D.7.0 - 1016 Avondale Rd — original pdf

HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION DECEMBER 14, 2020 DEMOLITION AND RELOCATION PERMITS GF-2020-175404 1016 AVONDALE ROAD D.7 - 1 PROPOSAL ARCHITECTURE Partially demolish a ca. 1968 house; construct a 2-story addition; replace windows; replace roof. One-story house clad in limestone, with low-pitched, asymmetrical gabled roof, side carport, and exposed beams. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS 1) Demolish existing carport and east exterior wall. 2) Construct a second-floor addition within the footprint of the existing carport slab. Replace the roof with standing-seam metal and extend the roofline to cover the addition. Relocate the front door into the addition. 3) Apply mortar wash over existing and new masonry. 4) Replace all existing aluminum windows with larger fixed and casement windows. RESEARCH STAFF COMMENTS 1016 Avondale Road was built in 1968 by homebuilders Chambers & Bryant. Occupancy history from this era is currently unavailable. Joe Allen Wells lived in the house in 1979 and owned it until 2000. Wells was manager of Southwest Body and Paint Shop. Note: According to the Texas Historical Commission, 1016 Academy Drive has been deemed contributing to the pending Travis Heights-Fairview Park National Register Historic District. Designation Criteria—Historic Landmark 1) The building is more than 50 years old. 2) The building retains high integrity. 3) Properties must meet two criteria for landmark designation (LDC §25-2-352). Staff has evaluated this property and determined that it does not meet two criteria. a) Architecture. The house is a typical example of the Contemporary style. b) Historical association. The house does not appear to have significant historical associations. c) Archaeology. The house was not evaluated for its potential to yield significant data concerning the human history or prehistory of the region. d) Community value. The house does not appear to have significant community value. e) Landscape feature. The property is not a significant natural or designed landscape with artistic, aesthetic, cultural, or historical value to the city. D. 7 - 2 The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation are used to evaluate alterations to historic properties. Applicable standards may include: 2. The historic character of a property shall be retained and preserved. The removal of historic materials or alteration of features and spaces that characterize a property shall be avoided. The building will be partially demolished to accommodate the addition, and historic windows will be removed and replaced. 9. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not destroy historic materials that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and shall be compatible with the massing, size, scale, and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment. The addition is executed in a modern style that complements the architecture of the house. However, alteration of the roofline and infill of the carport with the addition significantly alters the character-defining features of the front elevation, as does replacement of the windows and relocation of the front door. Site constraints do not permit a rear addition. 10. New additions and adjacent or related new construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired. If the addition were removed in the future, significant work would be required to restore the building’s essential form. The proposed work does not meet the standards. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Release the permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package, consisting of photographs of all elevations, a dimensioned sketch plan, and a narrative history, for archiving at the Austin History Center. LOCATION MAP D. 7 - 3 PROPERTY INFORMATION Photos D. 7 - 4 Occupancy History City Directory Research, 2020 Note: Post-1959 research unavailable due to facility closure. Source: Google.com, 2018 Biographical Information The Austin American Statesman: Nov. 17, 1974; Sep. 17, 1979 D. 7 - 5 The Austin American Statesman: classified ad for Chambers & Bryant, Dec. 15, 1974 Permits Building permit, 11-25-68 D. 7 - 6 Water service permit, 11-25-68 Sanitary sewer service permit, 11-25-68