Historic Landmark CommissionNov. 2, 2020

Maverick Miller House, 910 Poplar Street — original pdf

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MAVERICK MILLER HOUSE 910 POPLAR Preservation Austin Restrictive Covenant 2006 (amended 2020) Built in 1923 by Edmund Miller, UT professor, and wife Emily Maverick Miller, artist City of Austin Landmark 1999 AERIAL VIEW OF THE PROPERTY Project Request: Development of two apartment buildings on the site adjacent to Maverick Miller PROCESS FOR REHABILITATION AND DEVELOPMENT Preservation Austin and Cater Joseph, property owner, engaged in three years of intensive negotiations to: ● Develop a rehabilitation plan for the Maverick Miller ○ As an individual historic landmark, the Secretary of the Interior’s Treatments for Historic Buildings were followed ● Develop a plan to construct two apartment buildings on the site ● Amend the 2006 Restrictive Covenant to reflect the negotiated development Preservation Austin established a committee of preservation professionals and preservation real estate professionals to guide the process with the property owner. ● The committee and property owner, Cater Joseph, held 5 in-person meetings ● There were numerous conference calls, email exchanges, and document reviews and approvals ● Preservation architect Emily Little, Clayton & Little, representing the property owner developed the rehabilitation plan for the historic house. ● The Historic Preservation Office was informed of and consulted on the maintenance and repair for the exterior of the Maverick Miller house. Maintenance and repair work conducted on Maverick Miller House Proposed Interim Work (updates in red) Interim work has the following goals: ● Secure and protect the property from vandalism ● Make the building and site look maintained and lived in so that community members know that it is being cared for ● Prevent deterioration ● Abide by National Park Service Preservation Brief 31: Mothballing Historic Buildings Site ● Keep lawn mowed and plantings trimmed -- monthly landscaping services have been engaged to maintain a clean and orderly appearance of the site ● Keep garbage cleaned up from site -- complete ● Install a sign advertising that a future restoration is in the works -- complete Building Exterior ● Perform roof condition assessment to determine if clay tile is salvageable. Once assessment is complete submit proposed scope of work to Preservation Austin for roof repair/replacement-- A structural and roof condition assessment (attached) was performed and it was determined that the original roof was actually asbestos that looks like terra cotta; being replaced with a composite tile that matches original in color, dimension, texture, reveal, pattern when house is restored. and requires replacement ● Repair any leaks or structural issues i n the roof -- interim repairs made to secure the roof and prevent any deterioration The Process included the following: ● 3-year PA process involved 2 presentations to committee, which then reported to PA ● Numerous site visits with committee; ● Several email exchanges and document approvals of interim work plans and roof ● Eventual negotiations of final covenant amendment. ● Process started with a submittal & approval of Part 1/A in 2017 to establish NR board; plans; eligibility Site and Proposed New Development View NE from the corner of Poplar & San Gabriel View E toward house from San Gabriel St View East toward the house. Note the slope down to the left (north) View NE down the hillside to the west and north of the house. Slope down to the north is approximately 25 feet. View southeast toward the house from the bottom of the hill. Slope is 25 feet. View northeast of the slope along the eastern property line Project Description: The project consists of the construction of two apartment buildings adjacent to the Maverick Miller house. The Maverick Miller house is approximately 19 feet at the ridgeline and approximately 26 feet tall at the tower. Building 1 will be constructed to the west of the Maverick Miller house and Building 2 will be constructed to the north. The design of the project has taken into consideration the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. Scale and massing of the buildings was given careful consideration so that the design of the new construction would not overwhelm the Maverick Miller house. The design, massing, scale, fenestration patterns, roof shape and materials for the new buildings are compatible with the historic house. Stone and board and batten siding will be utilized; the roof design will be cross gable, like the house, and the windows will be one-over-one in a paired pattern across the primary elevations. The topography of the site with the slope down to the north minimizes the impact of the buildings by allowing the height and mass to be situated on the downward slope, away from the Maverick Miller house. The topography of the site allows the bulk of the buildings to be built into the hillside thereby obscuring parking and lower levels of the buildings. Site Development Information FAR (Sheet A0.1) FAR Allowed: 70% 22,878 Square feet FAR Used: 47% 15,210 Square feet Parking (Sheet A0.1) 21 spaces Parking is accommodated under Building 1 and a small surface lot Site Plan BUILDING 1 Height Maverick Miller Building 1 At Ridgeline 18 feet 6 inches 27 feet 6 inches At Gable Tower 25 feet 9 inches 30 feet 2 inches Floor 1 area Floor 2 area Roof Terrace area Total area 3,827 square feet 3958 square feet 487 square feet 8,271 square feet The proposed Building 1 will be located approximately 23 feet west of the Maverick Miller house, set back from the street and the house approximately 16 feet with plantings and sidewalks between the two structures. Looking east on Poplar Street towards Maverick Miller Looking west at Maverick Miller and Building 1 with Building 2 in the background Building 1 is set 23 feet to the west of the Maverick Miller House. The slope of the grade is approximately 11 feet, allowing parking and a portion of the building to be set below grade. BUILDING 2 Height At Ridgeline Floor 1 area Floor 1A area Floor 2 area Terrace area Total Maverick Miller Tower Building 2 25 feet 9 inches 19 feet 5 inches At Eave of Terrace *No Eave for tower 20 feet 2,998 square feet 3,179 square feet 3,051 square feet 487 square feet 9,714 The proposed Building 2 will be located approximately 37 feet 6 inches north of the Maverick Miller house. (See Sheet A0.1) The building will be three stories, and is situated where the lot slopes downward to the north. View of Buildings 1 and 2 looking south at Maverick Miller. Building 2 is approximately 25 feet below due to slope of the grade, enabling the bulk of the building to be set below Maverick Miller and be subordinate. Building 2 in relation to Maverick Miller. Building 2 is set into the slope and is subordinate to Maverick Miller Secretary of Interior's Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties: The Maverick Miller house is an individual historic landmark and applications are reviewed based on the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. 9. New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not destroy historic materials that characterize the property. The new work shall be differentiated from the old and shall be compatible with the massing, size, scale, and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property and its environment. The new construction is setback and away from the historic building. The slope of the lot allows much of the massing, scale and height to be obscured and hidden by the topography of the lot. Building 1 is set back approximately 16 feet from the front sidewalk and the Maverick Miller house and is situated 23 feet west of the house. Building 1 is approximately 9 feet taller than the house (at the ridgeline) and two feet taller than the tower on the house. The lower level of the building is set below grade to help obscure the scale and mass, helping to make it subordinate to the house. Building 2 is located 37 feet to the rear of the Maverick Miller house on a portion of the site that slopes down approximately 25 feet. The bulk of the building is nestled into the side of the hill lessening the impact to the Maverick Miller house. The tower of the house, which is adjacent to Building 2, is approximately 26 feet tall whereas the building, because of its siting, is approximately 19 feet at this point. The massing and scale of the buildings has been designed to be subordinate to the Maverick Miller house by utilizing the topography of the lot and building into the slope. The exterior materials for the buildings are a light stone and wood, referencing the Maverick Miller house’s exterior materials. The buildings use a paired window pattern with one over one windows again referencing the house but not copying it. The roof pattern for the buildings is a cross gable similar to the house. While the massing, scale and materials of the new construction are compatible with the Maverick Miller house, they are clearly contemporary. Secretary of Interior's Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties: The Maverick Miller house is an individual historic landmark and applications are reviewed based on the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. 10. New additions and adjacent or related new construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired. In the future, if the new construction is removed, it will not have an impact on the Maverick Miller house or significant landmark features.