Historic Landmark CommissionJuly 27, 2020

C.4 - 1404 Hardouin Ave - Changes and comparable — original pdf

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C.4 – 1404 Hardouin Ave Information provided by applicant Potential comparable property  There is a duplex on the same street at 1506 Hardouin. It has both doors together on left side. 1404 may have been the same way.  Note the first floor central window does not align with window above. I am wondering if when the 1404 window was removed for the entry update, if it may not have aligned and have been shifted as well.  1404 front windows are not centered on the house - possibly because of left entrance location.  This 1506 Hardouin duplex also is simple in its detail. No shutters or colonial revival features that I think were added to 1404. C.4 – 1404 Hardouin Ave Information provided by applicant Area of Existing Alterations to South Elevation  Alterations transition façade from duplex with simple detail and two front entrances to a house with more traditional detail and central formalized entrance.  Second entry was on the left side of the elevation behind the tall plant.  Circle drive, brick sidewalk and front yard fence are not original C.4 – 1404 Hardouin Ave Information provided by applicant  Fanlight over front door and front door do not appear to be original. Top of fanlight runs into crown molding.  Fanlight over window may have been added. Window sills in front rooms of the house are different heights – originally they were probably the same heights. C.4 – 1404 Hardouin Ave Information provided by applicant Clean line of concrete east (right) of entry Uneven line of patched / parged concrete west (left) of entry where second entry removed C.4 – 1404 Hardouin Ave Information provided by applicant Front porch appears to have been added at a later date. Brick detail on porch matches brick sidewalk next to circle drive that is not original. C.4 – 1404 Hardouin Ave Information provided by applicant Landscape coverage of brick patch where second entry door was removed. Uneven brick over where fanlight added.