Historic Landmark CommissionAug. 3, 2022

6.0 - 3909 Avenue G - Hildreth-Flanagan-Heierman — original pdf

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HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS AUGUST 3, 2022 HR-2022-075037 HILDRETH-FLANAGAN-HEIERMAN HOUSE 3909 AVENUE G 6 – 1 PROPOSAL Construct a swimming pool. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS ARCHITECTURE Install a swimming pool in side yard. Replace existing fence and plant privacy hedges around the pool area. The house’s 1990 National Register nomination describes it as follows: […] 2-story frame dwelling that was built in 1902. As is sometimes seen on contemporaneous houses, the dwelling retains the features of Victorian-era housing coupled with details from the Classical Revival style. The house remains virtually unaltered and is in good condition. A massive 2-story dwelling with a generally square plan, the house rests on a pier-and-beam foundation. The primary (east) facade is dominated by a 2-tier porch featuring Doric columns and turned-wood balustrades suggestive of the Classical Revival style popular in Texas during the early 20th century. A projecting 2- tiered portico a t the south end of the porch marks the entry bay. Fenestration includes a single doorway with transom and double-hung wood sash with 1/1 lights. Polygonal projecting bays on the side (north) elevation alleviate the regular massing. Along with the complex roofscape of steeply pitched hipped and gable roof forms, these features are more typica l of Victorian-er a dwellings. Interior corbelled chimneys of buff-colored brick extend from the north and south slopes of the hipped roof. Modest changes that do not adversely affect the dwelling's historic integrity include a 2- story addition on the rear (west) elevation and installation of metal awnings over the windows and the entry bay of the porch.1 DESIGN STANDARDS The City of Austin’s Historic Design Standards (March 2021) are based on the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and are used to evaluate projects at historic landmarks. The following standards apply to the proposed project: Sites and streetscapes 1. Vegetation, topography, and landscaping 1.3 If the property had a grassy, open front lawn when constructed, maintain that context. Do not replace the lawn with paving or gravel. The proposed pool has been pushed toward the rear of the property to improve maintenance of context. 2. Walls and fences 2.4 If constructing a new street-side fence or site wall, design it so that the materials, style, and scale are compatible with and differentiated from the architectural style and period of the building and are in keeping with historic fence styles and heights in the historic district. a. New front fences must be no more than 4’ high and have a high degree of transparency. The proposed 4’ fence is an appropriate height. The applicant has amended privacy hedges to retain transparency. Summary The project meets most of the applicable standards. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approve the application. The applicant has amended the application to implement Committee feedback. “Hildreth-Flanagan-Heierman House.” National Register 1 https://atlas.thc.texas.gov/NR/pdfs/90001184/90001184.pdf of Historic Places Registration Form. 1990. LOCATION MAP 6 – 2