Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory CommissionOct. 25, 2022

Item 6 - Follow up questions sent to Tesla staff on August 7 — original pdf

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Follow-up questions for Tesla Workforce 1. Is there a plan to subsidize housing for Tesla employees (particularly for lower- income employees who make below 80% MFI in Austin, for example)? 2. Can the Commission receive a copy of the benefits packages provided to every Tesla employee starting on day 1 (including any health plans/options)? 3. What are the wage ranges for employment? Teresa mentioned she thinks $18 is the lowest hourly wage (training wage). 4. Which demographic information is being captured for employees and contractors working at Tesla sites? How is this information informing hiring practices? 5. How many predominantly Spanish speakers has Tesla hired? And for which positions? 6. Has Tesla partnered with CapMetro on a program for employees, contractors and subcontractors to ride public transportation for free? If not, does Tesla plan to do so, particularly considering that surrounding communities do not have access to public transportation? 7. Logan discussed the shuttles that Tesla operates for employees - can you share details on this program and the plans for its expansion? 8. Are there professional development stipends for historically marginalized employees? 9. In the data shared, the team indicated that 82% of the workforce is local, residing in Travis County. Can you share what constitutes “local” status? Is there a threshold for the number of years a person has resided in Travis County before they are considered local? Can you share the percentage of employees who have been hired from zip codes in Southeast Austin, such as 78725, 78742, 78741, 78744, 78617, and 78719? 10. What is Tesla's position regarding employee unions at Giga Texas in Austin? 11. Are employees and leadership trained on diversity, equity and inclusion practices? If so, which ones and why? Environmental Impact 12. Please provide a line-item budget and plan for the ecological uplift project along with any other analyses of the scope and impact of this work to the local environment. 13. Logan indicated that there was an environmental impact report done by a 3rd party; can you please share the report and who conducted the study? 14. Please share any reports and studies regarding hazardous waste disposal and air quality. 15. Please share any plans for mitigation developed in case of an emergency, such as a hazardous waste spill. Community Engagement 16. Please provide the names, frequency, and level of engagement for the stakeholders listed in the presentation, as well as the additional environmental groups that were not listed in the presentation but were referenced. 17. Please provide the community engagement plan to embed long standing community members (with compensation and as community experts) in decision- making spaces at Tesla. 18. Please provide the process for reporting back to the community (taking into consideration language justice, literacy levels, and technology access) after meetings and to provide updates on benchmarks. 19. What is the budget allocation for community engagement since Tesla moved to 20. Is there a strategic plan for community engagement? If so, who was involved in Austin (year to year)? its creation?