Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory CommissionMay 24, 2022

Updated 3a. Comprehensive Food Plan — original pdf

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A Food Plan for Austin Developing the City’s first-ever Food Plan What is a Food System ? The Office of Sustain ability defin es the food system as an interconnected network that in cludes ev ery thing that happen s w ith food —w here an d how it is grow n , dis tributed an d s old, con s um ed, an d ideally recov ered. T he food s y s tem is s haped by its s tak eholders , practices , an d the law s that regulate both. Post Consumption & Waste Diversion Processing & Distribution Production Food Justice Consumption & Access Markets & Retail Did you k n ow ? ● 14.7% food in security in Travis Coun ty an d 18 out of 47 zip codes in Travis Coun ty don ’t have a full service grocery store ● 16.8 acres of farm lan d are lost every day in Travis ● Less than 1% of food con sum ed in Austin -Travis Coun ty is locally produced ● 1.24 m illion poun ds of food is w asted every day in Coun ty Austin When disaster strik es ● Lack of supplies and lim ited organized m eans of distribution w hat they need ● Road conditions can prevent people from getting ● Support services closed ● Long lines and bare shelves ● Em ergency supplies lack food that m eets culture and dietary needs Disaster Food & Water Appen dix ● Work in g w ith Hom elan d Security & Em ergency M an agem ent (HSEM ) an d other departm en ts ● Creatin g a plan to supplem en t the Em ergency Operation s Plan ● Will in clude learnings from Win ter Storm Uri, COVID-19, boil w ater n otices, an d other possible scen arios Developin g Austin ’s firs t ev er F ood P lan Why do w e n eed a Food Plan ? ● The im pact of the Covid-19 pandem ic & Winter Storm Uri exposed and exacerbated deficiencies in our food system . ● A Food Plan w ill set clear Goals and Str ategies to m itigate the im pact of future cris es , correct the s y s tem ’s in equalities , an d m ov e tow ard a m ore equitable, s us tain able & res ilien t food s y s tem that s erv es ev ery on e. ● T his w ill be A us tin ’s firs t ev er F ood P lan ; w hen com pleted, it w ill prov ide a coordin atin g s tructure for all food related in itiativ es to w ork tow ards a s hared v is ion an d addres s k ey is s ues Resolution In Jun e 2021, Austin City Coun cil directed the City M an ager to in itiate a plan n in g process an d m ultilin gual en gagem en t strategy for the creation of the Austin Travis Coun ty Food System Plan , w hich shall con ven e experts an d stak eholders to craft a 5-year plan . The Office Of Sustain ability is the departm en t in charge of overseein g the achievem en t of this goal. Source: Austin City Coun cil RESOLUTION NO. 20210610-039 State of the Food System 2022 Office of Sustainability is currently drafting an updated version of Austin’s State of the Food System . Builds off State of the Food System Reports from 2015 and 2018. The State of the Food System report w ill serve as a foundational docum ent to help ground participants in the planning process w ith context of our local food system . It w ill cover k ey term s, trends & challenges, k ey questions, and facts around the various sectors of the food system . Fin din g the Right Project Team The Office of Sustainability is in the process of hiring a Consultant Team experienced in project planning, food system s and equitable com m unity engagem ent to support the developm ent and im plem entation Austin’s first Food Plan. The proposals have been evaluated and the decision w ill be shared w ith Council for approval in late July. Project Organization Austin’s Food Plan Emergency Food and Water Appendix City and County Staff Austin-Travis Food Policy Board Consultant Team Community Food Ambassadors Community Advisory Committee *Potential Groups Community Advisory Groups *Production AG General Public and Community Food Equity Toolkit *Access AG *Markets AG *Labor AG *Recovery AG Com m un ity Advisory Com m ittee A good plan has to be groun ded in its com m un ity. The City Coun cil’s resolution requires this process be led by a Com m un ity Advisory Com m ittee (CAC)– w hich w ill be com prised of com m un ity m em bers im pacted by food system in equities, sm all busin ess ow n ers, food access organ izers, & other stak eholders. The CAC w ill oversee the plan n in g process, help determ in e the Focus Areas for the Work in g Groups, refin e goals for the Plan , an d assist in com m un ity outreach. Com m un ity Advisory Groups The Com m un ity Advisory Groups w ill be thematicw ork in g groups that w ill prov ide of back groun d in form ation on an s pecific food s y s tem area bas ed on the participan ts ex perien ce. T he n um ber an d the them es of the A G’s w ill be determ in ed w ith the help of our Com m un ity A dv is ory Com m ittee an d w ill prov ide critical in put w hen dev elopin g goals an d m etrics . Project Tim eline 1 2 3 6 7 Spring 2022 Summer - Fall 2022 Fall 2022 - Spring 2023 Spring 2023 - Fall 2023 1 2 4 5 7 5 3 4 6 Next Steps Com in g up s oon Now Summer 2022 Fall 2022 Outreach an d Com m un ity A w aren es s Con s ultan t On boardin g an d K ick off M eetin g CA C R ecruitm en t an d Selection Stay in volved R egular Updates State of the Food System Release Spread the w ord Sign up for our Food Plan In terest Form to stay in the loop! Dive deeper into Austin’s Food System . Available this Sum m er at austintexas.gov/ departm ent/ sustai nability Outreach m aterials com in g early this Sum m er. Em ail : Sergio.torres- peralta@austin texas.gov for updates. In your com m un ity, W ho n eeds to be in v olv ed in the F ood P lan n in g proces s ? Thank You! w w w .a u stin te xa s.g ov/food /a u stin su sta in a b ility