Historic Landmark CommissionJuly 27, 2020

B.7 - HR-2020-109100 - Aldridge Place sign toppers — original pdf

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HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION JULY 27, 2020 APPLICATION FOR A HISTORIC SIGN PERMIT HR-2020-109100 MULTIPLE LOCATIONS ALDRIDGE PLACE HISTORIC DISTRICT B.7 - 1 PROPOSAL Fabricate and install 19 sign toppers identifying the Aldridge Place Historic District. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS The proposed signs will be identical in material, color, dimensions, and design to the Hyde Park Historic District signs installed circa 2012, but for the district name. The Commission approved the Hyde Park signs in November 2012 with the intent of the approved design to become the standard template for signage in all locally designated historic districts. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS STANDARDS FOR REVIEW Not reviewed. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approve the signs.