D.6.a - 1414 Alameda and others - citizen comments — original pdf

From: Sent: To: Cc: Gaudette, Angela Paula Kothmann Friday, December 11, 2020 11:51 AM PAZ Preservation > Subject: D.6 1414 Alameda Drive (HDP-2020-0453): request to postpone *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Dear Commissioners: I'm a resident of the Travis Heights-Fairview Park National Register District. I respectfully request that you consider postponing the case for D.6 1414 Alameda Drive (HDP‐2020‐0453). This property is a contributing property to our District. We appreciate the architect, who has reached out about the propoosed replacement property. We asked him to describe the proposed changes against your new Design Guidelines. At this point we do not have that information. I plan to speak at the meeting on Monday and will be happy to answer any questions at that time. Thank you for your consideration! Kind regards, Paula Kothmann Preservation Committee, SRCC ‐‐ Paula Kothmann, CMM Investment Real Estate Consultant Certified Minerals Manager Associate 1317 Kenwood Ave/Austin, TX 78704 512.470.2405 Texas Real Estate Commission License #664403 Brigham Real Estate (Austin) Mayfair International Realty (London) 1 ‐‐ Paula Kothmann, CMM Investment Real Estate Consultant Certified Minerals Manager Associate 1317 Kenwood Ave/Austin, TX 78704 512.470.2405 Texas Real Estate Commission License #664403 Brigham Real Estate (Austin) Mayfair International Realty (London) Director, Texas Chapter, District One National Association of Royalty Owners Member, Board of Directors Texas Energy Council CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to cybersecurity@austintexas.gov. 2