Historic Landmark CommissionMay 18, 2020

1.A - Annotated Agenda - April 27, 2020 — original pdf

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Historic Landmark Commission April 27, 2020 The Historic Landmark Commission meeting will be held April 27, 2020 with social distancing modifications. Public comment will be allowed via telephone; no in-person input will be allowed. All speakers must register in advance (no later than Sunday, April 26th by noon). All public comment will occur at the beginning of the meeting. To speak remotely at the April 27, 2020 Historic Landmark Commission meeting, residents must:  Call or email the board liaison at preservation@austintexas.gov or (512) 974-1264 no later than noon on Sunday, April 26th. The information required is the speaker name, item number(s) they wish to speak on, whether they are for/against/neutral, and a telephone number or email address.  Once a request to speak has been called in or emailed to the board liaison, residents will receive either an email or phone call providing the telephone number to call on the day of the scheduled meeting.  Speakers must call in at least 15 minutes prior to the meeting start in order to speak (not later than 5:45 p.m.). Late callers will not be accepted and will not be able to speak.  Speakers will be placed in a queue until their time to speak.  Handouts or other information may be emailed to preservation@austintexas.gov no later than noon on Sunday, April 26th. This information will be provided to commissioners in advance of the meeting.  Residents may watch the meeting here: http://www.austintexas.gov/page/watch-atxn-live HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION Monday, April 27, 2020 - 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting NOTE: This meeting will be conducted remotely via teleconference. Please see the special notes attached for how to participate. COMMISSION MEMBERS: ___x__ Emily Reed, Chair __x____ Kelly Little ___x___ Beth Valenzuela, Vice Chair __x____ Trey McWhorter ___x___ Witt Featherston __x____ Terri Myers ___x___ Ben Heimsath __abs__ Alex Papavasiliou __abs__ Mathew Jacob __x____ Blake Tollett ___x___ Kevin Koch AGENDA CALL TO ORDER 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. February 23, 2020. B. October 22, 2018 (Correction of previously approved minutes). MOTION: Approve minutes from February 23, 2020 and October 22, 2018 by Reed, Tollett seconds. Vote: 8-0-1, Myers off the dais. 2. PRESENTATIONS, DISCUSSION, AND POSSIBLE ACTION None. The Parks and Recreation Department briefing on Oakwood Cemetery will be scheduled for May. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS MOTION: Approve items 1A, 1B, A2, A3, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B10, B11, B12, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7, D1, D2, D3, D4, D6, D7, D8, and E1 by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. A. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR HISTORIC ZONING, DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR HISTORIC DISTRICT ZONING, AND REQUESTS TO CONSIDER THE INITIATION OF A HISTORIC ZONING CASE 1. C14H-2020-0020 – Majors-Butler-Thomas House – Discussion 1119 E. 11th Street Council District 1 Proposal: Remove historic zoning from the property. Applicant: Neema Amini City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Staff cannot recommend the proposed zoning change without a proposal for the treatment of the historic house. Speakers in favor: Neema Amini MOTION: Close the public hearing by Reed, Valenzuela seconds. Vote: 9-0. MOTION: Deny application to remove historic zoning by Reed, Myers seconds. Vote: 9-0. 2. C14H-2020-0035 – Teer-Peterson House – Offered for consent approval 2408 Harris Boulevard Council District 9 Proposal: Owner’s application for historic zoning. Applicant: Willy Fischler, owner; Tina Contros, agent. City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Recommend historic zoning. MOTION: Approve item A2 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. 3. C14H-2020-0032 – Reverend Jacob Fontaine Gold Dollar Store – Offered for consent approval 2402 San Gabriel Street Council District 9 Proposal: Rezone property from CS-MU-H-NP to CS-1-MU-H-NP Applicant: Edward Johnson, Johnson Trube and Associates City Staff: Mark Graham, Planning and Zoning Department, 974-3574 Staff Recommendation: Recommend the zoning change to allow retail liquor sales on the property. MOTION: Approve item A3 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. B. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS 1. C14H-1989-0020 and -0021 – Platt and Dittlinger Buildings – Discussion 302-04 E. 6th Street Council District: 9 Proposal: Construct a wood balcony across the front of the buildings; convert two second-story windows to doors. Applicant: Saveou Nasreddine City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Committee Recommendation: Ensure that the balcony comports with historic photographs and dimensions, and provide better information to ensure that the proposed conversion of the windows to doors will not damage historic fabric. Staff Recommendation: If the Commission is satisfied with the materials and justification provided by the applicant, then staff recommends approval of the proposal. Speakers in favor: Tom Hatch Saveou Nasreddine MOTION: Close the public hearing by Reed, Valenzuela seconds. Vote: 9-0. MOTION: Approve the proposal with the understanding that no means and methods can be implemented in the window-to-door conversion that are visible from the exterior changes, that the number of doors complies with code, and that the column configuration matches the historic photograph by Koch, Heimsath seconds. Vote: 9-0. 2. C14H-2010-0040 – Paulson-Sing House – Offered for consent approval 1705 Willow Street Council District 3 Proposal: Demolish rear garage; construct two-story ADU at the back of the lot. Applicant: Jay Bolsega, Element5 Architecture City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Committee Recommendation: Not reviewed. Staff Recommendation: Approve as proposed with a recommendation to simplify the pane configuration of the ADU windows to be more compatible with the simple 1:1 windows on the house. MOTION: Approve item B2 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. 3. C14H-2006-0016 – Norwood Tower – Offered for consent approval 114 W 7th Street Council District 9 Proposal: Replace infilled sections of the alley-side ground floor wall with glass and opaque materials. Applicant: Mary Helen Pratte City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Committee Recommendation: Recommended approval. Staff Recommendation: Approve as proposed. MOTION: Approve item B3 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. 4. LHD-2020-0001 – Offered for consent approval 4000 Avenue C (Hyde Park Historic District) Council District: 9 Proposal: One-story rear addition to house; front addition to two-story attached garage. Applicant: Khalid Malik City Staff: Cara Bertron, Historic Preservation Office, 974-1446 Committee Recommendation: Retain the front garage wall; if not possible, differentiate the wall material and include a design element suggesting garage door openings; relocate the pedestrian entrance to a side wall. These changes have been made. Staff Recommendation: Approve the plans. MOTION: Approve item B4 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. 5. LHD-2020-0010 – Offered for consent approval 1105 Castle Court (Castle Hill Historic District) Council District 9 Proposal: Construct an accessible ramp and deck on the south (main) elevation. Applicant: Erin Dowell, O’Connell Architecture City Staff: Elizabeth Brummett, Historic Preservation Office, 974-1264 Committee Recommendation: Not reviewed. Staff Recommendation: Approve as proposed under either Option 1 or Option 2. MOTION: Approve item B5 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. 6. LHD-2020-0012 – Offered for consent approval 703 Oakland Avenue (Smoot-Terrace Park Historic District) Council District 9 Proposal: Replace siding, windows, and roof; construct a basement level. Applicant: Katherine Ertle City Staff: Cara Bertron, Historic Preservation Office, 974-1446 Committee Recommendation: Reviewed with no recommendation. Staff Recommendation: Approve as proposed. MOTION: Approve item B6 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. 7. LHD-2020-0014 – Offered for consent approval 602 Highland Avenue (Smoot-Terrace Park Historic District) Council District 9 Proposal: Construct a habitable basement; replace a rear staircase. Applicant: Clarissa House City Staff: Cara Bertron, Historic Preservation Office, 974-1446 Committee Recommendation: Not reviewed. Staff Recommendation: Approve as proposed. MOTION: Approve item B7 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. 8. C14H-1986-0008 – Scarbrough Building – Discussion 522 Congress Avenue Council District 9 Proposal: Remove 3 panels of glass storefront windows. Applicant: Stephen Wall, Velvet Taco City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Committee Recommendation: Not reviewed. Staff Recommendation: Deny the request and order re-installation of the glass. MOTION: Close the public hearing by Reed, Valenzuela seconds. Vote: 9-0. MOTION: Deny the request and order the re-installation of the glass, copying the property owner on communication with the applicant by Myers, Featherston seconds. Vote: 9-0. 9. C14H-1986-0008 – Littlefield Building – Discussion 106 E. 6th Street Council District 9 Proposal: Install a metal canopy over ground-floor windows on 6th Street. Applicant: Chelsie Woodall Horyza, Wuest Group City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Committee Recommendation: Not reviewed. Staff Recommendation: Deny the request. Speakers in favor: Chelsie Woodall Horyza Joel Nolan MOTION: Close the public hearing by Reed, Valenzuela seconds. Vote: 9-0. MOTION: Postpone the case until May 18, 2020 by Heimsath, Valenzuela seconds. Vote: 9-0. 10. C14H-1986-0008 – Laguna Gloria – Heritage Grant Proposal – Offered for consent approval 3809 E. 35th Street Council District 10 Proposal: Replace the roof in-kind, repair/replace wood elements; clean the building; replace awnings. Applicant: Michelle Voss, The Contemporary, Austin City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Committee Recommendation: Not reviewed. Staff Recommendation: Approve as proposed so long as awnings are replaced in- kind in terms of color and material. MOTION: Approve item B10 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. 11. C14H-2007-0040 – Parrish-Fleming House – Offered for consent approval 1410 Northwood Road Council District 9 Proposal: Install original window screens to restore original appearance of the house. Applicant: John Robert Ball City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Committee Recommendation: The Commission previously cited the owner for removing historic windows and screens. Staff Recommendation: Approve as proposed. The applicant has the original screens to re-install to restore the historic appearance of the house. MOTION: Approve item B11 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. 12. Un-numbered – Heritage Grant Proposal – Offered for consent approval Uptown Sports Bar, 1200 E. 6th Street Council District 3 Proposal: Restore the building and its features by removing infill; create a new patio to the rear, and place mechanical equipment on the roof. Applicant: Ken Johnson, Michael Hsu Architecture Office City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Committee Recommendation: Not reviewed. Staff Recommendation: Approve as proposed. MOTION: Approve item B12 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. C. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR A PERMIT WITHIN A NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICT 1. NRD-2020-0004 – Discussion 90-92 Rainey Street (Rainey Street Historic District) Council District 9 Proposal: Demolish a ca. 1911-12 contributing building and construct a high- rise tower in its place. Applicant: Nelsen Partners City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 974-2727 Committee Recommendation: The building’s scale precludes the possibility of compatibility through design choices. Staff Recommendation: If the Commission votes to release the permit, then staff recommends relocation over demolition and completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package; the Commission may also choose to implement the demolition delay for contributing buildings. Comment on and release the plans for the new high-rise. Speakers: Amanda Swor Carson Nelsen MOTION: Close the public hearing by Reed, Valenzuela seconds. Vote: 9-0. MOTION: Postpone the case until May 18, 2020 to further research the property for eligibility as a historic landmark by Myers, Reed seconds. Vote: 9- 0. 2. NRD-2020-0005 – Offered for consent approval 2902 Oakmont Boulevard (Old West Austin Historic District) Council District 9 Proposal: Construct a carport and rear addition. Applicant: Michael Kane City Staff: Cara Bertron, Historic Preservation Office, 974-1446 Staff Recommendation: Comment on and release the plans with the recommendation that the applicant design the carport as a side-gabled form and employ posts similar to the front porch posts. MOTION: Approve item C2 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. 3. NRD-2020-0006 – Offered for consent approval 1517 Murray Lane (Old West Austin Historic District) Council District 9 Proposal: Construct two-story rear addition; replace siding, windows, doors, and front porch columns. Applicant: Miguel Cantu City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Encourage applicant to revise the design of the addition to minimize the removal of historic fabric as well as the view of the addition from the street, and to repair and/or retrofit existing columns, windows, and doors. Comment on and release the plans with these recommendations and upon receipt of a City of Austin Documentation Package. MOTION: Approve item C3 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. 4. NRD-2020-0015 – Offered for consent approval 1616 Northumberland Road (Old West Austin Historic District) Council District 9 Proposal: Construct a rear addition, garage, and greenhouse. Applicant: Tim Cuppett City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Comment on and release the plans. MOTION: Approve item C4 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. 5. NRD-2020-0016 – Offered for consent approval 3006 Beverly Road (Old West Austin Historic District) Council District 10 Proposal: Construct a second-story addition and one-story rear addition, reconstruct most of the existing gable roof shape to hipped, construct a new entry porch, replace the door, construct a carport, and demolish a rear garage and utility room. Applicant: Derek Barcinski City Staff: Cara Bertron, Historic Preservation Office, 974-1446 Staff Recommendation: Release the plans with staff recommendations, upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. MOTION: Approve item C5 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. 6. NRD-2020-0017 – Offered for consent approval 1500 Wooldridge Drive (Old West Austin Historic District) Council District 9 Proposal: Replace all windows, alter the entrance, relocate and replace garage doors, and remove rear-facing exterior stairs and small attached closet. Applicant: Claudia Sanchez City Staff: Cara Bertron, Historic Preservation Office, 974-1446 Staff Recommendation: Release the plans with the recommendation to retain the historic door configuration and historic window materials on the front of the house. MOTION: Approve item C6 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. 7. NRD-2020-0019 – Offered for consent approval 613 West Lynn Street (Old West Austin Historic District) Council District 9 Proposal: Addition Applicant: John Greenwood City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Comment on and release the plans. MOTION: Approve item C7 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. 8. NRD-2020-0021 – Discussion 612 E. 6th Street (Sixth Street Historic District) Council District 9 Proposal: Signage Applicant: Veronica Martinez City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Discuss methods for removal or modification of existing non-conforming signage. Encourage the applicant to choose either the blade sign or the existing second-floor sign, per design standards. Should the applicant select the proposed design as their primary signage, recommend modification of the proposed lighting scheme to meet the design standards. Speaker: Monica Arellano MOTION: Close the public hearing by Reed, Valenzuela seconds. Vote: 9-0. MOTION: Ask the applicant to choose one sign only for the building. Should they choose to install the blade sign and remove the existing sign, modify the proposed design to be in keeping with the sign standards by Myers, Tollett seconds. Vote: 9-0. D. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR DEMOLITION OR RELOCATION 1. HDP-2020-0045 – Offered for consent approval 1001 Lott Avenue Council District 1 Proposal: Demolish a ca. 1975 church building. Applicant: Amy Tolles City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Encourage rehabilitation and adaptive re-use of the existing building, but release the permit. MOTION: Approve item D1 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. 2. HDP-2020-0067 – Offered for consent approval 3503 E. 17th Street Council District 1 Proposal: Demolish a ca. 1965 church building converted to a single family residence. Applicant: Andrew Logan City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Encourage rehabilitation and adaptive re-use, then relocation over demolition, but release the permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. MOTION: Approve item D2 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. 3. HDP-2020-0080 – Offered for consent approval 1501 Canterbury Street Council District 3 Proposal: Demolish a ca. 1926 house. Applicant: Jeff Mills City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Encourage rehabilitation and adaptive re-use, then relocation over demolition, but release the permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. MOTION: Approve item D3 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. 4. HDP-2020-0086 – Offered for consent approval 200-06 E. 4th Street Council District 9 Proposal: Demolish a ca. 1910 warehouse. Applicant: Amanda Surman City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Strongly encourage rehabilitation and adaptive re-use; if the Commission votes to release the permit, then staff recommends the completion of a HABS II level documentation of the building, for archiving at the Austin History Center. MOTION: Approve item D4 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. 5. HDP-2020-0096 – Offered for consent approval Discussion 601 W. 26th Street Council District 9 Proposal: Demolish a ca. 1890 commercial building. Applicant: Scott Burns City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Encourage rehabilitation and adaptive re-use, but release the permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. Speakers in favor: Scott Burns MOTION: Close the public hearing by Reed, Valenzuela seconds. Vote: 9-0. MOTION: Postpone the case until May 18, 2020 by Featherston, Reed seconds. Vote: 9-0. 6. HDP-2020-0123 – Offered for consent approval 2513 E. 4th Street Council District 1 Proposal: Demolish a ca. 1939 house and garage. Applicant: Ben Goudy City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Encourage rehabilitation and adaptive re-use, then relocation over demolition, but release the permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. MOTION: Approve item D6 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. 7. HDP-2020-0139 – Offered for consent approval 1519 E. Cesar Chavez Street Council District 3 Proposal: Demolish a ca. 1904 commercial building with a ca. 1939 addition. Applicant: Austin Berry City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Encourage rehabilitation and adaptive re-use, but release the permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. MOTION: Approve item D7 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. 8. HDP-2020-0153 – Offered for consent approval 311 W. 6th Street Council District 9 Proposal: Demolish a ca. 1927 commercial building. Applicant: Amanda Surman City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Encourage rehabilitation and adaptive re-use, but release the permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. MOTION: Approve item D8 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. E. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON DEMOLITION BY NEGLECT CASES 1. HDP-2019-0394 – Sebron Sneed House, 1801 Nelms Drive – Offered for consent approval to maintain the case on the agenda No new updates. MOTION: Approve item E1 on the consent agenda by Valenzuela, Koch seconds. Vote: 9-0. F. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR PARTIAL EXEMPTION FROM AD VALOREM TAXES FOR PROPERTIES IN NEED OF TAX RELIEF IN ORDER TO ENCOURAGE THEIR PRESERVATION AND PROPERTIES THAT HAVE STATE DESIGNATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TEXAS TAX CODE. See attached list of the results of the annual inspection of historic landmarks. MOTION: Approve item F, with the condition that the Scarbrough Building owners commit in writing by April 29, 2020 to reinstall the storefront glass to remain on the approval list for exemption by Reed, Valenzuela seconds. Vote: 8-0- 1, with Tollett abstaining. 4. COMMISSION and STAFF ITEMS A. Discussion and Possible Action on Committee Reports 1. Certificate of Appropriateness Review Committee 2. Operations Committee 3. Grants Committee 4. Preservation Plan Committee B. Future Agenda Items ADJOURNMENT by Reed, Myers seconds. Vote: 9-0. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call the Historic Preservation Office, Planning and Zoning Department, at 512-974- 3393, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Historic Landmark Commission, please contact Angela Gaudette, Historic Preservation Planner II, at 512-974-3393.