Historic Landmark CommissionApril 27, 2020

Annotated Agenda - February 24, 2020 — original pdf

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HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION Monday, February 24, 2020 - 6:00 p.m. Regular Meeting Council Chambers, Austin City Hall 301 W. 2nd Street Austin, Texas COMMISSION MEMBERS: ___x__ Emily Reed, Chair ___ab__ Beth Valenzuela, Vice Chair ___x___ Witt Featherston ___x___ Ben Heimsath ___x___ Mathew Jacob ___x___ Kevin Koch ___x___ Kelly Little ___x___ Trey McWhorter ___x___ Terri Myers ___x___ Alex Papavasiliou ___x___ Blake Tollett NOTICE TO PUBLIC SPEAKERS a) The first speaker signed up for each side of a contested public hearing will be allowed up to 5 minutes to speak. Any further speakers will be allowed up to 3 minutes. The Commission does not allow for the donation of time. The applicant or their agent may have a rebuttal after the conclusion of testimony of up to 3 minutes. b) Cases passed by the Commission on the consent agenda will not have a formal public hearing. If a person signs up to speak on a consent agenda item, the person will be called to speak before a vote on the consent agenda. c) In cases involving the review of demolition or relocation permit applications, the Commission may initiate a historic zoning case to further study the evidence regarding the potential of the subject property for landmark designation. If the Commission initiates a historic zoning case, the Commission will review the case again at its next regularly scheduled meeting for a recommendation regarding historic zoning. There will be no new notification sent out by the City stating the next hearing date. d) All written public comments must be received by staff by 1 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Staff cannot forward public comments to commissioners after this time. e) Speakers may provide testimony on any numbered agenda item, and under General Citizen Communication, pursuant to the following: 1. Sign-in required. Prior to the beginning of the meeting, speakers must complete a sign-in sheet for each item on the agenda on which the speaker desires to speak or for general citizens’ communication. A speaker who fails to indicate an agenda item on a sign-in sheet will be called to speak during Citizen Communication. Time Limits. Speakers are limited to a maximum time limit of five minutes for the first speaker or three minutes each for subsequent speakers, and in conformance with section (a) above. A speaker who requires a translator or who needs additional time as an accommodation of a disability, is allowed ten minutes if the first speaker on an agenda item or six minutes for citizen communication. General Citizen Communication Speakers. A maximum of ten persons may speak during general citizen communications at the beginning of the meeting on any topic. Speakers will be called in the order in which the speaker signed up. Citizen Communication or Public Testimony on a Numbered Agenda Item. A speaker who signs up to speak on a numbered agenda item will be called to speak at the beginning of the agenda item and will be called in the order in which the speaker signed up. Speaker comments must be relevant to the agenda item. for subsequent speakers or AGENDA 2. 3. 4. GENERAL CITIZEN COMMUNICATION: Speakers may address the Commission on items not posted on the agenda. Each speaker will have up to three minutes. MOTION: Approve items 1A, B7, C1, D1, D3, and D4 on the consent agenda by Papavasiliou, Little seconds. Vote: 10-0. MOTION: Postpone items 2C, C3 and C4 by Reed, Myers seconds. Vote: 10-0. MOTION: Approve item D2 on the consent agenda by Koch, Featherston seconds. Vote: 10-0. 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. January 27, 2020. 2. PRESENTATIONS, DISCUSSION, AND POSSIBLE ACTION Dessau Church, proposal for relocation A. By: Bob Ward, Travis County Historical Commission Speakers in favor: Bob Ward, Travis County Historical Commission Ken Sadoff, President of Dessau Lutheran Cemetery Assoc. Mary Jackson, Secretary/Treasurer of the Dessau Lutheran Cemetery Assoc. Mike Ward, Chairman and CEO of Pioneer Farms. MOTION: Close the public hearing by Heimsath, Myers second. Vote: 10-0. MOTION: Move the resolution as stated in our backup into record indicating our support for the project and a request that permitting fees and other support from the city be offered Heimsath, Myers. Vote: 10-0. Bartholomew-Robinson Building, 1415 Lavaca Street, proposal for high-rise addition By: William Franks B. Speakers in favor: William Franks Boyd Harris Speakers opposed: Trey Apffel MOTION: Close the public hearing by Myers, Jacob seconds. Vote: 10-0. The Commission provided feedback to the applicant regarding the proposed high-rise addition to the landmark building, encouraging the applicant to consider ways to better retain the context and articulation of the historic building, and to seek the guidance of the Certificate of Appropriateness Review Committee. C. Oakwood Cemetery – Postponement request by PARD staff to March 23, 2020 By: PARD staff MOTION: Postpone item 2C by Reed, Myers seconds. Vote: 10-0. D. Preservation incentive in LDC Revision By: Cara Bertron, Historic Preservation Office The Commission provided feedback on the preservation incentive, which staff will forward to the Land Development Code team. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR HISTORIC ZONING, DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR HISTORIC DISTRICT ZONING, AND REQUESTS TO CONSIDER THE INITIATION OF A HISTORIC ZONING CASE 1. C14H-2020-0011 – Lavada Durst (“Dr. Hepcat”) House – Discussion 1906 E. 21st Street Council District 1 Applicant: Historic Landmark Commission City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Recommend historic zoning. MOTION: Close the public hearing Vote; 10-0. MOTION: Recommend historic zoning per staff recommendation by Koch, Reed seconds. Vote: 10-0. B. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATES OF APPROPRIATENESS 1. C14H-1990-0011 – Republic Square – Discussion 422 Guadalupe Street Council District 9 Proposal: Install two flush-mounted signs. Applicant: Trevor Ingram City Staff: Cara Bertron, Historic Preservation Office, 974-1446 Committee Recommendation: Not reviewed. Staff Recommendation: Approve the proposed signs. Speakers: Natalie Davis Ben Runkle Molly Alexander No speakers opposed. MOTION: Close the public hearing by Jacob, Papavasiliou seconds. Vote: 10-0. MOTION: Approve the proposed signs by Reed, Featherston seconds. Vote: 9-0- 1 (Myers abstains). 2. C14H-1989-0020 and -0021 – Platt and Dittlinger Buildings – Discussion 302-04 E. 6th Street Council District: 9 Proposal: Construct a wood balcony across the front of the buildings; convert two second-story windows to doors. Applicant: Saveaou Nasreddine City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Committee Recommendation: Ensure that the balcony comports with historic photographs and dimensions, and provide better information to ensure that the proposed conversion of the windows to doors will not damage historic fabric. Staff Recommendation: If the Commission is satisfied with the materials and justification provided by the applicant, then staff recommends approval of the proposal. Speakers in favor: Saveou Nasreddine. No speakers opposed. MOTION: Close the public hearing by Koch, Featherston seconds. Vote: 10-0. MOTION: Postpone this case to the March 23, 2020 hearing by Koch, Reed seconds. Vote: 9-1. (Papavasiliou opposed) 3. C14H-1975-0018 – German Free School – Heritage Grant Application - Offered for consent approval for all but waterproofing masonry walls. 507 E. 10th Street Council District 9 Proposal: Repair, restore, and/or replace deteriorated elements of handrails, walls, masonry, millwork, and gutters; replace or add coatings to exterior elements; construct a new limestone retaining wall. Applicant: Christopher Markley City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 974-2727 Committee Recommendation: Not reviewed. Staff Recommendation: Approve as proposed except for waterproofing. No speakers. MOTION: Close the public hearing by Reed, Papavasiliou seconds. Vote: 10-0 MOTION: Approve staff’s recommendation, specifically noting that upon the staff’s review and further approval of the masonry repairs that the additional work would be approved as part of the motion by Heimsath, Reed seconds. Vote: 10-0. 4. LHD-2020-0001 – Offered for consent approval 4000 Avenue C (Hyde Park Historic District) Council District: 9 Proposal: One-story rear addition to house; front addition to two-story attached garage. Applicant: Khalid Malik City Staff: Cara Bertron, Historic Preservation Office, 974-1446 Committee Recommendation: Not reviewed. Staff Recommendation: Approve the plans. No speakers. MOTION: Close the public hearing by Reed, Myers. Vote: 10-0. MOTION: Postpone the case and refer to the Architectural Review Committee by Myers, Reed seconds. Vote: 8-2. 5. LHD-2020-0002 - Offered for consent approval 4203 Avenue H (Hyde Park Historic District) Council District 9 Proposal: One-story rear addition; alter window openings; construct two-story accessory dwelling at rear of the lot. Applicant: Harper Wilmoth and Ann Kirkendall City Staff: Cara Bertron, Historic Preservation Office, 974-1446 Committee Recommendation: Not reviewed. Staff Recommendation: Approve as proposed. Speakers in favor: Harper Wilmoth Ann Kirkendall No speakers opposed. MOTION: Close the public hearing by Reed, Koch seconds. Vote: 10-0. MOTION: Approve the design as proposed by Koch, Featherston seconds. Vote: 9-0 (Jacob off-dais). 6. LHD-2020-0005 – Offered for consent approval 4010 Avenue G (Hyde Park Historic District) Council District 9 Proposal: Demolish a contributing garage; construct a two-story rear building. Applicant: Ken Johnson City Staff: Cara Bertron, Historic Preservation Office, 974-1446 Committee Recommendation: Not reviewed. Staff Recommendation: Approve as proposed. Speakers in favor: Betsy Ashcraft Larry Tu Ken Johnson No speakers opposed. MOTION: Close the public hearing by Papavasiliou, Heimsath seconds. Vote: 10-0. MOTION: Approve as proposed by Papavasiliou, Featherston seconds. Vote: 10- 0. 7. C14H-1978-0038 – Paramount Theater – Heritage Grant Application - Offered for consent approval 713 Congress Avenue Council District 9 Proposal: Tuck-point south wall Applicant: Jonathan Humphrey City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Committee Recommendation: Not reviewed. Staff Recommendation: Approve as proposed. MOTION: Approve item B7 on the consent agenda by Papavasiliou, Little seconds. Vote: 10-0. 8. C14H-1977-0030 – Ben Pillow House - Discussion 1403 W. 9th Street Council District 9 Proposal: Install an electrical meter rack. Applicant: Victoria Haase, Thrower Design City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Committee Recommendation: Not reviewed. Staff Recommendation: Install the necessary electrical meters in a manner that does not unnecessarily compromise the historic appearance and integrity of the landmark property. WITHDRAWN C. DISCUSSION AND ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR A PERMIT WITHIN A NATIONAL REGISTER HISTORIC DISTRICT 1. NRD-2020-0001 – Offered for consent approval 1102 Charlotte Street (Clarksville Historic District) Council District 9 Proposal: Construct a new two-story house and a one-story accessory building. Applicant: Richard White City Staff: Cara Bertron, Historic Preservation Office, 974-1446 Staff Recommendation: Comment on and release the permit. MOTION: Approve item C1 on the consent agenda by Papavasiliou, Little seconds. Vote: 10-0 2. NRD-2020-0002 – Discussion 1616 W. 9½ Street (West Line Historic District) Council District 9 Proposal: Relocate a contributing ca. 1927 house to outside the city limits and construct a new house in its place. Applicant: Andrea Pana City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Encourage rehabilitation and adaptive re-use of the existing building, then recommend moving the house to within the neighborhood if possible. If the Commission approves the relocation outside of the city, then staff recommends completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package prior to release of the permit. Comment on and release the plans for new construction if the Commission releases the relocation permit. Speakers: Andrea Pana Mike Sullivan John Teinert Speakers opposed: Donald Lawson MOTION: Close the public hearing by Papavasiliou, Featherston. Vote: 10-0. MOTION: Accept Staff’s recommendation by Papavasiliou, Featherston seconds. Vote: 10-0. 3. NRD-2019-0075 – Postponement request by applicant 311 E. 6th Street (Sixth Street Historic District) Council District 9 Proposal: Construct a covered rooftop deck. Applicant: Steve Simon City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Grant the postponement request. MOTION: Postpone item C3 by Reed, Myers seconds. Vote: 10-0. 4. NRD-2020-0004 – Discussion postponement 90-92 Rainey Street (Rainey Street Historic District) Proposal: Demolish a ca. 1911-12 contributing building and construct a high- Council District 9 rise tower in its place. Applicant: Nelsen Partners City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Postpone to March 23, 2020 to allow the applicant to attend the Architectural Review committee. MOTION: Postpone item C4 by Reed, Myers seconds. Vote: 10-0. D. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON APPLICATIONS FOR DEMOLITION OR RELOCATION 1. HDP-2019-0751 – Offered for consent approval 66 Comal Street Council District 3 Proposal: Demolish a ca. 1946 house. Applicant: Christopher Myers City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Encourage rehabilitation and adaptive re-use of the existing building, then relocation over demolition; but release the demolition permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. MOTION: Approve item D1 on the consent agenda by Papavasiliou, Little seconds. Vote: 10-0. 2. HDP-2020-0003 – Offered for consent approval 1612 E. 7th Street Council District 1 Proposal: Demolish a ca. 1906 house. Applicant: Keith Buchanan/John Hernandez City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Encourage rehabilitation and adaptive re-use, then relocation over demolition, but release the permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. MOTION: Approve item D2 on the consent agenda by Koch, Featherston seconds. Vote: 10-0. 3. HDP-2020-0004 – Offered for consent approval 1610 E. 7th Street Council District 1 Proposal: Demolish a ca. 1912 house. Applicant: Keith Buchanan/John Hernandez City Staff: Steve Sadowsky, Historic Preservation Office, 974-6454 Staff Recommendation: Encourage rehabilitation and adaptive re-use, then relocation over demolition, but release the permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package. MOTION: Approve item D3 on the consent agenda by Papavasiliou, Little seconds. Vote: 10-0 4. HDP-2020-0005 – Offered for consent approval 3001 E. 12th Street Council District 1 Proposal: Demolish a ca. 1947 commercial garage. Applicant: RP Enterprises City Staff: Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Office, 974-2727 Staff Recommendation: Encourage rehabilitation and adaptive re-use, then relocation over demolition, but release the permit upon completion of a City of Austin Documentation Package, consisting of photographs of all elevations, a dimensioned sketch plan, and a narrative history, for archiving at the Austin History Center. MOTION: Approve item D4 on the consent agenda by Papavasiliou, Little seconds. Vote: 10-0. E. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON DEMOLITION BY NEGLECT CASES 1. HDP-2019-0394 – Sebron Sneed House, 1801 Nelms Drive – Offered for consent approval to maintain the case on the agenda No new updates. 6. COMMISSION and STAFF ITEMS A. Discussion and possible action on draft budget recommendation for FY2021. MOTION: Endorse the draft recommendation as presented and authorize staff to add those figures by Heimsath, Reed seconds. Vote: 10-0. B. Discussion and possible action on a resolution to amend City Code re: historic tax abatement MOTION: Adopt the resolution by Reed, Koch seconds. Vote: 10-0. C. Discussion and possible action on a resolution to amend the Historic Landmark Commission bylaws to rename the Certificate of Appropriateness Review Committee, amend its scope, and update the Heritage Grant Program administrator (revised version of resolution from January 27, 2020) MOTION: Approve the resolution to amend the bylaws as states in resolution 2020-0224-6.c by Reed, Little seconds. Vote: 10-0. D. Discussion and Possible Action on Committee Reports 1. Certificate of Appropriateness Review Committee 2. Operations Committee 3. Grants Committee 4. Preservation Plan Committee E. Future Agenda Items Commissioners Heimsath and Reed request an update on the Palm school. ADJOURNMENT by Reed, Koch seconds. Vote: 10-0. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call the Historic Preservation Office, Planning and Zoning Department, at 512-974-1686, for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Historic Landmark Commission, please contact Steve Sadowsky, City Historic Preservation Officer, at 512-974-6454; Cara Bertron, Deputy Historic Preservation Officer, at 512-974-1446; Kalan Contreras, Senior Planner, at 512-974- 2727; or Angela Gaudette, Historic Preservation Planner II, at 512-974-3393.