D.11.0 - 5613 Patton Ranch Road — original pdf

HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION DECEMBER 14, 2020 DEMOLITION AND RELOCATION PERMITS HDP-2020-0479 5613 PATTON RANCH ROAD D.11 - 1 PROPOSAL RESEARCH Deconstruct and move a log cabin of undetermined age to Pioneer Farms. ARCHITECTURE The main portion of this building is a log cabin with a stone fireplace and foundation. The house has several more modern additions, and windows have been replaced. The only information available at this time on the house is that it is the old Miller Ranch House, but no correlation to families, or a date of construction for the house has been established. STAFF COMMENTS The house is beyond the limit of any city survey to date. Staff has evaluated this house for designation as a historic landmark and has determined that absent the identification as a log cabin, there is no other information available that would justify designation of this structure as a historic landmark. This cabin is on property owned by St. Andrew’s Episcopal School. Staff has consulted with Pioneer Farms, which is willing to accept the cabin for future use and interpretation on their museum property. The applicant and representatives from Pioneer Farms have met to ink the deal for the relocation of the cabin to the museum property. The applicant had originally filed an application for demolition of the structure, which will need to be converted to a relocation application. The contractor has provided a detailed methodology for deconstructing the cabin, labeling its parts, and moving it to Pioneer Farms, where it will be reconstructed at a later date. D.11 - 2 E-mail from contractor for relocation: Hi Tom and Brandon, After careful analysis of best methods to relocate the cedar log structure at 5613 Patton Ranch Rd, we have determined that the best method will be to disassemble and transport to Pioneer Farms for reassembly by Pioneer Farms staff. We have determined this best method due to the fragile nature of the structure built on a rock and mortar footing without a modern foundation that could be transported with the log structure. Disassembly will also give Pioneer Farms an opportunity to make necessary repairs which would likely require disassembly to achieve. D.11 - 3 DAR will remove the portion of the house and roof added and built around the cabin. All modern framing will be removed to isolate and expose the original walls of the cabin. The footprint and walls will be carefully measured in detail and photographed. All cedar logs will then be tagged with metal numerical tags and again photographed. The cedar logs will then be disassembled by hand, cleaned of the modern stucco style mortar and stacked in a container for storage and transport. Pioneer Farms will assist with cataloging of the logs if needed. After all disassembly is complete , the container will be transported to Pioneer Farms for temporary storage and reassembly. Give me a call if you have further questions… Thank you! D A R Demolition David Rodewald STAFF RECOMMENDATION Release the permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package that will also encompass an old hay crib that is not stable enough to be deconstructed and moved. The documentation package will be provided by staff to the Austin History Center and will also constitute a part of the interpretation of the cabin at Pioneer Farms. Non-original addition will not be relocated D.11 - 4 D.11 - 5 D.11 - 6 D.11 - 7 Hay crib LOCATION MAP D.11 - 8