Historic Landmark CommissionApril 27, 2020

B.8 - Scarbrough Building - Citizen Comment (Travis County) — original pdf

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TRAVIS COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION Austin, Texas April 26, 2020 To: Steve Sadowsky Historic Preservation Office And the Historic Landmark Commission Austin, TX Re: Scarbrough Building, Item 8, April 27, 2020 meeting The Travis County Historical Commission supports the staff recommendation to re-install the glass that has been removed from the Scarbrough Building. This historic and iconic structure, being the first steel-framed high rise and the first air conditioned retail building in Austin, deserves the highest level of respect and care. As a Recorded Texas Historical Landmark, there are provisions to protect this site and these need to be enforced and the exterior integrity protected. We appreciate your work and look forward to future opportunities to preserve Austin/Travis County history. Sincerely, Bob Ward, Chair Travis County Historical Commission Cc: Charles Peveto, SCC Historic Bridges Committee