Historic Landmark CommissionJuly 27, 2020

AISD Presentation on Yellow Jacket Stadium — original pdf

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Preservation Plan KEYNOTES Exterior Elements 1. Location of historic flagpole will have a new flagpole. 2. Historic steps and walkways on Thompson street side will be reconstructed, with new accessible ramps added where required by code regulations. 3. Historic planters and low brick walls on Thompson Street façade will be reconstructed and replanted. 4. Parking lot and front drive on Thompson Street will be reconstructed. If required, modifications will be made for code compliance and fire truck access or fire lanes. 5. Existing Yellow Jacket Stadium will be preserved with additional drainage and other civil improvements, new bleachers, new accessible routes/ramps, and track/field amenities. The existing retaining wall may need additional structural support or repairs. 6. The existing field house will remain at Yellow Jacket Stadium. A new field house will be constructed at the stadium detached from the existing field house. #AISDFuture | AISDFuture.com 7. North and East facades of the 500 and 600 Wings (visible from Thompson Street) will be reconstructed to recreate the look of original building facades, to the limits indicated on attached plan. 8. North, West, and South facades of the 100 Wing will be reconstructed to recreate the look of original building facades, to the limits indicated on attached plan. Preservation Plan KEYNOTES Interior Elements 1.The corridor walls of the 100 wing will be reconstructed with modern, non‐custom materials to match the look of existing construction, to the limits indicated on attached plan. New glazed block will be used if salvage is not available. Interior room partitions, beyond the corridor walls, and doors in the reconstructed areas will be configured for the academic program and may not match the existing locations. 2.The corridor walls of the 500 wing will be reconstructed wit h modern, non‐custom materials to match the look of existing construction, to the limits indicated on attached plan. Doors, openings, and other elements in the reconstructed areas will match the locations of the existing construction (with exception of modifications to meet building code and accessibility requirements). #AISDFuture | AISDFuture.com 3. The original cafeteria and stage area of the 500 Wing will be reconstructed to recreate look of original construction, including walls, window and door locations, and stage area. Salvaged materials, including interior doors and wood from stage will be reused to the extent possible. 4.The original band hall and choral room in the 500 Wing will be reconstructed to recreate the look of original construction, including walls, and window and door locations. Salvaged materials, including interior doors, will be reused to the extent possible. 5. Existing interior doors in this area will be salvaged, refinished and reused in the reconstructed areas, provided that they meet accessibility, building and fire code, and security needs. 6. Display cases will be salvaged if possible for reuse, including 3 rectangular cases at main entrance/main lobby and 2 large curved glass cases and corridor intersection. They will be reconstructed and reinstalled to match existing detailing and meet modern building codes (glass may have to be replaced with safety glass). 7. Lockers will be salvaged and repurposed for quantity needed for reconstruction area of 100 wing and used for historic display in Gallery area. 8. Interior jalousie windows will be salvaged and repurposed in other building areas. 9. Classroom in the southeast corner of 100 Wing (formerly Ms. Frazier’s classroom) will be reconstructed to recreate the look of original construction, including wall and window and door locations. Adjacent corridor wall be reconstructed to include historic lockers. Preservation Plan General Preservation Notes: • Salvage Demo & Reuse Intent Notes: • • • • • • • • Intent of reconstruction areas is to create the look and feel of the original construction, not a restoration nor an exact replica. Intent of all reconstruction is to be fully compliant with all required building codes and authorities having jurisdiction. Reconstruction will use modern materials and engineering that when installed, with what materials could be salvaged as listed below, in its finished state will look like the original construction. I.e. concrete reinforcement, structural metal roof decking, lighting, fasteners etc. will not be period correct nor be custom manufactured replicas. All equipment, gear, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, technology, security, lighting, etc. will be new, the intent is to provide modernized systems and infrastructure that is low maintenance and parts which are common and readily available. Reconstructed areas will be modified to meet the needs of this equipment if necessary (i.e. size of exterior louvers, access door size, overhead clearance, air distribution, etc.). Reconstructed exterior facades will be clearly delineated from new facades by material or a reveal as indicated by preservation standards. All exterior walls and roofs will be reconstructed with new energy code requirements for a modern thermal and moisture envelope. Reconstructed facades will have added exterior doors and windows that do not currently exist in locations as needed for fire egress and program function, except on the façades that face Thompson Street or Neal Street. A community space (to be called “Yellow Jacket Conference Center”) and a gallery space (to display historical artifacts and alumni memorabilia) will be provided within the reconstructed historic interior area. Existing brick will be salvaged with the goal to use existing brick at all exterior reconstruction areas, salvageable quantity of actual existing brick unknown at this time. Highest priority of salvaged brick will be to provide reused brick on the Thompson street façade. Glass block is likely not possible to be salvaged. Design and construction team will continue to investigate possible salvage, but salvage quantity is unknown at this time. If new glass block is required to meet the quantities needed, new block will not be custom but will be selected to closely match existing size and qualities. Exterior windows will not be salvaged, intent is to purchase new insulated storefront windows that look similar in style, shape and finish to the existing. Glazing will be thermally insulated with low‐e coatings. Wood Paneling in the phone room will be removed for reuse if possible. Glazed block will be salvaged, if possible. Typically, the existing clay block is much softer than the mortar used to install it and attempts to salvage the block causes cracks in the units at the mortar joints. New glazed block is available if needed, the closest color available to the existing would be used if required. Wood gym floor and stage floor will be salvaged for reuse, intent is to repurpose into the reconstructed area, i.e. – flooring, accent walls, display cases, gallery displays, etc. • • • • • #AISDFuture | AISDFuture.com