Historic Landmark Commission - Oct. 9, 2024

Historic Landmark Commission Architectural Review Committee Meeting - Rm 1401/1402

Agenda original pdf

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HISTORIC LANDMARK COMMISSION ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE Wednesday, October 9, 2024 – 4:00PM Permitting and Development Center Conference Room 1401 6310 Wilhelmina Delco Dr Austin, TX 78752 Some members of the committee may be participating by videoconference Public comment will be allowed in-person or remotely via telephone. Speakers may only register to speak on an item once either in-person or remotely and will be allowed up to three minutes to provide their comments. Registration no later than noon the day before the meeting is required for remote participation by telephone. To register to speak remotely, email preservation@austintexas.gov or call Sam Fahnestock at (512) 974-3393. COMMITTEE MEMBERS: Kevin Koch JuanRaymon Rubio Harmony Grogan AGENDA CALL TO ORDER PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL The first ten (10) speakers who register to speak no later than noon the day before the meeting will be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns regarding items not posted on the agenda. DISCUSSION ITEMS 811 W Live Oak St. Green Pastures Council District 3 Proposal: Addition of a three-story hotel with ground floor amenity space. Applicant: Marcos Crane 1. 2. 2 Green Lanes Graves House Council District 10 Proposal: Rehabilitation and addition. Applicant: Tere O’Connell 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 104 W 32nd St. Brundrett-Winkler House Council District 9 Proposal: Addition of new shed dormers, add and replace windows. Applicant: Tere O’Connell 2315 Lake Austin Blvd. Deep Eddy Cabaret Council District 10 Proposal: Repair and restoration. Applicant: Jody Karr 1106 Travis Heights Blvd. Travis Heights-Fairview Park National Register Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: Additions. Applicant: Liz Salaiz 312 ½ Congress Ave. Congress Avenue National Register Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: Sign. Applicant: Colton Gohlke 312 ½ Congress Ave. Congress Avenue National Register Historic District Council District 9 Proposal: Sign. Applicant: Colton Gohlke ADJOURNMENT The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the American with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least 2 days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call the Historic Preservation Office at 512-974-3393 for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Historic Landmark Commission, please contact Sam Fahnestock, Planner II, at 512-974-3393; Kalan Contreras, Historic Preservation Officer, at 512-974-2727. ,£, First Floor City of Austin Permitting and …

Scraped at: Oct. 4, 2024, 11:10 p.m.

2 - 2 Green Lanes - Drawings original pdf

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SYMBOL LEGEND FFE 0" FFE OR GRADE ELEVATION AS NOTED EXTERIOR ELEVATION A-211 101 DOOR NUMBER 101 WINDOW NUMBER A WALL TYPE CL CENTERLINE 1 N S 1 A-211 1 A-211 W E 1/A-401 INTERIOR ELEVATION SECTION PLAN/ELEVATION DETAIL ABBREVIATIONS & # @ And Pound At Air Conditioning A/C ACOUST Acoustical Additional ADD'L Adjacent ADJ Above Finish Floor AFF Authority Having Jurisdiction AHJ AHU Air Handling Unit APPROX Approximately ARCH ASTM American Society for Testing Architect & Materials Bottom of Rafter BOR Board BRD BLDG Building BDRM Bedroom BTM BTWN Between Bottom Cabinet Cubic Feet Control Joint Centerline Ceiling Closet Clear Column Composite Concrete CAB CF CJ CL CLG CLO CLR COL COMP CONC CONST Construction CONT COORD Coordinate, Coordination Critical Root Zone CRZ Cover CVR Cold Water CW Continuous Deep, Depth, Dryer Double D DBL DEMO Demolish, Demolition Double Hung DH Diameter DIA Diagonal, Diagonally DIAG Down DN Downspout DS Dishwasher DW Drawing DWG Drawer DWR East Each Expansion Joint Electric Meter Equal Spacing, Equivalent Equipment E EA EJ EM EQ EQUIP EXST'G Existing Exterior EXT Equal Spacing, Equivalent EQ Equipment EQUIP EXH Exhaust EXST'G Existing Exterior EXT FAR FF(E) FIN FIXT FLR FT FTG FV FV HT Floor-Area Ratio Finished Floor (Elevation) Finish(ed) Fixture Floor Feet, Foot Footing Field Verify Field Verify Height Gauge GA Galvanized GALV General Contractor GC Ground Fault Circuit Interrupt GFCI Glass GL GM Gas Meter GPM Gallons Per Minute GR GRND Ground GSF GYP BD Gypsum Wall Board Gross Square Feet Grade Hose Bib Header HB HDR HDWR Hardware HORIZ Horizontal HR HT HTG HVAC Hour Height Heating Heat/Ventilation/ Air Conditioning Id Est (That Is) Inches Inaccessible Including Information Insulation Interior Joint Joist Kitchen I.E. IN INAC INCL INFO INSUL INT JNT JST KIT L LAM LAV LB(S) LF LP LT LVR Length Laminated Lavatory Pound(s) Linear Foot Light Pole or Lightning Protection Light Louver Maximum MANUF Manufacturer MAX MECH Mechanical M/E MEP Mechanical/Electrical Mechanical, Electrical, & Plumbing Minimum MIN MISC Miscellaneous MTD MTL Mounted Metal N NA NIC NO NSF NTS North Not Applicable Not in Contract Number Net Square Feet Not to Scale OC On Center OCEW On Center Each Way OP'G OVHD Overhead OZ Opening Ounce P&I PC PG PL Provide & Install Photo Cell Page Plate or Plateline PR PSF PSI PT PTD PVC PVMT PWD Pair Pounds Per Square Foot Pounds Per Square Inch Pressure Treated Painted Polyvinyl …

Scraped at: Oct. 4, 2024, 11:10 p.m.

2 - 2 Green Lanes - Historic Drawings original pdf

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Ireland and Mary Graves House 1936 H.F. Kuehne, Architect Above: Balustrade detail Top left: South elevation Bottom: Frame garage, main staircase and kitchen stairs South Elevation Rendering Graves Residence 1936 H.F. Kuehne, Architect SIMILAR HOMES OF THE PERIOD Ferris Residence 1937 H.F. Kuehne, Architect SIMILAR HOMES OF THE PERIOD Campbell Residence 1937 H.F. Kuehne, Architect SIMILAR HOMES OF THE PERIOD Gullette Residence 1938 H.F. Kuehne, Architect SIMILAR HOMES OF THE PERIOD Crawford Residence 1938 H.F. Kuehne, Architect SIMILAR HOMES OF THE PERIOD Bruns Residence 1936 Page & Southerland Architects SIMILAR HOMES OF THE PERIOD Catterall Residence 1935 Page & Southerland Architects SIMILAR HOMES OF THE PERIOD Rathbone Residence 1940 Page & Southerland Architects SIMILAR HOMES OF THE PERIOD Schwartz Residence 1936 Page & Southerland Architects SIMILAR HOMES OF THE PERIOD Baze Residence 1941 Page & Southerland Architects

Scraped at: Oct. 4, 2024, 11:10 p.m.

2 - 2 Green Lanes - Photos original pdf

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Ireland and Mary Graves House 1938 Lisa and Nicholas Miller, Owners Replace composition shingle roof Restore shutters, columns, historic windows North Elevation Ireland and Mary Graves House 2 Green Lanes Replace second-floor bedrooms with new addition Add family room addition Relocate HVAC, add side entry porch Repoint deteriorated mortar joints as needed to match historic West elevation Ireland and Mary Graves House 2 Green Lanes Replace windows above sun room Add porch along back façade of kitchen Replace windows with larger windows South Elevation Ireland and Mary Graves House 2 Green Lanes Restore wood windows, shutters, columns, railing, and roof eaves East Elevation Ireland and Mary Graves House 2 Green Lanes Remove second floor mass, replace with side gable and 2 dormers similar to original design, set back to recede from front of house Replace garage doors in keeping with original design GARAGE MODIFICATIONS Ireland and Mary Graves House 2 Green Lanes

Scraped at: Oct. 4, 2024, 11:11 p.m.

3 - 104 W 32nd St - Drawings original pdf

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DN NEW DORMERS W 32nd St SITE PLAN 1 0 15 30 FT 1405 W. 10th Street Austin, Texas 78703 512 | 751-1374 DRAFT FOR REVIEW ONLY Teresa O'Connell TX #15432 e s u o H r e l k n W i - t t e r d n u r B t S d n 2 3 . W 4 0 1 5 0 7 8 7 S A X E T , I N T S U A ISSUE DATE 09/26/24 - HISTORIC REVIEW SUBMITAL SHEET NAME NEW SITE PLAN PRINT: 9/26/24 SHEET NUMBER A-102 1405 W. 10th Street Austin, Texas 78703 512 | 751-1374 DRAFT FOR REVIEW ONLY Teresa O'Connell TX #15432 e s u o H r e l k n W i - t t e r d n u r B t S d n 2 3 . W 4 0 1 5 0 7 8 7 S A X E T , N I T S U A ISSUE DATE 09/26/24 - HISTORIC REVIEW SUBMITAL SHEET NAME Front Perspective PRINT: 9/26/24 SHEET NUMBER SK-01 1 PERSPECTIVE VIEW OF FRONT OF HOUSE NEW DORMERS NOT VISIBLE FROM FRONT OF HOUSE NOTE: ALL VEGETATION REMOVED TO SEE THE BUILDING PROPERLY FRONT ELEVATION 1 NOTE: ALL VEGETATION REMOVED TO SEE THE BUILDING PROPERLY EAST ELEVATION 2 NEW DORMER REPLACE GLASS WEST ELEVATION 3 BACK ELEVATION 4 REPLACE GLASS NEW DORMER 1405 W. 10th Street Austin, Texas 78703 512 | 751-1374 DRAFT FOR REVIEW ONLY Teresa O'Connell TX #15432 REPLACE GLASS NEW DORMERS e s u o H r e l k n W i - t t e r d n u r B t S d n 2 3 . W 4 0 1 5 0 7 8 7 S A X E T , N I T S U A ISSUE DATE 09/26/24 - HISTORIC REVIEW SUBMITAL SHEET NAME Rendered Elevations PRINT: 9/26/24 SHEET NUMBER SK-02

Scraped at: Oct. 4, 2024, 11:11 p.m.

3 - 104 W 32nd St - Photos original pdf

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Brundrett-Winkler House 1916 104 W. 32nd Street Rowena and Kevin Dasch, Owners South (primary) elevation Brundrett-Winkler House 104 W. 32nd Street Oblique view of southwest corner Brundrett-Winkler House 104 W. 32nd Street Oblique view of southeast corner Brundrett-Winkler House 104 W. 32nd Street North (rear) elevation Brundrett-Winkler House 104 W. 32nd Street Add dormers to rear elevation, not visible from the street North (rear) elevation Brundrett-Winkler House 104 W. 32nd Street

Scraped at: Oct. 4, 2024, 11:11 p.m.

4 - 2315 Lake Austin Blvd - Condition Assessment original pdf

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DEEp EDDy CAbARET CONDITION ASSESSmENT O C TObE R 2024 ARCHITECTURE & CONSERVATION DEEP EDDY CABARET CONDITION ASSESSMENT October 2, 2024 Will Bridges, Owner Deep Eddy Cabaret 2315 Lake Austin Blvd. Austin, Texas Re: Condition Assessment for Deep Eddy Cabaret PREFACE Hutson Gallagher, LLC (HG) is an architectural firm that specializes in providing services for public and commercial historic buildings. In August 2024, HG was contact by Will Bridges to discuss needed repairs for the historic Deep Eddy Cabaret, located at 2315 Lake Austin Boulevard in Austin. The building was recently designated as a City of Austin Historic Landmark. HG team members, Chris Hutson and Tracy Hirschman Hutson, met with Mr. Bridges on site, on August 29th to review concerns about various conditions he believed were beyond basic maintenance. This assessment report was commissioned to serve two purposes, the first to enable the architectural team to develop repair recommendations going forward, and to provide the Owner with a holistic view of the building’s current condition. This assessment outlines on- site observations, includes a summary of recommendations for needed repairs, and provides an estimated opinion of probable cost to aid with the budget planning aspect as they approach the work. It is understood the company anticipates pursing grant funding to aid the cost of repairs. Phases planning for the execution of identified scopes of work is also expected. Extensive photographs were taken of the conditions and are compiled in the Appendix section at the end of this document. HISTORY The Deep Eddy Cabaret is a stone and brick masonry building on a sloped site at the southeast corner of the intersection of Lake Austin Blvd. and Deep Eddy Avenue. Originally constructed circa 1914 or 1915, as a neighborhood grocery store, the building has undergone multiple changes and additions. In July, 2024 the Deep Eddy Cabaret was designated as a City of Austin Landmark.1 Based on remaining evidence and early Sanborn maps, the original building footprint was approximately 20 by 40 feet with stone walls on the west, south, and east elevations and a brick front façade. The original pitched roof was set within the masonry, as evidenced by remaining flashing in the attic and a photograph from circa 1915 that shows a portion of the east wall. 2 The current roof structure was likely added in the 1920s or early 1930s when the building was expanded to the south. This expansion …

Scraped at: Oct. 4, 2024, 11:11 p.m.

4 - 2315 Lake Austin Blvd - Scope of Work original pdf

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Heritage Preservation Grant 2024 - Deep Eddy Cabaret Address: 2315 Lake Austin Blvd., Austin, TX 78703 History: The site was owned by Austin pioneer Charles Johnson who emigrated from Sweden in 1854. Two Johnson children founded the “Deep Eddy Resort,” a privately run bathing hole in the nearby Colorado River. It was sold to the City in 1935 and is one of the oldest swimming pools in the state. The family retained ownership of the smaller parcel where the Grocery was opened ca. 1915. The Grocery/Cabaret has a 100-year association with the Deep Eddy/Tarrytown neighborhood and has continuously served customers, first as a bait and tackle shop and grocery outfit between ca. 1915 through the 1940s, and then as a local bar and gathering place beginning in the 1950s through present-day. In 2023, an Austin Chronicle article stated the Deep Eddy Cabaret “remains one of the oldest – and most beloved—bars in the city.” Scope of Work: Phase 1 of this project will focus on exterior repair and restoration. Work will preserve and rehabilitate existing historic building material, with a goal to restore the red tile roof. The existing tile will be reused and supplemented with new reproduction pieces as needed. All deteriorated exterior wood elements, including framing, will be repaired. Improved attic ventilation and moisture infiltration mitigation, gutters repaired/replaced as needed, with improved water drainage, repair and repointing of exterior limestone and stucco repairs, the preservation/conservation of historic wall mural, door and windows restoration, and electrical repairs.

Scraped at: Oct. 4, 2024, 11:11 p.m.

6-7 - 312 Congress Ave - Engineers Drawing original pdf

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Page 1 of 4 12396 WORLD TRADE DRIVE, SUITE 312 SAN DIEGO, CA 92128 PROJECTMANAGER@SULLAWAYENG.COM PHONE: 1-858-312-5150 FAX: 1-858-777-3534 DATE: ENGINEER: LAST REVISED: 08/14/2024 RM PROJECT: PROJECT #: CLIENT: PVOLVE, BLADE SIGN, 312.5 S. CONGRESS AVE., AUSTIN, TX 47235 LEWIS SIGN 21 2" 2'-8" (E) MULTIPLE-WYTHE SOLID BRICK WALL BY OTHERS " 2 . . C O " 6 " 0 1 1x1x1 ALUM. SQ. TUBE TYP. ELEVATION - MAX OAH FROM GRADE 10'-0" 8" 2 - 1 - 1" 4" " 1 " 0 1 " 8 . . C O " 6 3/16 TYP. 6"X10"X1 2" ALUM. PLATE 4"Ø DEWALT SCREW BOLT+ ANCHOR W/ (4) 1 MIN. EMBED.= 15 8" INTO SOLID BRICK MIN. EDGE DIST.= 33 4" MOUNTING PLATE 2 - GENERAL NOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DESIGN CODE: IBC 2021 DESIGN LOADS: ASCE 7-16 WIND VELOCITY 110 MPH EXPOSURE C ALUMINUM ELEMENTS 6061-T6 DEWALT SCREW - BOLT+ ANCHORS PER DEWALT SPECIFICATIONS MIN. TWO WYTHE, SOLID BRICK MASONRY WALL CONFORMING TO ASTM C62, GRADE SW MIN, F'M=2000 PSI. MIN MORTAR MUST BE TYPE N, S OR M PROVIDE PROTECTION AGAINST DISSIMILAR METALS ALL DIMENSIONS TO BE VERIFIED PRIOR TO FABRICATION ALL EXISTING ELEMENTS AND DIMENSIONS TO BE VERIFIED IN FIELD 7. 8. 9. 10. 8-14-2024 Page 2 of 4 PROJECT: PVOLVE PROJ. NO.: 47235 CLIENT: LEWIS SIGN DATE: 08/14/2024 ENGINEER: RM V5.5 units; pounds, feet unless noted otherwise Applied Wind Loads; from ASCE 7-16 (ASCE Fig. 30.4-1) (unless unusual landscape) (ASCE 30.4-1) 1 c Exposure= Lz= pnet=(cid:79) Kzt pnet30 (cid:79)= Kzt= V= Area= (cid:1005)(cid:856)(cid:1006)(cid:1005) 1.0 110 (cid:373)(cid:393)(cid:346) 2.22 max. height= pnet30= pnet30= 10.00 21.78 -29.19 ft2 ft psf psf pnet= pnet= 26.35 -35.32 psf psf Check 1/4" Dia. Dewalt Screw - Bolt+ Anchor with Min Embed. = 1.625" into Brick Wall (ASD): Pnet= Tributary Area= Wind Load= Dead Load= arm= MWL= arm= MDL= Spacing= Additional tension due WL= Spacing= Additional tension due DL= #anchors= Tension per anchor= Shear per anchor= Tension capacity= Shear capacity= See Above= ATrib=(From AutoCAD)= WL=0.6*Pnet*ATrib= DL=10psf*ATrib= (2.5")+(2'-8")/2= WL*arm= (2.5")+(2'-8")/2= DL*arm= = TWL=MWL/spacing/2 anchors= = TDL=MDL/spacing/2 anchors= = Ta=TWL+TDL= Va=WL/#anchors+DL/#anchors= Tc= Vc= (Per Dewalt Specifications) 35.32 psf 2.285 ft2 48 lbs 23 lbs 18.50 in 896 lbs-in 18.50 in 423 lbs-in 4 in 112 lbs 8 in 26 lbs 4 anchors 138 lbs 18 lbs 550 lbs 405 lbs Combined Check: Ta/Tc+Va/Vc= 0.296 <1 ok Loads on 1x1x1/8" Alum. SQ. Tube: (LRFD) …

Scraped at: Oct. 4, 2024, 11:13 p.m.