Historic Landmark CommissionJuly 27, 2020

D.1 - 2502 Park View Drive - Citizen Comments — original pdf

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FW: Hearing on 2502 Park View Drive, Austin, Texas (HDP-2020-0214) PAZ Preservation <Preservation@austintexas.gov> Sat 7/25/2020 538 PM To: Gaudette, Angela <Angela.Gaudette@austintexas.gov> From: Carolyn Croom Sent: Saturday, July 25, 2020 10:38:21 PM (UTC+00:00) Monrovia, Reykjavik To: PAZ Preservation Subject: Hearing on 2502 Park View Drive, Austin, Texas (HDP-2020-0214) *** External Email - Exercise Caution *** To the members of the Historic Landmark Commission: I oppose the demolition of the architecturally and historically significant house at 2502 Park View Drive. Its significance outweighs any financial considerations of the developer. Mid Tex Mod and Preservation Austinʼs letters strongly opposing this demolition are compelling. This outstanding, remarkably-intact midcentury residence with passive cooling strategies and innovative technological design and construction, which is part of the larger Air Conditioned Village project, is very much a part of Austinʼs history and culture. Austinite Ned Cole convinced organizers to locate this significant experiment appropriately in Austin, with our hot climate. The residence is an excellent early work of local architect, Fred Day, who made significant contributions to Austinʼs development. A National Register Historic District designation is underway for the Austin Air- Conditioned Village, and the best example of this project should be preserved. Please vote for the preservation of 2502 Park View Drive. Sincerely, Carolyn Croom 2502 Albata Avenue Austin, Texas 78757 CAUTION: This email was received at the City of Austin, from an EXTERNAL source. Please use caution when clicking links or opening attachments. If you believe this to be a malicious and/or phishing email, please forward this email to CSIRT@austintexas.gov. Fw: 2502 ParkView Dr Gaudette, Angela <Angela.Gaudette@austintexas.gov> Mon 7/27/2020 840 AM To: Gaudette, Angela <Angela.Gaudette@austintexas.gov> From: Guy D < Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2020 11:09 PM To: Gaudette, Angela <Angela.Gaudette@austintexas.gov> Subject: Re: 2502 ParkView Dr   Hello, > Please consider the following comments for the July 27th hearing regarding potential demolition of 2502 Park View Dr.: I implore the committee to not allow the destruction of this home. The home is a fine example of Mid-Century architecture that makes Allandale so unique. The home also has local, and national, historic relevance as being one of the original homes in Air-Conditioned Village. My grandparents built their home on the same street in 1955. With so many of the homes already torn down and replaced by houses that do not fit the neighborhood, I feel Allandale will continue to lose the charm and appeal it has always had. In addition, I fear the neighborhood will soon look like any other suburban wasteland. Crestview is a fine example of what I hope does NOT happen to Allandale, but I acquiesce that it might be too late. What I am for is total restoration of the house while keeping itʼs full integrity. I feel the house could have a rear addition that would not interfere with that, while keeping the overall elevation the same. I have been in this home before, and as they say, it has “good bones!” Please save 2502 Park View from the wrecking ball! Sincerely, Guy