D.8.a - 3107 Dancy St - citizen comment — original pdf

Concerning: Case Number: GF 20-178291 – 3107 DANCY ST 1. In the past a determination was made that this house warranted historical certification. There is no reason to assume that this is no longer valid. In addition, this past determination has the weight of a formal verification process. 2. Historical zoning is an exchange of value-received (reduced taxes) for having a development easement assigned to the property. This easement goes with the property, just like a drainage easement or a flood zone determination. Existing and/or previous landowners have already received value in exchange for adding an easement which remains with the property. That was the deal and they made it. 3. Historical certification might increase or decrease the resale value of the property. In any case, the current property owner purchased the property with eyes wide open with regard to this restriction (which reasonably was factored into the purchase price) and so no argument of undue hardship is warranted. 4. The very nature of historical certification is intended to protect property against the variations of valuation over time which might make it profitable to demolish and redevelop a site. That was the agreement which made upon applying for and accepting the historical certification and that is the arrangement which should be applied to the consideration of this request. Summary: The request should be denied. A valid and binding exchange of value-received for encumbering the property with a development easement was made and this type of development easement, by its very nature, should not subject to the whims of redevelopment valuation. Thomas Mayer 13-Dec-2020