B.5.c - 2406 Harris Blvd - Citizen Comments — original pdf
PUBL IC HEARINC INFORMATION (cid:10) Akthough will be conducted online and you have the applicants and/or their agent(s) are (cid:10) to spe (cid:10) in the publ (cid:10) the staff (cid:10) eIN contact for infor on how (cid:10) orgniration has expre (cid:10) tO pa (cid:10) sscd an (cid:10) rticipate (cid:10) interesd (cid:10) orD (cid:10) the board or may posipc (cid:10)ssion (cid:10) During a public (cid:10) approval or denial of the application (cid:10) continuation that is not later than 60 (cid:10) If the board (cid:10) the annOu (cid:10) A board (cid:10) person who can appeal the decision (cid:10) appcal the decision (cid:10) The body (cid:10) Aing ap (cid:10) An interested party is defined as a person who is the applicant of (cid:10) rticipate (cid:10) in a public hcan (cid:10) FOR or AGAINST ic 1 (cid:10) the (cid:10) you are not required to do so mesting (cid:10) proposed development or change Fmeil or oall (cid:10) in an app (cid:10) aiiciton neighborhood (cid:10) Marings online You may also contact a neighborhood Or (cid:10) ton's hearing to a later date, or recomnmend (cid:10) a specific date and time for a postpone (cid:10) required (cid:10) by a personi (cid:10) ith rtanding t appeal (cid:10) of an dctemine is identified as a (cid:10) atanding to (cid:10) a peron ond owner of the property, or who (cid:10) board or (cid:10) deliveriny to the board or commission (cid:10) ot during the public hcaring (cid:10) and speakine for the record at the publi (cid:10) poperty or developme (cid:10) eccupees a prmary is the is an offhcor off am cm thetis within (cid:10) of proporty $00 foct of the propcry or proposcod (cid:10) wo feet of the (cid:10) foct of the srhood orgam (cid:10) of appcal otth the directof (cid:10) form may be an ailable from the rospomibic (cid:10) sation that han development, in or whose declared boundaries are within (cid:10) o (cid:10) departmen no later than 14 days ater the decision An appe (cid:10) imformation Amtin's land (cid:10) visil Our (cid:10) Wrinon oommonts must te (cid:10) Your porsomn listod on (cid:10) board of Oommisaon's (cid:10) Case Numbof (cid:10) HR 20-144747. 2406 HARRIS BL VD (cid:10) Comtact: Ambor Allon, (512) 974-3393 (cid:10) Pablic Hearing (cid:10) Historic Landmark Oommission (cid:10) totice) &cforg the public hcaring (cid:10) the Cave Nomber and the (cid:10) Your (cid:10) 1 22l (cid:10) Commonts (cid:10) I hae nd (cid:10) f (cid:10) of Austin Housang and Planoung (cid:10) it anay be (cid:10) ATTN Asuiber Alien (cid:10) PO. Boa 1088 (cid:10) 78767-8810 (cid:10) peservation@ austimie (cid:10) PUBLIC HEARING INFORMATION (cid:10) Although applicants and/or their agent(s) are expected to participate in a public hearing, you are not required to do so. This meeting (cid:10) will be conducted online and you have the opportunifty to speak FOR or AGAINST the proposed development or change. Email or call (cid:10) the staff contact for information on how to participate in the public hearings online. You may also contact a neighborhood or (cid:10) environmental organization that has expressed an interest in an application affecting your neighborhood. (cid:10) During a public hearing, the board or commission may postpone or continue an application' 's hearing to a later date, or recommend (cid:10) approval or denial of the application. If the board or commission announces a specific date and time for a postponement or (cid:10) continuation that is not later than 60 days from the announcement, no further notice is required (cid:10) A board or commission's decision may be appealed by a person with standing to appeal, or an interested party that is identified as a (cid:10) person who can appeal the decision. The body holding a public hearing on an appeal will determine whether a person has standing to (cid:10) appeal the decision. (cid:10) interest to a board or commission by: (cid:10) An interested party is defined as a person who is the applicant or record owner of the subject property, or who communicates an (cid:10) delivering a written statement to the board or commission before or during the public hearing that generally identifies the issues (cid:10) of concern (it may be delivered to the contact person listed on a notice); or (cid:10) appearing and speaking for the record at the public hearing; and: (cid:10) occupies a primary residence that is within 500 feet of the subject property or proposed development; (cid:10) is the record owner of property within 500 feet of the subject property or proposed development; or (cid:10) is an officer of an environmental or neighborhood organization that has an interest in or whose declared boundaries are within (cid:10) 500 feet of the subject property or proposed development. (cid:10) A notice of appeal must be filed with the director of the responsible department no later than 14 days after the decision. An appeal (cid:10) form may be available from the responsible department. (cid:10) For additional information on the City of Austin' 's land development process, please visit our website (cid:10) www austintexas.gov/abc (cid:10) Written comments must be submitted to the board or commission (or the contact person listed on the notice) before the public hearing.- (cid:10) Your comments should include the board or commission 's name, the scheduled date of the public hearing, the Case Number and the (cid:10) contact person listed on the notice, (cid:10) Case Number: HR 20- -144747 - -2406 HARRIS BLVD (cid:10) Contact: Amber Allen, (512) 974-3393 (cid:10) Public Hearing: Historic Landmark Commission, May 24, 2021 (cid:10) I am in favor (cid:10) I object (cid:10) Your Name (please prinl) (cid:10) Your address(es) affected by this applic (cid:10) V (cid:10) Signature (cid:10) Comments (cid:10) Date (cid:10) If you use this form to comment, it may be returned to (cid:10) City of Austin Housing and Planning Department (cid:10) Historic Preservation Office, ATTN: Amber Allen (cid:10) P.O. Box 1088 (cid:10) Austin, TX 78767- -8810 (cid:10) E-mail: preservation@austintexas. - gov (cid:10) PUBLIC EEARING INFORMATION (cid:10) Altbough applicants and/or their ageat(s) are epected to participate in a poblic bearing, you are not required to do so. This meeting (cid:10) will be conducted online aod you have the opportunty to speak FOR or AGAINST the proposed development or change. Email or call (cid:10) the staff coatact for information on bow to participate in the public bearings online. You may (cid:10) also cootact a neighborhood or (cid:10) eavironmental organization that has expressed an interest in an application affecting your peighbothood (cid:10) During a public hearing, the board or commission may postpone or continoe application's hearing to a later date, or recommend (cid:10) approval or denial of the application If the board or commaissicn a specific date and time for a postponenent or (cid:10) bion that is not later than 60 days from the coocot, no further nobice is required (cid:10) A board or commission' 's decision may be appealed by a persoo with standing to appeal, or an interested party tbhat is ideatified as a (cid:10) person who can appeal the decision The boody bolding public hearing on an appeal will detenmine whether standing to (cid:10) appeal the decision (cid:10) An interested party is defined as a penon who is the applicaot or recard owner of the subject property, or who unicates (cid:10) interest to a board or commission by (cid:10) delivering a written of coocem (it may appeanng and speaking for the record at the public hearing; and (cid:10) the listed on a notice); or (cid:10) to the oard or commission before or during the public hearing that geperally identifies the issoes (cid:10) occupies a primary residence that is within 500 feet of the subject property or proposed developmeat;, (cid:10) is the record owner of property within 500 feet of tbhe subject property or proposed development; or (cid:10) is an officer of an eavironmeatal or peighborbood organizathion that has an interest in or whose declared boundaries are within (cid:10) 500 feet of the subject property or proposed developmeat (cid:10) A notice of appeal must be filed with the director of the respoasible lanter then 14 days after the decision An appenal (cid:10) form cay be available from the responsible department (cid:10) For additional infommation on the City of Austin' developmeat process, please visit our website: wwwaustintexas.rov/abe (cid:10) abc (cid:10) Written comments movst be submited to the board or comamission (or the coalact person listed on the notice) before the public hearing. (cid:10) Your comments should inclode the board or commission 's nasne, the scheduled date of the pablic bearing, the Case Number and the (cid:10) coatact persoa listed on the nobce (cid:10) Case Number: BIR 20-144747 - -2406 HARRIS BLVD (cid:10) Contact: Amber Allen, (512) 974-3393 (cid:10) Public Hearing: Hlistoric Landmark Commission, May 24, 2021 (cid:10) I am in favor (cid:10) I object (cid:10) AYMAM/ (cid:10) 1410 WOLDR (cid:10) Your address(es) affeted by this application (cid:10) Date (cid:10) JAN (cid:10) Your Name (cid:10) Concocgts: (cid:10) If you use this (cid:10) urned to (cid:10) City of Austin Housing and Placoang (cid:10) Histonc Preservahioa Offce ATTN: Amber Alles (cid:10) P.O. Box 1088 (cid:10) Avstin, TX 78767-8810 (cid:10) E-mail: preserration@austintexas -gov (cid:10) PUBLIC HEARING INFORMATION (cid:10) Although applicants and/or their agent(s) are expected to participate in a public hearing, you are not required to do so. This meeting (cid:10) will be conducted online and you have the opportunity to speak FOR or AGAINST the proposed development or change, Email or call (cid:10) the staff contact for information environmental organization on how to participate in the public hearings online. You may also contact a neighborhood or (cid:10) that has expressed an interest in an application affecting your neighborhood. (cid:10) During a public hearing, the board or commission may postpone or continue an application' 's hearing to a later date, or recommend (cid:10) approval or denial of the application. If the board or commission announces a specific date and time for a postponement or (cid:10) continuation that is not later than 60 days from the announcement, no further notice is required (cid:10) A board or commission 's decision may be appealed by a person with standing to appeal, or an interested party that is identified as a (cid:10) person who can appeal the decision. The body holding a public hearing on an appeal will determine whether a person has standing to (cid:10) appeal the decision, (cid:10) An interested party is defined as a person who is the applicant or record owner of the subject property, or who communicates an (cid:10) interest to a board or commission by: (cid:10) delivering a written statement to the board or commission before or during the public hearing that generally identifies the issues (cid:10) of concern (it may be delivered to the contact person listed on a notice); or (cid:10) appearing and speaking for the record at the public hearing; and (cid:10) occupies a primary residence that is within 500 feet of the subject property or proposed development; (cid:10) is the record owner of property within 500 feet of the subject property or proposed development; or (cid:10) is an officer of an environmental or neighborhood organization that has an interest in or whose declared boundaries are within (cid:10) 500 feet of the subject property or proposed development. (cid:10) A notice of appeal must be filed with the director of the responsible department no later than 14 days after the decision. An appeal (cid:10) form may be available from the responsible department (cid:10) For additional information on the City of Austin' 's land development process, please visit our website (cid:10) www_austintexas.gov/abe (cid:10) Written comments must be submitted to the board or commission (or the contact person listed on the notice) before the public hearing (cid:10) Your comments should include the board or commission' 's name, the scheduled date of the public hearing, the Case Number and the (cid:10) contact person listed on the notice (cid:10) Case Number: HR 20-144747 - - 2406 HARRIS BLVD (cid:10) Contact: Amber Allen, (512) 974- -3393 (cid:10) Public Hearing: Hlistoric Landmark Commission, May 24, 2021 (cid:10) I am in favor (cid:10) I object (cid:10) Your address(es) affected by this application (cid:10) Date (cid:10) Signature (cid:10) Comments (cid:10) If you use this form to comment, it may be returned to (cid:10) City of Austin Housing and Planning Department (cid:10) Historic Preservation Office, ATTN: Amber Allen (cid:10) P.O. Box 1088 (cid:10) Austin, TX 78767- -8810 (cid:10) E-mail (cid:10) preservation@austintexas. -gov (cid:10) PUBLIC HEARING INFORMATION Although applicants and/or their agent(s) are expected to participate in a public hearing, you are not required to do so. This meeting will be conducted online and you have the opportunity to speak FOR or AGAINST the proposed development or change. Email or call the staff contact for information on how to participate in the public hearings online. You may also contact a neighborhood or environmental organization that has expressed an interest in an application affecting your neighborhood. During a public hearing, the board or commission may postpone or continue an application’s hearing to a later date, or recommend approval or denial of the application. If the board or commission announces a specific date and time for a postponement or continuation that is not later than 60 days from the announcement, no further notice is required. A board or commission’s decision may be appealed by a person with standing to appeal, or an interested party that is identified as a person who can appeal the decision. The body holding a public hearing on an appeal will determine whether a person has standing to appeal the decision. An interested party is defined as a person who is the applicant or record owner of the subject property, or who communicates an interest to a board or commission by: (cid:3) (cid:3) (cid:3) (cid:3) (cid:3) delivering a written statement to the board or commission before or during the public hearing that generally identifies the issues of concern (it may be delivered to the contact person listed on a notice); or appearing and speaking for the record at the public hearing; and: occupies a primary residence that is within 500 feet of the subject property or proposed development; is the record owner of property within 500 feet of the subject property or proposed development; or is an officer of an environmental or neighborhood organization that has an interest in or whose declared boundaries are within 500 feet of the subject property or proposed development. A notice of appeal must be filed with the director of the responsible department no later than 14 days after the decision. An appeal form may be available from the responsible department. For additional information on the City of Austin’s land development process, please visit our website: www.austintexas.gov/abc Written comments must be submitted to the board or commission (or the contact person listed on the notice) before the public hearing. Your comments should include the board or commission’s name, the scheduled date of the public hearing, the Case Number and the contact person listed on the notice. Case Number: HR 20-144747 - 2406 HARRIS BLVD Contact: Amber Allen, (512) 974-3393 Public Hearing: Historic Landmark Commission, May 24, 2021 x I am in favor I object Betsy Farmer _________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Your Name (please print) 2421 Jarratt Ave 78703 Your address(es) affected by this application ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Signature Date 5/18/2021 Comments: _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If you use this form to comment, it may be returned to: City of Austin Housing and Planning Department Historic Preservation Office, ATTN: Amber Allen P.O. Box 1088 Austin, TX 78767-8810 E-mail: preservation@austintexas.gov