B.4.2 - 3505 W 35th St - Plans — original pdf

Summary of Mayfield Park Proposed Work Entry column and gate repair PARD will repair and rehabilitate three masonry entrance columns and gates along 35th Street and one gate within the gardens. All work will comply with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. Historic Wall repair and select reconstruction The Mayfield Council received a Heritage Grant to repair and selectively reconstruct 75’ of the historic perimeter wall behind the historic dovecote. All work will comply with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation. Historic Garden Sheds Roof Replacement The historic garden sheds at Mayfield Park were originally corrugated metal and were placed with composition shingle in the early 1990s. The roofs are due for replacement and PARD is proposing to return to the corrugated metal. All work will comply with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation.