D.6.1 - 1414 Alameda and others - citizen comments — original pdf

Gaudette, Angela From: Sent: To: Subject: PAZ Preservation Friday, November 13, 2020 8:46 PM Gaudette, Angela FW: D.7 1400 Drake Avenue (HDP-2020-0400); D.12 514 Academy Drive (HDP-2020-0424); D.15 1811 Drake Avenue (HDP-2020-0432) D.20 1414 Alameda Drive (HDP-2020-0453) From: Angela Reed Sent: Saturday, November 14, 2020 2:45:39 AM (UTC+00:00) Monrovia, Reykjavik To: Valenzuela, Sarah - BC; Papavasiliou, Alexander - BC; Jacob, Mathew - BC; Myers, Terri - BC; McWhorter, Trey - BC; Reed, Emily - BC; Little, Kelly - BC; Tollett, Blake - BC; Heimsath, Ben - BC; Koch, Kevin - BC; Featherston, Witt; Wright, Caroline - BC; PAZ Preservation; Sadowsky, Steve Subject: D.7 1400 Drake Avenue (HDP‐2020‐0400); D.12 514 Academy Drive (HDP‐2020‐0424); D.15 1811 Drake Avenue (HDP‐2020‐0432) D.20 1414 Alameda Drive (HDP‐2020‐0453) *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Regarding opposition to the following demolitions: D.7 1400 Drake Avenue (HDP‐2020‐0400); D.12 514 Academy Drive (HDP‐2020‐0424); D.15 1811 Drake Avenue (HDP‐2020‐0432) D.20 1414 Alameda Drive (HDP‐2020‐0453) Dear Commissioners, Residents of the Travis Heights-Fairview Park National Register District are seeing a number of demolition requests, all referenced above, within the boundaries of the Historic District. Each of these demolition requests threatens the integrity of this recently-designated district, which was finally accomplished after 15 years of organizing, fundraising, and volunteer service by many neighborhood residents. We ask that Commissioners oppose these demolitions and that property owners are advised of the historic district, the value of these properties if preserved, and are informed of their options in renovating rather than demolishing these houses. Thank you for your dedicated work in supporting our city's historic character. Regards, Angela Reed 1924 Newning Ave., 78704 Resident, Travis Heights-Fairview Park NRHD Member, SRCC Preservation Committee 1 Angela Reed Travis Heights Resident, Member SRCC Preservation Committee CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to cybersecurity@austintexas.gov. 2 Gaudette, Angela From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Paula Kothmann Sunday, November 15, 2020 10:17 AM PAZ Preservation Angela Reed; Gaudette, Angela; Clif Ladd; Melanie Martinez; Mary Janecek-Friedman; Michele Webre; bob gee D.20 1414 Alameda Drive (HDP-2020-0453): request to postpone *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** Dear Commissioners: I'm a resident of the Travis Heights-Fairview Park National Register District. I respectfully request that you consider postponing the case for D.20 1414 Alameda Drive (HDP‐2020‐0453). This property is a contributing property to our District. The applicant has not reached out to our committee to discuss options to total demolition. I plan to speak at the meeting on Monday and will be happy to answer any questions at that time. Thank you for your efforts to preserve our historic properties! Kind regards, Paula Kothmann Preservation Committee, SRCC ‐‐ Paula Kothmann, CMM Investment Real Estate Consultant Certified Minerals Manager Associate 1317 Kenwood Ave/Austin, TX 78704 512.470.2405 Texas Real Estate Commission License #664403 Brigham Real Estate (Austin) Mayfair International Realty (London) 1 CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to cybersecurity@austintexas.gov. 2