D.9.1 - 2102 Alta Vista Avenue - Plans — original pdf

Residential New Construction and Addition Permit Application DevelopmentATX.com | Phone: 311 (or 512-974-2000 outside Austin) For submittal and fee information, see austintexas.gov/digitaldevelopment Download application before entering information. Property Information Project Address: Legal Description: Zoning District: Tax Parcel ID: Lot Area (sq ft): Historic District (if applicable): Neighborhood Plan Area (if applicable): Required Reviews Is project participating in S.M.A.R.T. Housing? Y N (If yes, attach signed certification letter from NHCD, and signed conditional approval letter from Austin Energy Green Building) Is this site within an Airport Overlay Zone? Y N (If yes, approval through Aviation is required) Does project have a Green Building requirement? Y N (If yes, attach signed conditional approval letter from Austin Energy Green Building) Does this site have a septic system? Y N (If yes, submit a copy of approved septic permit. OSSF review required) Does the structure exceed 3,600 square feet total under roof? Y N (If yes, Fire review is required) Is this property within 200 feet of a hazardous pipeline? Y N (If yes, Fire review is required) Is this site located within an Erosion Hazard Zone? Y N (If yes, EHZ review is required) Are there trees 19” or greater in diameter on/adjacent to the property? Y N If yes, how many?_____ ( Provide plans with a tree survey, tree review required.) Was there a pre-development consultation for the Tree Review? Y N Is this property within 100 feet of the 100-year floodplain? Y N (Proximity to floodplain may require additional review time.) Proposed impacts to trees: (Check all that apply) Root zone Canopy Removal None/Uncertain Is this site within the Residential Design and Compatibility Standards Ordinance Boundary Area? (LDC 25-2 Subchapter F) Y N Is this site in the Capital View Corridor? Y N (If yes, a preliminary review through land use is needed to determine if full view corridor review is required.) Does this site currently have: water availability? Y N wastewater availability? Y N Does this site have or will it have an auxiliary water source? Y N (If yes, submit approved auxiliary and potable plumbing plans.) (Auxiliary water supplies are wells, rainwater harvesting, river water, lake water, reclaimed water, etc.) Does this site require a cut or fill in excess of four (4) feet? Y N (If yes, contact the Development Assistance Center for a Site Plan Exemption) Is this site within the Waterfront Overlay? Y N (LDC 25-2 Subchapter C Article 3) Does this site front a paved street? Y N (If no, contact Development Assistance Center for Site Plan requirements.) Is this site within the Lake Austin Overlay? Y N (LDC 25-2-180, 25-2-647) Is this site adjacent to a paved alley? Y N (Public Works approval required to take access from a public alley.) (If no, contact Austin Water Utility to apply for water/wastewater taps and/or service extension request.) Does this site have a Board of Adjustment (BOA) variance? Y N Case # _________________________ (if applicable) (If yes, provide a copy of decision sheet. Note: A permit cannot be approved within 10 days of approval of a variance from BOA.) Description of Work Is Total New/Added Building Area > 5,000 sq. Ft.? Y N (If yes, construction material recycling is required per LDC 25-11-39) Existing Use: vacant single-family residential duplex residential two-family residential other: _________ Proposed Use: vacant single-family residential duplex residential two-family residential other: _________ Project Type: new construction addition addition/remodel other:__________ Will all or part of an existing exterior wall, structure, or roof be removed as part of the project? Y N (Notes: Removal of all or part of a structure requires a Demolition Permit Application per LDC 25-11-37. A demo permit is not required for the removal of all or part of an interior wall, floor or ceiling) # existing bedrooms: # bedrooms upon completion: # baths upon completion: # baths existing: Project Description: (Note: Please provide thorough description of project. Attach additional pages as necessary.) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Trade Permits Required (Check as applicable): electric plumbing mechanical (HVAC) concrete (R.O.W.) City of Austin | Residential New Construction and Addition Permit Application 8/27/20 | Page 1 of 7 Total Remodeled Floor Area (if applicable) sq ft. (work within existing habitable square footage) Job Valuation – For Properties in a Floodplain Only Total Job Valuation: $__________________ Note: The total job valuation should be the sum total of all valuations noted to the right. Labor and materials only, rounded to nearest dollar. Site Development Information Area Description Note: Provide a separate calculation for each distinct area. Attach additional sheets as necessary. Measurements are to the outside surface of the exterior wall. a) 1st Floor conditioned area b) 2nd Floor conditioned area c) 3rd Floor conditioned area d) Basement e) Covered parking (garage or carport) f) Covered patio, deck, porch, and/or balcony area(s) g) Other covered or roofed area h) Uncovered wood decks Total Building Area (total a through h) i) Pool j) Spa k) Remodeled Floor Area, excluding Addition / New Construction Amount for Primary Structure: $ ________________ Elec: Y N | Plmbg: Y N | Mech: Y N Amount for Accessory Structure: $ ________________ Elec: Y N | Plmbg: Y N | Mech: Y N Existing sq. ft. to Remain New/Added sq. ft. Total sq. ft. Bldg. 1 Bldg. 2 Bldg. 1 Bldg. 2 Bldg. 1 Bldg. 2 The Calculation Aid on page 7 is to be used to complete the following calculations and to provide additional information. Building Coverage Information Note: Building Coverage means the area of a lot covered by buildings or roofed areas, but excludes ground-level paving, landscaping, open recreational facilities, incidental projecting eaves, balconies, and similar features. Pools, ponds, and fountains are not included in this measurement. (LDC 25-1-21) Total Building Coverage (sq ft): ___________ % of lot size: ________ Impervious Cover Information Note: Impervious cover is the total horizontal area of covered spaces including building coverage, paved areas, walkways, and driveways. The term excludes pools, ponds, fountains, and areas with gravel placed over pervious surfaces that are used only for landscaping or by pedestrians. For an uncovered wood deck that has drainage spaces between the deck boards and that is located over a pervious surface, 50 percent of the horizontal area of the deck is included in the measurement of impervious cover. (LDC 25-1-23) Total Impervious Cover (sq ft): _____________ % of lot size: ________ Setbacks Are any existing structures on this site a non-compliant structure based on a yard setback requirement? (LDC 25-2-492) Y N Does any structure (or an element of a structure) extend over or beyond a required yard? (LDC 25-2-513) Y N Is front yard setback averaging being utilized on this property? (LDC 25-2, Subchapter F, Sec. 2.3 or 25-2-778) Y N Height Information (LDC 25-1-21 or 25-2 Subchapter F, Section 3.4) Parking (LDC 25-6 Appendix A & 25-6-478) Building Height: _______ ft ___ in Number of Floors: _____ # of spaces required: ________ # of spaces provided: ________ Right-of-Way Information Is a sidewalk required for the proposed construction? (LDC 25-6-353) Y N *Sidewalks are to be installed on any new construction of a single family, two-family or duplex residential structure and any addition to an existing building that increases the building’s gross floor area by 50 % or more. Will a Type I driveway approach be installed, relocated, removed or repaired as part of this project? Y N Width of approach (measured at property line): ___________ ft Distance from intersection (for corner lots only): __________ ft Are storm sewer inlets located within ten (10) feet of the end of any proposed driveway? Y N (New driveways within ten(10) feet of an inlet will require additional review) City of Austin | Residential New Construction and Addition Permit Application 8/27/20 | Page 2 of 7 Gross Floor Area This section is only required for projects located within the Residential Design and Compatibility Standards Ordinance Boundaries as defined and illustrated in Title 25-2 Subchapter F of the Land Development Code. The Gross Floor Area of each floor is measured as the area contained within the outside edge of the exterior walls. Existing sq. ft. New/Added to remain sq. ft. Proposed Exemption (check article utilized) Applied Total sq. ft. Exemption sq. ft. Subchapter F 1st Floor 2nd Floor 3rd Floor Area w/ ceilings > 15’ Ground Floor Porch1 (check article utilized) Basement 4 Attic 5 Garage2 (check article utilized) Carport2: (check article utilized) Attached Detached Attached Detached Accessory Building(s) (detached) Totals Must follow article 3.3.5 Full Porch sq. ft. (3.3.3.A) 200 sq. ft. (3.3.3 A 2) Must follow article 3.3.3B, see note below Must follow article 3.3.3C, see note below 200 sq. ft. (3.3.2 B 1) 450 sq. ft. (3.3.2 A 1 / 2a) 200 sq. ft. (3.3.2 B 2a / 2b) 450 sq. ft. (3.3.2 A 3) 200 sq. ft. (3.3.2 B 1)3 450 sq. ft. (3.3.2 A 1) TOTAL GROSS FLOOR AREA (Total Gross Floor Area ÷ Lot Area) x 100 = ___________________ Floor-To-Area Ratio (FAR) Is a sidewall articulation required for this project? Y N (Yes, if: a wall, 15’ tall or higher, within 9 feet of a side property line extends further than 36 feet in length per article 2.7.1) Does any portion of the structure extend beyond a setback plane/exemption exhibit (aka “tent”)? Y N (If Yes, indicate applicable section of Subchapter F and length of protrusion on the drawings.) 1 Ground Floor Porch exemption: A ground floor porch, including a screened porch, may be exempted, provided that the porch is not accessible by automobile and is not connected to a driveway; and the exemption may not exceed 200 square feet if a porch has habitable space or a balcony above it. 2 Garage and carport exemptions (in relation to primary structure): Exemptions must follow the code as outlined in Title 25-2 Subchapter F 3.3.2. Each amount listed (450 or 200) is the maximum exclusion allowed per the article designated. Note: Article 3.3.2 C, “An applicant may receive only one 450-square foot exemption per site under paragraph A. An applicant who receives a 450-square foot exemption may receive an additional 200-foot exemption for the same site under paragraph B, but only for an attached parking area used to meet minimum parking requirements.” 3Ordinance article 3.3.2 B 1 is 200 sq. ft. exemption may be combined with a 450 sq. ft. exemption. Otherwise only one 450 exemption or one 200 sq. ft. exemption may be taken. 4 Basement exemption: A habitable portion of a building that is below grade may be exempted if the habitable portion does not extend beyond the first-story footprint and is below natural or finished grade, whichever is lower; and it is surrounded by natural grade for at least 50% of its perimeter wall area and the finished floor of the first story is not more than three feet above the average elevation at the intersections of the minimum front yard setback line and the side property lines. 5 Habitable Attic exemption: A habitable portion of an attic may be exempted if: 1) The roof above it is not a flat or mansard roof and has a slope of 3 to 12 or greater; 2) It is fully contained within the roof structure; 3) It has only one floor; 4) It does not extend beyond the footprint of the floors below; 5) It is the highest habitable portion of the building, or a section of the building, and adds no additional mass to the structure; and 6) Fifty percent or more of the area over 5 feet has a ceiling height of seven feet or less. City of Austin | Residential New Construction and Addition Permit Application 8/27/20 | Page 3 of 7 close entry way with larger front bouble door replace front door with larger door adding window here adding window here replacing kitchen window with larger window replace bathroom window with same size window but different window adding pocket door here