Historic Landmark CommissionJuly 26, 2021

B.8.0 - Kenney House - 611 W. 22nd Street — original pdf

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HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS JULY 26, 2021 C14H-1981-0018 KENNEY HOUSE 611 W. 22ND STREET B.10 - 1 PROPOSAL Review a sign for the front of the house. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS The applicant has been before the Commission with an application for several signs and was granted approval for all signs on the property except for the one over the front door. This application seeks another review of the sign over the front door; the sign on the side of the house will not be used, so this and the previously-approved monument sign in the yard will be the only signs on the property. The applicant’s proposal is: 1. Starbucks will only have one sign on the building located over the 611 W. 22nd main entrance. Option A is the preferred option as it identifies the space as a coffee shop (the Siren), “Pick Up” identifies that it is not a place to sit and meet others. It is a takeout only. The size of the sign is designed so that people on both sides of 22nd Street can readily identify the location. This is a good idea for those who rely on navigation apps. Option B is the hanging sign suggested by the HLC architecture review committee. The problem is this sign has 6 ft 9 in clearance. Option C is dropping the siren and only have “PICK UP”. This might add to confusion as the “Siren” is a trademark that identifies this as a coffee shop STANDARDS FOR REVIEW COMMITTEE FEEDBACK STAFF RECOMMENDATION The proposed sign meets the City of Austin’s Sign Standards in terms of number, size, material, and illumination. The Committee reviewed the application again and offered the suggestion to reduce the size of the sign so that it doesn’t compete with the architectural features of the building, or to craft a sign that would be suspended from the fascia, and would be more in keeping with the character of the landmark building. The applicant addressed the feedback above. Staff still believes this can be done better to suit both the tenant’s needs and the interests of historic preservation and prefers the Committee’s recommendation for a reduced size of the sign or a suspended sign. However, staff does understand the limitations of a suspended sign both from the potential for vandalism being so low on the building, or for liability if a patron hits his or her hear on it. Staff recommendation would be to to reduce the size of the sign so that it does not compete with the architectural feature on the building.. B.10 - 2