A.1.7 - 2708 Scenic Dr - Sinclair Black Letter — original pdf
June 24th, 2021 Armbrust & Brown, PLLC Attn: Richard Suttle 100 Congress Avenue, Suite 1300 Austin, Texas 78701-2744 Dear Richard Suttle at Armbrust & Brown, I was asked to tour the home at 2708 Scenic Drive, designed by Roland Roessner in the early 1950s to form an opinion as to its potential architectural significance and its general physical condition. I did not attempt to evaluate the structural condition of the residence. I briefly worked for Mr. Roessner, a professor, while I was an architecture student at the University of Texas at Austin in the early 1960s therefore, I have firsthand knowledge of his design work. This residence is an example of the early mid-century modern genre characterized by practical, expedient, and general cost-effective materials and detailing, imported from California. The home is significantly smaller than all his notable designs and cannot be considered one of his significant works. I was completely unfamiliar with this residence and previously unaware of its existence. Furthermore, there is a featureless addition to the home certainly not designed by Mr. Roessner. Historic designation notwithstanding, salvaging this home would require extensive upgrades to achieve even moderate energy efficiency as there is an approximately 40 foot long, west-facing wall of single-pane, fixed glass among countless other issues affecting efficiency. If this were in fact an example of his more significant work such as 7 Green Lanes or The Oaks Apartments (previously demolished by UT) I would certainly say it should be preserved. Sincerely, Sinclair Black, FAIA Principal, Black + Vernooy Architecture and Urban Design Director Emeritus, Congress for the New Urbanism, Central Texas Chapter Professor Emeritus, The University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture Congress for the New Urbanism Athena Medal for Lifetime Achievement Texas Society of Architects Lifetime Achievement Award 2 0 8 W E S T 4 TH S TR E E T , S U I T E 3 A A U S TI N , T E X A S U S A 7 8 7 0 1 ( 5 1 2 ) 4 7 4 - 1 63 2