Historic Landmark CommissionAug. 10, 2020

4010 Avenue H — original pdf

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Sheet Index A0.0 A0.1 A1.1 A1.2 A2.0 A2.1 A6.0 A6.1 Site Plan Existing Plan & Images Floor Plan Floor Plan Exterior Elevations Exterior Elevations 3D Views 3D Views 1009 Blanco St. Austin, TX 78703 www.shillingtonarch.com NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION l a o h S k e e r C osedale Ave. R Ramsey Park N. Lamar Blvd. Seton Hospital E 45th St. ay w d e e p S 4010 Ave. H ★ E 40th St. uval St. D Central Market e p alu d a u G e p alu d a u G E 38th St. E 30th St. N Area Map Burgoon-Nolan Residence Issued for Preliminary Review - 08.04.2020 Hancock Golf Course Owners Architect Structural Engineer Builder Professional Design Group TBD Ali Burgoon-Nolan & David Nolan 4010 Avenue H Austin, TX 78751 Shillington Architecture LLC Lindsay Shillington AIA LEED AP www.shillingtonarch.com Drawings are formatted for 24"x36" sheets. If printed on 11"x17", scale is half of noted scale. ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW 08/04/2020 Revisions: Burgoon-Nolan Residence 4010 Avenue H Austin, TX 78751 © 2020 Shillington Architecture LLC Cover Sheet A0.0 Printed: 8/4/20 (N) Level 2 Addition A: 673.82 sq ft (E) Shed A: 325.61 sq ft (N) New Deck &Steps A: 120.35 sq ft (N) Screened Porch A: 204.36 sq ft (N) Level 1 Addition A: 661.72 sq ft (N) Cov'd Side Porch A: 36.18 sq ft (N) New Steps A: 13.99 sq ft (E) Existing 1st Story A: 950.07 sq ft (N) AC Pad A: 9 sq ft (N) AC Pad A: 9 sq ft (E) Cov'd Porch A: 37.95 sq ft (E) Front Porch A: 44.72 sq ft (E) Parking Pads A: 280 sq ft (E) Front walk and steps A: 75.65 sq ft Lot Size A: 8,108.29 sq ft Impervious Cover (45% max) (E) Cov'd Porch (E) Existing 1st Story (E) Front Porch (E) Parking Pads (E) Shed (N) AC Pad (N) AC Pad (N) Cov'd Side Porch (N) Level 1 Addition (N) New Deck &Steps (N) New Steps (N) Screened Porch 37.95 950.07 44.72 75.65 280.00 325.61 9.00 9.00 36.18 661.72 120.35 13.99 204.36 2,285.60 sq ft (28.18%) (E) Front walk and steps Lot Size Lot Size FAR (40% max) (E) Existing 1st Story (N) Level 1 Addition (N) Level 2 Addition Building Cover (40% max) (E) Cov'd Porch (E) Cov'd Shed (E) Existing 1st Story (E) Existing Back Porch (E) Shed (N) Cov'd Side Porch (N) Level 1 Addition (N) Screened Porch 8,108.29 950.07 661.72 673.82 37.95 134.20 950.07 43.99 325.61 36.18 661.72 204.36 2,394.07 sq ft (29.52%) Existing O.H. power line Power Pole ALLEY 12' R.O.W. Sewer location to be confirmed. Per TAPS 3' from Alley. S N 30º01'24" E 64.71' 10' back yard setback Existing 1 Story Garage 25" Pecan N 1009 Blanco St. Austin, TX 78703 www.shillingtonarch.com NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION ' 8 9 . 4 2 1 W ' " 5 1 1 5 º 9 5 N k c a b t e s e d i s ' 5 New deck New 1-Story Covered Porch New 2-story Addition (over existing first story) ' 0 0 . 5 2 1 E ' " 0 0 0 0 º 0 6 S 5.0' Existing 1-Story House (portion to remain) AC ' 6 . 5 3 k c a b t e s e d i s ' 5 8.9' 25.5" Pecan (per Arborist) New side stoop New 3'-0" wood fence w/ gate 25' front yard setback Exist. Porch LOT 26 Existing Drive Gravel ' 0 . 4 2 LOT 30 S 30º02'55" W 65.03' AVENUE H 60' R.O.W. Site Plan SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" WHEN PRINTED ON 11 x 17 1 Drawings are formatted for 24"x36" sheets. If printed on 11"x17", scale is half of noted scale. ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW 08/04/2020 Revisions: Burgoon-Nolan Residence 4010 Avenue H Austin, TX 78751 © 2020 Shillington Architecture LLC Site Plan A0.0 Printed: 8/4/20 2,768.58 sq ft (34.14%) 25"+ 22" Pecan G 33"+ 16" Pecan 10'0 Utility 11'10 13'1 W D Bath 11'9 Bedroom Kitchen 13'3 10'6 Dining R 13'1 13'1 13'1 Living 18'0 11'2 11'0 Bedroom WH Bath 13'1 11'0 Bedroom 13'6 6'2 1,4 5 2.06 sq ft Existing Floor Plan SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 1 1009 Blanco St. Austin, TX 78703 www.shillingtonarch.com NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION Drawings are formatted for 24"x36" sheets. If printed on 11"x17", scale is half of noted scale. ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW 08/04/2020 Revisions: Burgoon-Nolan Residence 4010 Avenue H Austin, TX 78751 © 2020 Shillington Architecture LLC Existing Plan & Images A0.1 Printed: 8/4/20 30'-7" 2/A2.0 18'- 0" Deck Screened Porch " 0 - ' 1 1 " 2 / 1 0 - ' 2 2 0 . 2 A 1 / 1 . 2 A 1 / Dining Living " 0 1 - ' 8 Side Porch Bedroom 2 Wood d e B g n i t n a P l 25.5" Pecan (per Arborist) New Existing Hall Wood W D Kitchen Wood REF Utility/Mud Tile DW Powder Tile Office / Flex Wood (E) Front Porch 4'-0" (E) " 0 - ' 9 1 (E) (E) Up Storage Bath 1 Tile (N) " 4 / 3 8 - ' 5 3 k c a b t e s d r a y e d S i ' 5 i e n L y t r e p o r P (N) (N) (E) Bedroom 1 Wood (E) (E) (E) 2/A2.1 New construction pushed back to comply w/ sideyard setback Window spacing changes to match layout of new rooms on north side. 1009 Blanco St. Austin, TX 78703 www.shillingtonarch.com NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION Drawings are formatted for 24"x36" sheets. If printed on 11"x17", scale is half of noted scale. ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW 08/04/2020 Revisions: Burgoon-Nolan Residence 4010 Avenue H Austin, TX 78751 © 2020 Shillington Architecture LLC Floor Plan A1.1 Printed: 8/4/20 For security, we would like to discuss removing this door. Floor Plan - Level 1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 1 Proposed new side porch. Covered. Replace existing windows with door. Posts to match front entry posts. Designed to clear 1/2" CRZ. New low wood fence & gate Potentially change wrought iron porch rail to wood. Extend existing roofs to create overhang New Existing 35'-7" of existing single story house remains single story. Rooflines unchanged. New gable roof over new screened porch Slope to match existing Dressing Master Bath Master Closet " 2 / 1 0 - ' 2 2 Master Bedroom Clo. Open Storage Existing Roof(s) to remain. Existing Roof(s) to remain. " 2 / 1 7 - ' 5 3 Floor Plan - Level 2 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 1 1009 Blanco St. Austin, TX 78703 www.shillingtonarch.com NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION Drawings are formatted for 24"x36" sheets. If printed on 11"x17", scale is half of noted scale. ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW 08/04/2020 Revisions: Burgoon-Nolan Residence 4010 Avenue H Austin, TX 78751 © 2020 Shillington Architecture LLC Floor Plan A1.2 Printed: 8/4/20 12 7 12 7 Painted wood trellis Structural beam Structural column 1009 Blanco St. Austin, TX 78703 www.shillingtonarch.com NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION +19'-11/8" Roof +10'-71/8" Level 2 subfloor +9'-0" Top Plate 1 ±0" Level 1 -2'-63/8" base Wood columns, painted Stucco underpinning raised planter Exterior Elevation: West SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 2 Exist. New New shingle roof Fiber cement siding to match profile of existing wood underneath asbestos. Window casing to match existing. Asbestos siding to be removed. Fiber cement siding to match profile of existing wood underneath asbestos. " 0 1 - ' 8 Existing ridgeline Existing shingle roof to be replaced. Roof framing to remain. 12 7 New wood framed, screened porch. (E) Wood screens to be remade and rehung with hardware to match existing. AC AC Stucco underpinning Tankless WH +19'-11/8" Roof +10'-71/8" Level 2 subfloor +9'-0" Top Plate 1 ±0" Level 1 -2'-63/8" base Drawings are formatted for 24"x36" sheets. If printed on 11"x17", scale is half of noted scale. ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW 08/04/2020 Revisions: Burgoon-Nolan Residence 4010 Avenue H Austin, TX 78751 © 2020 Shillington Architecture LLC Exterior Elevations A2.0 Printed: 8/4/20 Exterior Elevation: North SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 1 12 7 New louver detail to match existing New 2-Story Addition beyond New fiber cement siding to match front of house Existing roof extended to create covered side porch New Exist. Trim to match existing 12 7 Proposed new wood fence w/ vines Proposed new decorative railing. Painted wood New Exist. 12 7 New side porch Asbestos siding to be removed. New fiber cement siding, painted. To match existing wood currently underneath asbestos siding. Exterior Elevation: East SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 2 Option to delete this door. +19'-11/8" Roof 12 7 (E) (E) (E) Screened porch beyond " 4 / 1 3 - ' 5 2 " 2 3 / 7 1 2 - ' 6 1 " 2 3 / 3 2 0 - ' 9 Structural column. New wood stoop. Columns to match existing Existing painted wood screens to be remade. Proposed new porch railing. Painted wood. Exterior Elevation: South SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 1 +19'-11/8" Roof +10'-71/8" Level 2 subfloor +9'-0" Top Plate 1 ±0" Level 1 -2'-63/8" base +10'-71/8" Level 2 subfloor +9'-0" Top Plate 1 ±0" Level 1 -2'-63/8" base 1009 Blanco St. Austin, TX 78703 www.shillingtonarch.com NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION Drawings are formatted for 24"x36" sheets. If printed on 11"x17", scale is half of noted scale. ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW 08/04/2020 Revisions: Burgoon-Nolan Residence 4010 Avenue H Austin, TX 78751 © 2020 Shillington Architecture LLC Exterior Elevations A2.1 Printed: 8/4/20 1009 Blanco St. Austin, TX 78703 www.shillingtonarch.com NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION Drawings are formatted for 24"x36" sheets. If printed on 11"x17", scale is half of noted scale. ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW 08/04/2020 Revisions: Burgoon-Nolan Residence 4010 Avenue H Austin, TX 78751 © 2020 Shillington Architecture LLC 3D Views A6.0 Printed: 8/4/20 View from Avenue H NOT TO SCALE 1 1009 Blanco St. Austin, TX 78703 www.shillingtonarch.com NOT FOR REGULATORY APPROVAL, PERMITTING, OR CONSTRUCTION Drawings are formatted for 24"x36" sheets. If printed on 11"x17", scale is half of noted scale. ISSUED FOR PRELIMINARY REVIEW 08/04/2020 Revisions: Burgoon-Nolan Residence 4010 Avenue H Austin, TX 78751 © 2020 Shillington Architecture LLC 3D Views A6.1 Printed: 8/4/20 View from Backyard NOT TO SCALE 1