1 - Guadalupe Storm Drain Improvement - Baker School — original pdf
From: McKay, Rebeka Rebeka.McKay@austintexas.gov Subject: FW: Guadalupe SDI - Baker school Date: December 7, 2020 at 10:36 AM To: Kimberly Patak KKP@freese.com Cc: Hernandez, David David.Hernandez3@austintexas.gov, Middleton, John John.Middleton@austintexas.gov External Email. Use cau1on when clicking links or opening a8achments. Kim, This is something we need to look into. Thanks, Rebeka L. McKay, PE, CFM City of Aus9n, Watershed Protec9on Department (512) 974-3353 Rebeka.McKay@aus9ntexas.gov From: Shunk, Kevin <Kevin.Shunk@aus9ntexas.gov> Sent: Monday, December 07, 2020 9:45 AM To: Middleton, John <John.Middleton@aus9ntexas.gov>; McKay, Rebeka <Rebeka.McKay@aus9ntexas.gov> Subject: Guadalupe SDI - Baker school I listened to the ZAP meeting from November 24 regarding the Baker school property. One thing that was discussed was that since the property contributes to the historic character of the neighborhood, then any development on the property must be approved by the Historic Landmark Commission, whether the property is rezoned historic or not. That made me wonder, does that mean that our detention pond use must be approved by the HLC? If yes, when would that have to occur. Have you guys discussed this with Steve Sadowsky? I think this is a conversation we need to have in order to understand the approval process before we get too deep into design. Thanks Kevin Shunk, P.E., CFM Division Manager City of Austin, Watershed Protection Department, Watershed Engineering Division 505 Barton Springs Road, 12th Floor PO Box 1088, Austin, Texas 78767 (512) 974-9176