A.1.b - 416 W. 12th Street - applicant's presentation #1 — original pdf

416 W. 12th St. Keep DKG Working for Women Educators 1 Overview Project: Rezone to DMU and reject historic zoning, which will: • Keep Delta Kappa Gamma healthy and strong, and • Provide a downtown project that supports housing goals. Presentation: • Overview (Michael Whellan) • Project Proposal (Architects) • Delta Kappa Gamma’s Work (DKG Members) • Delta Kappa Gamma’s History (DKG Leadership) 2 Key Facts • Delta Kappa Gamma is not a building – it is an active organization. DKG’s programs support women educators around the world. • Delta Kappa Gamma’s history predates this office building. This site is DKG’s fifth location. DKG’s founder, Dr. Annie Webb Blanton, died over a decade before they relocated to 416 W. 12th St. • This project is critical to Delta Kappa Gamma’s future. Historic zoning would restrict one of their key resources and lock in escalating building costs at the expense of DKG’s mission and health. 3 Delta Kappa Gamma 1929 Dr. Annie Webb Blanton founds DKG on UT’s campus as a way to organize women to fight gender discrimination and support women educators. 1945 Dr. Annie Webb Blanton passes away. 1956 Delta Kappa Gamma relocates to 416 W. 12th St., its fifth location. 4 National Register Status In 2011, an architecture student sought National Register Status for DKG for a class project. The state informed DKG this would not restrict the site. Delta Kappa Gamma: “Can you tell me what restrictions or impact this would have on the property?” National Register Coordinator: “Listing in the National Register imposes absolutely NO RESTRICTIONS on private property.” February 2011 Exchange Excerpt 5 DKG’s Request vs. Historic Zoning Outcomes DMU Zoning Historic Zoning Revitalizes Delta Kappa Gamma. Helps Meet City Housing Goals. Funds Permanent Supportive Housing. Supports Robust Transit System. Structural Preservation. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✖ ✓ 6 Recap Delta Kappa Gamma supports women educators and students around the world – but faces a number of challenges, including issues with their current office building. DKG has requested DMU zoning, which would allow them to strategically target their resources and revitalize, while helping the city better meet its own goals. However, historic zoning would restrict one of DKG’s key resources and lock in long‐term costs, threatening their financial stability and future. 7