612 Highland Avenue — original pdf
612 Highland AvenueSITE KEY PROPOSED NEW CONSTRUCTION ITEM ON SITE TO BE DEMOLISHED PROTECTED (OR) HERITAGE TREE CRZ TREE TO BE REMOVED TREE AND CANOPY WOOD FENCE METAL FENCE OVERHEAD LINE UTILITY POLE WATER METER GAS METER GRADE POINT ELECTRIC PANEL & METER WM EM G SITE NOTES 1.) SITE PLAN BASED ON SURVEY OF 612 HIGHLAND AVENUE LOT XX, BLOCK XX, OLD WEST AUSTIN "XX" SUBDIVISION, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF, DATED OCTOBER 11, 2019, BY "WATSON SURVEYING JOB NO. L3ROSEDALE-TP 2.) P6.) LIMIT AREAS OF STOCKPILED MATERIAL TO AREAS APPROVED BY ARCHITECT.DETERMINE EXACT LOCATION OF NEW STRUCTURES IN FIELD WITH ARCHITECT 3.) COORDINATE DESIGN & DETAILS WITH UTILITY COMPANY. COORDINATE LOCATION OF UTILITY LINES & PANEL LOCATIONS WITH ARCHITECT 4.) PROTECT TREES, ROCK OUT CROPPINGS, AND NATURAL SITE FEATURES DURING CONSTRUCTION. MINIMIZE SITE DISTURBANCE TO PROJECT LIMIT LINE. 5.) LIMIT AREAS OF STOCKPILED MATERIAL TO AREAS APPROVED BY ARCHITECT. 6.) DETERMINE EXACT LOCATION OF NEW STRUCTURES IN FIELD WITH ARCHITECT. 7.) CONTRACTOR TO COMPLY WITH THE TREE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF AUSTIN. FOLLOW TREE PROTECTION PLAN PROVIDED BY VINCENT DEBROCK CONSULTING ARBORIST 1 SITE PLAN SCALE = 1:10 (22X34) SCALE = 1:20 (11X17) PAVED ALLEYWAY 85 N 29°55'28" E 58.85' 86 (59.00') 87 88 90.6' 86 87 89 EXISTING GARAGE RAISED BED CUTTING GARDEN GARDEN SCREEN PORCH 2-STORY HOUSE FF EL=647.75' N 5 8 ° 3 8 ' 3 1 " W 1 2 1 . 1 5 ' 87 ( 1 2 0 . 0 0 ' ) 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 90.85' Y A W A E R A YARD POOL N E E R C S H C N E B L O O P E T E R C N O C D E S I A ER N O T S A E P YARD 91.35' S 5 8 ° 4 0 ' 0 8 " E 1 2 1 . 2 4 ' ( 1 2 0 . 0 0 ' ) 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 92 90.35' AREA WAY 9 3 91.35' 101 S 30°00'00" W 58.90' (59.00') HIGHLAND AVENUE (40' R.O.W.) LOT 12 BLK.B PLAN TRUE " 4 / 1 0 - ' 4 1 FRONT PORCH FRONT PORCH STAIR 9 9 0 0 1 ' 0 7 . 2 2 LAYOUT POINT CORNER PROPERTY LINE REVISIONS LOT ZONING TOTAL LOT SIZE BUILDING COVER CALCULATIONS PRINCIPLE STRUCTURE CONDITIONED FIRST FLOOR ROOF OVERHANG (BEYOND 2') ENTRY COVERED PORCH GARAGE TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE 39% TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE ALLOWED @ 40% IMPERVIOUS COVER CALCULATIONS TOTAL BUILDING COVERAGE GROTTO STAIR SITE WALLS ENTRY STEPS GARAGE STEPS AC CONCRETE PAD POOL SURROUND TOTAL IMPERVIOUS COVER @ 44.9% IMPERVIOUS COVER ALLOWED @ 45% FLOOR AREA RATIO CALCULATIONS (FAR) 1ST FLOOR (EXCLUDING PORCHES) (FAR) LOWER FLOOR GARAGE (412 SF - 450 SF EXEMPTION) BASEMENT (729 SF EXEMPTED) (FAR) TOTAL (PROPOSED) @ 40% (FAR) TOTAL ALLOWED @ 40% SF-3-NP 7066 SF 0 1513 SF 491 SF 340 SF 412 SF 2756 SF 2826 SF 2756 SF 40 SF 225 SF 37 SF 40 SF 18 SF 62 SF 3178 SF 3180 SF 1513 SF 1312 SF 0 SF 0 SF 2825 SF 2826 SF TABLE OF CONTENTS SP1: SITE PLAN A1.0v: VISITABILITY PLANS A1.0: FLOOR PLAN A1.1: SECOND FLOOR PLAN A1.2: GENERAL NOTES, SYMBOLS, DOOR & WINDOW SCHEDULES A1.3: GENERAL NOTES, SYMBOLS, DOOR & WINDOW SCHEDULES A2.0: EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS A3.0: BUILDING SECTIONS A4.0: WALL SECTIONS & SECTION DETAILS A5.0: DETAILS A5.1: DETAILS A5.2: DETAILS A5.3: WINDOW & DOOR DETAILS A5.4: STAIR DETAILS A6.0-A6.1: INTERIOR ELEVATIONS MEP1: ELECTRICAL AND LIGHTING PLAN S0.0: STRUCTURAL GENERAL NOTES S1.0: FOUNDATION PLAN S1.1: FRAMING PLAN S1.2: ROOF FRAMING PLAN S1.3: MAIN LEVEL BRACING PLAN S1.4: SECOND LEVEL BRACING PLAN S2.0: FOUNDATION DETAILS S3.0: FRAMING DETAILS S3.1: FRAMING DETAILS NICK DEAVER Architect 606 Highland Avenue Austin, Texas 78703 www.nickdeaver.com 12/01/20 PHASE: DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: COOK Residence 612 HIGHLAND AVE. AUSTIN, TX 78703 PROJECT MANAGER: DRAWING NAME: SITE PLAN DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: JD ND 280 280 COOK C 2021 nickdeaverarchitect 03.05.21 JOB #: FILE: DATE: SCALE: SHEET: SP1 1. NO MATERIAL OR DUMPSTER STORAGE OVER THE 1 2. PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC AND STORAGE ONLY IN THE 1 WITH 2 LAYERS OF 1" PLYWOOD SEPARATED BY 2X4 WILL BE USED IN ALL PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC AND STORAGE AREAS INSIDE THE CRZ. 3. LIMITED SIZE EQUIPMENT AND TRAFFIC INSIDE THE 1 4 CRZ. 2 CRZ 2 CRZ. CONTRACTOR TO PROPOSE DUMPSTER LOCATION, MATERIAL DROP OFF AND STORAGE AREAS, FENCING, AND GATE LOCATIONS TO ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR TO SEE TREE PLAN FOR PROTECTION OF CRITICAL ROOT ZONE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND TRAFFIC. ALL TREES ON SITE TO BE GIVEN MEASURES TO AVOID DAMAGE BEFORE, DURING CONSTRUCTION 612 Highland AvenueFRONT YARD SETBACK ISSUE From: Nick Deaver nick@nickdeaver.com Subject: Re: 612 Highland Ave. Austin, Tx 78703 Date: August 24, 2020 at 1:46 PM To: Cara Bertron Cara.Bertron@austintexas.gov Cc: Jessica Deaver jessica@nickdeaver.com Hello Cara, From: Bertron, Cara Cara.Bertron@austintexas.gov Subject: Re: 612 Highland Ave. Austin, Tx 78703 Date: September 15, 2020 at 1:25 PM To: Nick Deaver nick@nickdeaver.com Cc: Jessica Deaver jessica@nickdeaver.com We are still in the process of designing a new house for the 612 Highland Ave property. We are hoping to meet with the Historic Subcommittee as soon as we have satisfied our clients. I have been trying to identify the appropriate front yard setback for our New Construction on the site where the original house burned. Article 2.3.B Average Front Yard Setback (of Subchapter F: Residential Design and Compatibility Standards) allows us to average the 4 structures that are closest to our property on the same side of the road, (some of which are not contributing structures to the Smoot/Terrace Park Local Historic District); while the Design Guidelines for New Construction in the Smoot/Terrace Park HD Design Standards/Preservation Plan allows: '2. Setbacks for new construction of a new principal building shall be consistent with setbacks the district’s contributing houses by taking the average of the existing setbacks of contributing houses on the same block face, or by aligning with the setback of one adjacent contributing house. This may allow setbacks that are shallower than the base zoning.’ Would you please advise me as to which Front Yard setback would take precedent? Thanks for your help, Nick Nick Deaver Nick Deaver Architect nickdeaver.com o. 512.494.9808 c. 512.801.1764 On Aug 5, 2020, at 11:42 AM, Bertron, Cara <Cara.Bertron@austintexas.gov> wrote: Got it, thanks. I’ll wait to hear from you. As I wrote last month, I’d strongly recommend that you get early feedback on the project—but the ?ming for that is your call. Cara Bertron Cara Bertron Senior Planner / Deputy Historic Preserva7on Officer City of Aus7n Planning and Zoning Department (512) 974-1446 | cara.bertron@aus7ntexas.gov From: Jessica Deaver <jessica@nickdeaver.com> Date: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 at 5:11 PM To: "Bertron, Cara" <Cara.Bertron@aus?ntexas.gov> Cc: Nick Deaver <nick@nickdeaver.com> Subject: Re: 612 Highland Ave. Aus?n, Tx 78703 Hi Cara, We aren’t ready to meet just yet as we are s?ll working with the owners on the design. We will check in closer to the end of the month. Thanks, Hi y’all, sorry again for the delay. The Smoot/Terrace Park Design Standards control when they conflict with other code provisions. This doesn’t come up very oAen; I’m happy to talk to a coordinaDng reviewer to avert any confusion, if you’re already working with someone in the Development Services Department. Cara From: "Bertron, Cara" <Cara.Bertron@ausDntexas.gov> Date: Thursday, August 27, 2020 at 9:11 AM To: Nick Deaver <nick@nickdeaver.com> Cc: Jessica Deaver <jessica@nickdeaver.com> Subject: Re: 612 Highland Ave. AusDn, Tx 78703 Hi Nick, I wanted to let you know that I’m checking on this with the Law Department to be sure. Apologies for the delay—I hope to get back with you soon. Cara Cara Bertron Cara Bertron Senior Planner / Deputy Historic Preserva7on Officer City of Aus7n Planning and Zoning Department (512) 974-1446 | cara.bertron@aus7ntexas.gov From: Nick Deaver <nick@nickdeaver.com> Date: Monday, August 24, 2020 at 1:46 PM To: "Bertron, Cara" <Cara.Bertron@ausDntexas.gov> Cc: Jessica Deaver <jessica@nickdeaver.com> Subject: Re: 612 Highland Ave. AusDn, Tx 78703 Hello Cara, We are sDll in the process of designing a new house for the 612 Highland Ave property. We are hoping to meet with the Historic Subcommi`ee as soon as we have saDsfied our clients. I have been trying to idenDfy the appropriate front yard setback for our New ConstrucDon on the site where the original house burned. ArDcle 2.3.B Average Front Yard Setback (of Subchapter F: ResidenDal Design and CompaDbility Standards) allows us to average the 4 structures that are closest to our property on the same side of the road, (some of which are not contribuDng structures to the Smoot/Terrace Park Local Historic District); while the Design Guidelines for New ConstrucDon in the Smoot/Terrace Park HD Design Standards/PreservaDon Plan allows: '2. Setbacks for new construcDon of a new principal building shall be consistent with setbacks the district’s contribuDng houses by taking the average 612 Highland AvenueFebruary 2021 612 Highland AvenueBefore November 2019 612 Highland AvenueSCREENED PORCH BEYOND REVISIONS AVERAGE PITCHED ROOF HEIGHT STANDING SEAM GALV. METAL ROOF 2'-6" GLASS GLASS GLASS " 8 1 1 GALV. METAL TOP OF BEARING PLATE " 0 1 - ' 3 " 4 - ' 3 AVERAGE GRADE ADJ. TO BUILDING =99.86' CLERESTORY OPENING TO GROTTO BELOW " 0 - ' 3 SMOOTH STUCCO GLASS GLASS GLASS SMOOTH STUCCO GLASS LOW BRICK WALL AND BENCH FIRST FINISH FLOOR ELEV. 102.18' ELEV. 101.20' TOP OF WALL LOWER LEVEL CEILING HIGH ELEV. @ MIN. FRONT YARD SETBACK= 100.00' AVERAGE ELEV. @ MIN FRONT YARD SETBACK =99.18' WIDE FLOATING CONCRETE STEPS " 8 3 7 - ' 1 " 8 1 9 - ' 7 B A L S O T B A L S D L O " 1 1 - ' 8 2 1 TOP OF EXISTING SLAB LOWER TERRACE EXG. GRADE ELEV. = 92.25' LOWER FINISH FLOOR ELEV. = 91.68' 1 EAST EXTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0" (22X34) 1/8" = 1'-0" (11X17) " 6 - ' 3 2 " 0 - ' 5 1 " 0 - ' 9 " 6 - ' 1 " 0 - ' 9 E D A R G . G X E O T W O T " 2 - ' 8 " 7 ELEV. 98.37' STAIR TO LOWER COURTYARD AND GROTTO EXISTING GRADE @ LOWER TERRACE " 4 1 0 1 - ' 8 1 SMOOTH STUCCO STANDING SEAM GALV. METAL ROOF SMOOTH STUCCO SMOOTH STUCCO FLOATING STEEL ARBOR SMOOTH STUCCO GROTTO OPEN BREEZEWAY EVENING TERRACE OPEN TO BEYOND 2 SOUTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0" (22X34) 1/8" = 1'-0" (11X17) EXISTING GRADE RAISE CONCRETE PLUNG POOL TOP OF LOWER FINISH FLOOR SWIMMING POOL NICK DEAVER Architect 606 Highland Avenue Austin, Texas 78703 www.nickdeaver.com 12/01/20 PHASE: DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: COOK Residence 612 HIGHLAND AVE. AUSTIN, TX 78703 PROJECT MANAGER: DRAWING NAME: EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: JD ND 280 280 COOK C 2021 nickdeaverarchitect 03.05.21 DATE: JOB #: FILE: SCALE: SHEET: A2.0 TOP OF BEARING PLATE TOP OF FIRST FINISH FLOOR SMOOTH STUCCO CHIMNEY STANDING SEAM GALV. METAL ROOF GALV. METAL GALV. METAL TOP OF BEARING PLATE SMOOTH STUCCO SMOOTH STUCCO BRICK BEYOND SCREEN PANEL TYP. WWF METAL PANEL STEEL TRIM BRICK BEYOND EVENING TERRACE OPEN TO BEYOND 4X4 STEEL TUBE COLUMN STEEL STAIR WOOD TREADS TOP OF FIRST FINISH FLOOR " 0 - ' 9 " 6 - ' 1 " 0 - ' 9 " 6 - ' 1 1 WEST EXTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0" (22X34) 1/8" = 1'-0" (11X17) CANTILEVERED PORCH ROOF AREAWAY AREAWAY AREAWAY SCREENED PORCH BEYOND CONCRETE STEEL EDGING TOP OF LOWER FINISH FLOOR GALV. METAL WWF METAL PANEL STEEL BEAM SMOOTH STUCCO GROTTO OPEN BREEZEWAY SMOOTH STUCCO POOL BEYOND SMOOTH STUCCO CONCRETE FINISH FIRST FLOOR @ ELEV. 102.18' FINISH GRADE @ ELEV. 100.50' " 0 - ' 2 1 2" X 2" STEEL BAR GUARDRAIL " 6 - ' 1 " 0 - ' 9 ELEV. 91.68' 2 NORTH EXTERIOR ELEVATION 1/4" = 1'-0" (22X34) 1/8" = 1'-0" (11X17) SMOOTH STUCCO STANDING SEAM GALV. METAL ROOF " 0 - ' 6 " 0 - ' 3 SMOOTH STUCCO WWF METAL PANEL SMOOTH STUCCO AREAWAY BELOW EVENING TERRACE OPEN TO BEYOND TOP OF BEARING PLATE TOP OF FIRST FINISH FLOOR LOWER FLOOR CEILING " 0 - ' 9 " 6 - ' 1 " 0 - ' 9 " 6 - ' 1 " " 0 0 - - ' ' 9 9 TOP OF EXISTING SLAB TO BE REMOVED CONCRETE TOP OF EXISTING GRADE TO BE REMOVED TOP OF LOWER FINISH FLOOR REVISIONS NICK DEAVER Architect 606 Highland Avenue Austin, Texas 78703 www.nickdeaver.com 12/01/20 PHASE: DESIGN DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: COOK Residence 612 HIGHLAND AVE. AUSTIN, TX 78703 PROJECT MANAGER: DRAWING NAME: EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: JD ND 280 280 COOK C 2021 nickdeaverarchitect 03.05.21 DATE: JOB #: FILE: SCALE: SHEET: A2.1 Smoot/Terrace Park Historic District Design Guidelines for New Construction 1.) Same street orienation and distance from adjacent buildings. 2.) Front yard setback aligns with setback of adjacent contributing house to the south. 3.) Compatible but differentiated from historic bungalows. Deliberatly departing from Craftsman Style with modern architecture that reflects its time. 4.) Reflects materials in the neighborhood. (Brick and Stucco, Standing Seam Metal Roof, Wood Porch Ceiling and Soffits.) 5.) Matches original footprint and eave heights of *original structure, maintaining scale, massing, and spacing between houses. (Street pattern is 5’ setback, open space for drive, house - repeat) 6.) A modern house “not a historic style” with front proportions and fenestration patterns similar to neighbors. 7.) Simple hipped roof with front facing dormer and projected front porch. 8.) Deep building-wide front porch matching width, floor height, and ceiling height of the original structure. Maintains relationship to the ground. 9.) Single story with lower floor and outdoor garden at level below street grade. * Original Structure destroyed by fire in 2019 612 Highland Avenue