D.4.a - 514 Academy Drive - citizen comments — original pdf

Gaudette, Angela From: Sent: To: Subject: Melanie Martinez < Sunday, December 13, 2020 11:10 AM Heimsath, Ben - BC; Myers, Terri - BC; Featherston, Witt; Papavasiliou, Alexander - BC; Tollett, Blake - BC; Little, Kelly - BC; Jacob, Mathew - BC; McWhorter, Trey - BC; Bertron, Cara; Valenzuela, Sarah - BC; Koch, Kevin - BC; Sadowsky, Steve; bc-Caroline.Wright@austin.texas.gov; Gaudette, Angela; PAZ Preservation Item D-4 514 Academy Dr,. HDP-2020-0424 *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Dear Commissioners, I'm a long‐time resident of Fairview Park, and one of the neighbors who spent the past 15 years working toward our National Register historic district designation. I also volunteer on the SRCC's Preservation Committee but I'm writing as an individual and not on behalf of that group. I oppose the demolition of 514 Academy Dr, HDP2020‐0424. I live near this property and completed my opposition statement in writing last month. I have not seen any plans yet for this lot, so I am still opposed to demolition. This section of Academy's historic streetscape has barely been touched by new construction, so losing a contributing property in the middle of the block‐‐so close to the historic Kirkland‐Mather House (The Academy)‐‐makes a jarring statement and diminishes the character of our historic district. Should the owner want to learn more about the possibilities of restoring the house, even with an addition and ADU, they could create an income‐producing property and earn tax credits for rehabilitation. Or they could sell that remodeled property as an income‐producing property. I believe people moving to Austin desire homes like these that provide the "missing middle" and can be a benefit, rather than a waste of embodied energy and history thrown in the dump. Of course, I cannot speak to the owners' intent. If they desire to be part of our community, I'm sure a meeting with our neighborhood's Preservation Committee would be fruitful and could open up more possibilities for compromise and find design approaches that wouldn't remove this contributing property from our historic district. Thank you for your consideration, Melanie Martinez 1214 Newning Ave. CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to cybersecurity@austintexas.gov. 1