D.2.b - 1400 Drake Avenue - citizen comments — original pdf

Scrrrrli Idr.- "- {.llt}' {..itir*nn lnE, I1 { } Ilt i,x ,}t ilr .lj ,,1r*ij, 11'11'LL'. nttr":ii,1 \, r il.ii ,g.v ":g1il.i : i',:r.,!tL'.,1,' I il. *,. rr ),.r, i, 1-.. i r'r itr'r,:.i, rrr l lit' i \lrl",.i , t,.... | . '. r',' i ii " l1 rr I :,.1' ..'t..:'r'r :.r". 'rl r. r ,.,r 'r'. 'rl,; '.,. r, rJ^ \rr . I t.. SRCC SOUlH RIVER CITY CITIZENS AUSTIN TEXAS Historic Landmark Commission City Hall 301 W.2nd St. Austin, TX787A1 December 11,2020 Dear Commission Members: RE: SRCC opposition to demolition of 1400 Drake, case HDP-2020-0400 On November 17th 2A20, the general membership of the South River City Citizens (SRCC) Neighborhood Association voted to oppose the demolition of the home at 1400 Drake. our opposition stems from the following main issues: The home is modestly sized and would be affordable as rental property. lf demolished, it is unlikely to be replaced with a similarly affordable home. The home contributes to the pending Travis Heights-Fairview Park National Register Historic District. The house is a classic vernacular 1930s cottage, common in its time. Today, this cottage is a vanishing resource type and reflects blue-collar family housing in South Austin. This home represents the eclectic and diverse character of Travis Heights. Sincerely, Megan Spencer Vice President vicepresid ent@srccatx. org CC: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Officer Gaudette, Angela From: Sent: To: Subject: > Melanie Martinez < Sunday, December 13, 2020 11:07 AM Jacob, Mathew - BC; Papavasiliou, Alexander - BC; Little, Kelly - BC; McWhorter, Trey - BC; Heimsath, Ben - BC; Myers, Terri - BC; Featherston, Witt; Tollett, Blake - BC; Koch, Kevin - BC; Valenzuela, Sarah - BC; Bertron, Cara; Sadowsky, Steve; bc-Caroline.Wright@austin.texas.gov; Gaudette, Angela; PAZ Preservation 1400 & 1402 Drake Ave., HDP-2020-0474 & HDP-2020-0400 *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Dear Commissioners, I'm a long‐time resident of Fairview Park, and one of the many neighbors who spent the past 15 years working toward our National Register historic district designation. I also volunteer on the SRCC's Preservation Committee but I'm writing as an individual and not on behalf of that group. I oppose the demolition of 1400 & 1402 Drake Ave. (HDP‐2020‐0400 & HDP‐2020‐0474) for the same reasons as previously stated. This house is contributing to our historic district, and its location, while not considered "unique," does not diminish the value of a character‐defining home on a corner lot. As you know, a historic district considers the whole, and not just landmark‐status properties. While we can't forbid these demolitions, it would be helpful to know the plans for these lots. Sadly, demolitions on a corner lot seem to cause a cascade of demolitions down the block, leading to more losses. Demolishing 1402 Drake, as well, only exacerbates this effect. I hope this commission can encourage the owner of these properties to work with the SRCC's Preservation Committee and the city's Preservation Office to develop a plan that would retain the facades of these homes while still being able to remodel and expand in a sensitive way. I'm sure there must be an alternative to demolition. Thank you for your consideration, Melanie Martinez 1214 Newning Ave. CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to cybersecurity@austintexas.gov. 1