1 5 7 1 5 6 1 5 5 1 5 4 1 5 513 512 KEYNOTES Tremont St 1/A3.00 Pantry 106 MW T DW Frz. 5 2 0 521' - 3" Kitchen 105 Dining 104 5 2 2 Oven Ref. Butler's Pantry / Bar 107 Frz. e c I Powder 109 Closet 103 N D P U Hallway 108 Stair 1 002 Stair 2 102 Primary Bedroom 110 Closet 111 WC 114 Primary Bathroom 113 Shower / Bath 112 5 5 Guest / Office 115 3 1 2 2 1/A3.01 . 1 0 3 A / 2 521 Living Room 101 TV LC 4 6 1 1 1 1 2 5 0 2 5 519 8 1 5 7 1 5 6 1 5 5 1 5 514 3 1 5 2 1 5 1 1 5 N 1 First Floor Plan. 1/4" = 1'-0" 1 All existing windows to be replaced to match original, typ. 2 New window to match adjacent existing style 3 New door to mimic existing back door on western facade 4 Patch, repair, and restore existing stair 5 Patch, repair, and paint existing siding 6 Existing stained glass window, to be restored as required FLOOR PLAN NOTES 1. 2. All millwork, plumbing and appliances should be assumed new construction, unless noted otherwise Darker poched walls are existing to remain; lighter poched walls are new construction SHEET REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Refer to G2.01 for wall types and partition types. Refer to G2.50 for door and frame types and schedules. Refer to G2.60 for window types and schedule. Refer to G3.01 for finish schedule, appliance schedule, plumbing fixture schedule, bath accessory schedule. Refer to A2.01 for lighting fixture legend and lighting dimensions. property line . 0 0 3 A / 2 e v A d n a l k a O PROGRESS PRINT NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMIT, OR CONSTRUCTION Copyright: These drawings are property of the architect and may not be reproduced, distributed, published, or used in any way without written consent of the architect. e c n e d i s e R h c o o S , . e v A d n a l k a O 6 0 7 3 0 7 8 7 x T , n i t s u A Historic Review October 14, 2022 Drawn by: CG,MC,EK Checked by: CS Revisions: Floor Plan - First Floor. A1.01 1 2 1/A3.00 TV Playroom 201 5 1 Closet 1 204 Mech. 203 DN Stair 2 102 . 1 0 3 A / 2 Landing 202 Bedroom 1 205 Upstairs Bath 206 Bedroom 2 207 2 5 2 2 4 CL 2 (open to below) LC Closet 2 208 3 1/A3.01 N 1 Second Floor Plan. 1/4" = 1'-0" KEYNOTES 1 Patch and repair existing roof 2 Replace existing windows, typ. 3 Existing roof structure over porch 4 New standing seam metal roof to match existing 5 Existing stained glass window, to be restored as required FLOOR PLAN NOTES 1. 2. All millwork, plumbing and appliances should be assumed new construction, unless noted otherwise Darker poched walls are existing to remain; lighter poched walls are new construction . 0 0 3 A / 2 SHEET REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Refer to G2.01 for wall types and partition types. Refer to G2.50 for door and frame types and schedules. Refer to G2.60 for window types and schedule. Refer to G3.01 for finish schedule, appliance schedule, plumbing fixture schedule, bath accessory schedule. Refer to A2.01 for lighting fixture legend and lighting dimensions. PROGRESS PRINT NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMIT, OR CONSTRUCTION Copyright: These drawings are property of the architect and may not be reproduced, distributed, published, or used in any way without written consent of the architect. e c n e d i s e R h c o o S , . e v A d n a l k a O 6 0 7 3 0 7 8 7 x T , n i t s u A Historic Review October 14, 2022 Drawn by: CG,MC,EK Checked by: CS Revisions: Floor Plan - Second Floor. A1.02