B.6.0 - 1101 E 10th St — original pdf

PROPOSAL B.6 - 1 HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS METROPOLITAN AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH DECEMBER 14, 2020 C14H-1987-0002 1101 E. 10TH STREET Repair to the belfry and relocation of the bell at the Metropolitan AME Church has received a FY 2021 Heritage Grant award. The work is part of a broader scope issued a Certificate of Appropriateness by the Historic Landmark Commission in February 2012. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS 1) At the belfry and northeast tower, proposed work entails repair and/or replacement of damaged stone and repointing of stone and brick where mortar is missing or gaps exceed 1/8”. Repair of damaged roof framing is also required. The work will employ repair mortars and cut stone to match existing. 2) Belfry louver openings will also be repaired, including recoating of steel lintels with a marine-grade product and installation of flashing and new cedar louvers. 3) The bell will be removed from the bell tower, cleaned and waxed, and mounted on the existing church sign with a protective cover. The design of the protective cover will be the subject of a future Certificate of Appropriateness. 4) Additional masonry repairs to the east tower may be performed as funding permits. STANDARDS FOR REVIEW The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation are used to evaluate projects on historic landmarks. The following standards apply to the proposed project: 2) The historic character of a property will be retained and preserved. The removal of distinctive materials or alteration of features, spaces, and spatial relationships that characterize a property will be avoided. Removal of the bell from the belfry is necessitated by structural issues. The bell will be displayed on site. 5) Deteriorated historic features will be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature will match the old in design, color, texture, and where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features will be substantiated by documentary and physical evidence. The project entails repair or in-kind replacement of deteriorated features, including masonry elements and wood louvers. The mason will perform mortar analysis and match the color, composition, and hardness of the existing mortar. If appropriate, Type S mortar will be used due to the height of the tower. 6) Chemical or physical treatments, if appropriate, will be undertaken using the gentlest means possible. Treatments that cause damage to historic materials will not be used. Cleaning of the bell will be accomplished by the gentlest means possible, potentially by soda blast cleaning at the lowest effective pressure. The project meets the applicable standards. STAFF RECOMMENDATION PROPERTY INFORMATION Photos Approve as proposed for purposes of the Heritage Grant project, in keeping with prior Historic Landmark Commission review of the project. B.6 - 2 Source: City Historic Preservation Office, 2020