C.1.2 - 1406 Ethridge - Applicant Memo — original pdf

Response to Historic Landmark Commission for discussion December 14, 2020 To: Chair and Commissioners, Historic Landmark Commission From: Robin and Taylor Bruce – owners of 1406 Ethridge Ave, and Sam Burch, architect for 1406 Ethridge Ave Date: December 9, 2020 Subject: Proposed Renovation of 1406 Ethridge Ave, Austin TX 78703 Response We are submitting this statement in support of releasing permits to move forward with renovations at 1406 Ethridge Ave, Austin, TX 78703. Following the November 16, 2020 Historic Landmark Commission meeting and the November 30, 2020 Architectural Review Committee meeting, we have made extensive revisions to our original plans in order to incorporate the feedback from Commissions and Historic office team members. We are grateful for their counsel and perspective as we’ve journeyed through this review process. Specifically, in response to advice given by Commissions in the Architectural Review Committee meeting on November 30, 2020, we have made the following substantial changes: • Removed the large front porch as drawn in original renovation plans and have retained the existing covered pediment porch that is reflective of the home’s Colonial Revival style; • Removed the planned mortar wash and retained the original masonry on the existing home; • Retained the original window style, double hung with true divided lights in the pattern that matches the existing and original windows; • Retained the original front door size and shape. We feel that these revisions maintain the historic and architectural integrity of the home, per the expert guidance given to us by Committee and team members, reflect the advice of the Commissioners, and should demonstrate our hope to move forward swiftly with construction at this time. We remain grateful to the HLC for their service in highlighting the legacy of the original occupants of 1406, Reverend Edmund Heinsohn and his family and are honored to be the stewards of this home’s legacy. We look forward to speaking with you on Monday, December 14, 2020. Sincerely, Robin and Taylor Bruce Owners, 1406 Ethridge Ave.