Historic Landmark CommissionMarch 22, 2021

C.7.0 - 2407 Jarratt Ave — original pdf

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HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION PERMITS IN NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICTS MARCH 22, 2021 HR-2021-026856 2407 JARRATT AVENUE OLD WEST AUSTIN NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICT C.7 - 1 PROPOSAL Demolish existing contributing house and replace with new construction. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS 1) Demolish ca. 1939 contributing house. 2) Construct a new residence. The proposed new building is three stories, roughly L-plan and clad in brick and fiber-cement siding. Its main façade features gabled dormers over arched multilight casement windows and a curved gable above the arched entryway. Multilight casement windows appear at first and second floors. The side-gabled roof is clad in composite shingles, and a single chimney projects atop the leftmost bay. ARCHITECTURE RESEARCH Two-story L-plan residence clad in horizontal wood siding. The house features a compound roofline and partial-width shed-roofed porch. Fenestration includes 6:6, 12:12, and 6-light windows, as well as French doors leading to a second-story balcony at the main façade The house at 2407 Jarratt Avenue served as a duplex from its construction in 1939 by J. C. and Mildred Marshall to 1983, when it was converted to a single-family home. Marshall managed the Coleman Production Credit Association in Coleman, Texas; the Marshalls did not reside in the home until 1955. Early renters included Joe C. Carrier, president of Dill’s, Incorporated—a Venetian blinds manufacturer— and his family. Carrier’s daughter and son-in-law, Robert and Betty Kinnan, also lived in the house while Robert Kinnan worked at Dill’s in the late 1940s. The Carriers and Kinnans resided at 2407 Jarratt until the 1950s. Shorter-term tenants included students and professors at the University of Texas, salespeople, a secretary, and a clerk. STANDARDS FOR REVIEW The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation are used to evaluate new construction projects in National Register historic districts. Applicable standards include: 2. The historic character of a property shall be retained and preserved. The removal of historic materials or alteration of features and spaces that characterize a property shall be avoided. The proposed project removes a contributing building from the district and replaces it with a noncontributing building. 9. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not destroy historic materials that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and shall be compatible with the massing, size, scale, and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment. The new building is differentiated from adjacent historic properties by its use of modern fenestration patterns and three-story height. Its massing and traditional design elements are compatible with the surrounding district. 10. New additions and adjacent or related new construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired. C.7 - 2 If the proposed new building were demolished in future, the remainder of the district would be unimpaired. The proposed project partially meets the standards. STAFF COMMENTS The house contributes to the Old West Austin National Register Historic District. Designation Criteria—Historic Landmark 1) The building is more than 50 years old. 2) The building appears to retain moderate to low integrity. 3) Properties must meet two criteria for landmark designation (LDC §25-2-352). Staff has evaluated the property and determined that it does not meet the required criteria: a. Architecture. The house does not appear architecturally significant. b. Historical association. There do not appear to be significant historical associations. c. Archaeology. The house was not evaluated for its potential to yield significant data concerning the human history or prehistory of the region. d. Community value. The house does not possess a unique location, physical characteristic, or significant feature that contributes to the character, image, or cultural identity of the city, the neighborhood, or a particular demographic group. e. Landscape feature. The property is not a significant natural or designed landscape with artistic, aesthetic, cultural, or historical value to the city. COMMITTEE FEEDBACK STAFF RECOMMENDATION The proposed new construction design is compatible with the district. Comment on plans and release the demolition permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package, consisting of photographs of all elevations, a dimensioned sketch plan, and a narrative history, for archiving at the Austin History Center. LOCATION MAP C.7 - 3 PROPERTY INFORMATION Photos C.7 - 4 Realtor.com Google Street View Occupancy History City Directory Research, March 2021 1959 A. James C. and Mildred F. Marshall, owners Manager, Coleman Production Credit 1957 A. James C. and Mildred Marshall, owners B. Myrl Motheral, renter Saleswoman, Hutchins Bros C.7 - 5 Manager, Coleman Production Credit Association, Coleman, Texas Dill’s (Joe C. Carrier & Robert M. Kinnan, mfrs of Venetian blinds, 312 Barton Springs Road) Donald Barker, renter Student Charles and Paula Lux, renters Secretary-manager, Retail Merchants Association of Texas Luther Flynn, renter Student B. Alex J. Simon, renter Teacher, UT 1955 A. James C. and Mildred G. Marshall, owners 1952 A. Jack E. and Lou Neff, renters 1949 Robert M. and Betty Kinnan, renters B. Joseph E. and Patsy Kelly, renters Foreman Luther F. Marshall, renter Student B. Alex J. Simon, renter Lecturer, UT Dill’s Dill’s (Venetian blinds, 213 W 4th Street) Margot Carrier, renter Student B. Robert M. and Betty Kinnan, renters Dill’s Venetian Blinds, 213 W 4th Street 1947 A. Joe C. and Gretchen Carrier, renters 1944 A. Joe C. and Gretchen Carrier, renters 1941 1939 Address not listed B. Weldon D. and Winnifred Hart, renters Sports editor, American-Statesman Office secretary, UT Mrs. Juanita J. Wilie, renter Clerk, State Unemployment Commission Joseph R. and Gretchen Carrier, renters President-manager Dill’s Inc, 404-6 Colorado Biographical Information C.7 - 6 The Austin American (1914-1973); May 7, 1939 The Austin American (1914-1973); Jul 2, 1939 C.7 - 7 The Austin Statesman, Sep 9, 1939 and the Austin American, Jul 12, 1942 The Austin American (1914-1973); Dec 22, 1946 C.7 - 8 The Austin Statesman, Jun 21, 1951 and Apr 4, 1952; The Austin American (1914-1973); Jan 24, 1960 C.7 - 9 The Austin American (1914-1973); Jun 12, 1966 Permits C.7 - 10 Building permit, 6-27-1939 Sewer tap permit, 6-28-1939 Water tap permit, 6-28-39 Building permit for carport, 8-25-54