B.4.0 - 3505 W 35th St - Mayfield-Gutsch House — original pdf

B.4 - 1 HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION APPLICATION FOR A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS DECEMBER 14, 2020 C14H-1992-0003 Mayfield-Gutsch House and Gardens 3505 West 35th Street Perform maintenance and repairs as part of the Heritage Grant program. 1) Repair and rehabilitate three masonry entrance columns and gates along 35th Street and 2) Repair and selectively reconstruct 75’ of historic perimeter wall behind dovecote. 3) Replace deteriorated composition shingle roofs on historic garden sheds with corrugated PROPOSAL PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS one gate within the gardens. metal, the original material. STANDARDS FOR REVIEW The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation are used to evaluate projects on historic landmarks. The following standards apply to the proposed project: 6. Deteriorated historic features will be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature will match the old in design, color, texture, and, where possible, materials. Replacement of missing features will be substantiated by documentary and physical evidence. The proposed repair, rehabilitation, and reconstruction projects preserve as much original material as possible. Proposed reconstruction covers a minimal area of the historic wall and will not detract from the craftsmanship of the original. Documentary evidence is available to substantiate use of corrugated metal for replacement roof material on garden sheds. The project meets the applicable standard. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS Not reviewed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approve as proposed.