Historic Landmark CommissionJuly 6, 2022

B.1.0 - 4402 Speedway — original pdf

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HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS JULY 6, 2022 HR-2022-064555 HYDE PARK 4402 SPEEDWAY B.1 – 1 PROPOSAL Construct an addition. Replace windows and doors. Demolish detached garage and replace with new accessory dwelling unit. Add a deck and porch. Replace roof with metal roof. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS 1) Construct an addition to existing house. Construct a deck at the north elevation and screened porch at the west elevation. The proposed addition is clad in horizontal siding and is capped with a standing-seam metal roof. 2) Demolish detached garage and construct new accessory dwelling unit. ARCHITECTURE One-story Craftsman bungalow with exposed rafter tails, triangular brackets at eaves, partial-width gabled porch, and horizontal wood siding. DESIGN STANDARDS The Hyde Park Design Standards are used to evaluate projects within the historic district. The following standards apply to the proposed project: 1.2: Retention of Historic Style: Respect the historic style of existing structures and retain their historic features, including character-defining elements and building scale. The proposed project mostly retains the primary building’s scale, though it removes historic features from primary elevations. 1.3: Avoidance of False Historicism: Respect each contributing structure as an example of the architecture of its time. Do not make alterations that have no historic basis, such as the addition of gingerbread trim to a 1920s bungalow. Do not give an existing contributing structure a “historic” appearance it never had. When developing plans for additions, porches, and other exterior alterations, look to other houses of similar vintage to see how these changes were made historically, and then use that information as a guide to developing an appropriate size, scale, and massing for your proposed exterior change. The proposed project does not include alterations without historical basis; however, the proposed alterations to the main elevation do not appear to have historical precedents. 1.4: Appropriate Treatment Options for Contributing Structures: 1. Preserve the historic fabric: Repair deteriorated historic features and architectural elements. 2. Reconstruct missing or un-repairable architectural features with the following: a) Recycled historic materials that approximate the size and match the scale, profile, and appearance of the deteriorated or missing feature, if available. b) New material that that approximates the size and matches the scale, profile, and appearance of the historic material. Reconstruct or rebuild missing architectural features using photographic or physical indications as a guide. The proposed project preserves some historic fabric, but significantly alters the building’s façade. 3.1: Front of Houses: Retain the historic facade of a house in terms of door and window placement and exterior wall materials. Repair damaged or deteriorated exterior wall materials where reasonably possible. If replacement of exterior wall materials is necessary, choose a material identical in size, profile, and appearance as the historic material. The proposed project alters the door and window placement at the front of the house. It repairs existing siding and columns and replaces trim. 3.2: Doors and Doorways: 1. Do not enlarge, alter, or relocate single doorways on the façade of the house. 2. Retain and repair an original entry door. In cases where replacement of an original entry door is required, or where the house does not have the original door, choose a replacement door that is compatible in terms of design and appearance with the historic character of the house. 3. Retain the glazing (window or glass) in its original configuration on doors that contain glass. Look to other houses of similar age and style in choosing a replacement door, or consult publications, catalogs, or design professionals to determine the appropriate door styles and materials for the age and style of your house. The proposed project widens the existing door to a double door and removes a window at the main elevation. 3.3: Windows: 1. Repair or rehabilitate the original windows and screens. 2. The energy efficiency of original windows can B.1 – 2 be improved by using methods that do not damage historic sashes, glass, or frames, such as weatherstripping, insulating weight pockets, adding insulated glass and the necessary additional balancing weights, or adding a clear interior film, or a combination of these methods. 3. Do not use tinted glass or tinted film on original windows. 4. If replacing windows, use windows that approximate the size and match the scale, profile, appearance, and configuration of existing historic windows. The proposed project replaces existing windows with incompatible replacements at the main elevation and removes a window opening. 3.4: Porches: Preserve the original front and street-side porches. Do not enclose open front and street-side ground-floor porches with screening, glass, or other enclosure materials. Screens are appropriate for rear porches or other porches, including second-floor front porches. The proposed porch alterations comply with the standards. 3.5: Roofs: 1. Retain the original roof pitches and profiles on the building. Avoid changes to roofs on the front of the building. Avoid adding to the eave height of original roofs, especially at the front of the structure. Retain historic dormers. 2. In replacing roof materials, consider first the use of the original material, then the use a product that resembles the original material, such as a fiberglass or other energy-efficient shingle. Metal roofs are also acceptable. The proposed project replaces a shingle roof with a metal roof. It does not alter the existing roofline at the historic house. 4.1: Preservation of Historic Character: Construct additions so as to require the removal or modification of a minimum of historic fabric. Do not construct additions which will require the removal of any portion of the front façade. Design additions to existing residential buildings to reflect the form and style of the existing house. The proposed addition does not appear to require removal of a significant amount of historic fabric. It mostly reflects the form of the existing house. 4.2: Location: Locate new additions and alterations to the rear or rear side of the building so that they will be less visible from the street. The proposed addition is located at the rear-side of the building. 4.3: Roof, Fenestration, and Siding: 1. Make the pitch and height of the roof of the addition compatible to that of the existing house. 2. Make windows visible from the street on any addition compatible with those on the existing house in terms of sash configuration, proportion, spacing and placement. 3. Use exterior siding materials on the addition which match or are compatible with that of the existing house. The proposed roof, siding, and fenestration are mostly compatible. 4.4 Size and Scale of Additions: 1. Design additions to have the same floor-to-ceiling height as the existing house. 2. Locate second story additions at least 15’ back from the front house wall. The front house wall is the exterior wall closest to the street. Houses on corner lots have only one front wall. 3. Design additions so that they do not overwhelm the original building. 4. Do not raise a first story to become a second story. The proposed size and scale of the addition complies with the standards. 5.10: Garage Apartments/Secondary Units: 1. Design new secondary units to respect the traditional patterns of Hyde Park in determining the location of the building and access to parking. 2. Design new secondary units and garage apartments to complement the form, massing, materials, scale, character elements, and fenestration patterns of the primary structure. The proposed ADU’s location on the alley appears appropriate. However, its massing, vertical siding, undivided windows, and irregular form do not reflect the primary structure’s patterns. Summary The project meets some of the applicable standards. PROPERTY EVALUATION The property contributes to the Hyde Park Historic District. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Encourage the applicant to repair, rather than replacing, fenestration at main elevation. Consider referral to the Architectural Review Committee. LOCATION MAP B.1 – 3 PROPERTY INFORMATION Photos B.1 – 4 Partial demo and remodel application, 2022