Approved Minutes — original pdf
Approved Minutes

Hispanic Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission 1 | Page REGULAR SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE HISPANIC/LATINO QUALITY OF LIFE RESOURCE ADVISORY COMMISSION Tuesday, June 25, 2019 at 6:30pm Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center 600 River Street Austin, Texas 78701 CURRENT BOARD MEMBERS: Carmen Llanes Pulido, Chair Angelica Erazo, Vice-Chair Diana Salas Amanda Afifi Zaira R. Garcia Maria C. Solis Jovita J. Flay Cristina M. Adams DRAFT MINUTES Citizens wishing to speak on agenda and non-agenda related items must sign up at least ten minutes before the meeting is called to order. Citizens may speak on non-agenda items under the Citizens Communications section of the agenda. Citizens may speak on an agenda related item after a presentation on the item has been made. Citizens may not speak after City staff presentations. Speakers signed up prior to the meeting being called to order will each be allowed a three-minute allotment to address their concerns. Boards and Commissions follow the same rules as City Council meetings. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order by Chair Llanes Pulido at 6:39pm. Board Members in Attendance: Chair Llanes Pulido, Vice-Chair Angelica Erazo, Amanda Afifi, Maria Solis, Diana Salas, Jovita Flay, Zaira Garcia, Cristina Adams. 1. CITIZENS COMMUNICATION: GENERAL a. Sylvia Orozco – Mexic-Arte 2. MOTION TO SUSPEND ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER a. Commissioner Flay moves to suspend Robert’s Rules of Order. Commissioner Solis seconds. Motion passes unanimously. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Commissioner Solis moves to approve March 26 minutes. Commissioner Flay seconds. Motion passes. Commissioner Garcia abstains. b. Commissioner Solis moves to approve April 23 minutes. Commissioner Flay seconds. Motion passes. Commissioner Garcia abstains. Hispanic Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission 2 | Page 4. COMMUNITY BRIEFING a. None 5. STAFF BRIEFING a. None 6. OLD BUSINESS Report and discussion regarding working groups and commissioners’ assignments: a. Public participation, transparency, and awareness work group – Commission requests to remove this work group due to inactivity b. Economic Development and Access to Affordable Housing in Latino Communities work group – No update c. Health work group – No update d. Representatives to Joint Inclusion Committee – Representatives are Commissioner Solis and Commissioner Flay. e. Representatives to Commission on Seniors – Commissioner Solis attends these meetings. f. Budget and Policy Priorities work group – Vice Chair Erazo to be added to work group g. Education work group – Commission requests to remove this work group due to inactivity h. Representatives to MACC - No update i. Representatives to the Equity Office – Commission requests to remove this group because Amanda Jasso in Equity Office serves as HLQOL staff liaison and Joshua Robinson recently joined the Equity Office as Commission Liaison. j. Representatives to the Artist Access Program – This to be combined with MACC business updates 7. NEW BUSINESS a. Update, discussion, and possible action on special called meeting to address discrimination and profiling within Austin Police Department – Vice-Chair Erazo moves to host a special called meeting with APD on August 10th at Conley-Guerrero Senior Center. Commissioner Adams seconds. Motion passes unanimously. b. Discussion and possible action regarding the Riverside Mixed-Use Project – Chair Llanes Pulido moves to draft a recommendation to City Council in opposition to Project. Commissioner Erazo seconds. Motion passes unanimously. c. Discussion and possible action on lighting for recreational centers and parks d. Discussion and possible action on land development code memo – Commissioner Erazo moves to draft a memo to include Equity Office in land development code rewrite. Commissioner Afifi seconds. Motion passes unanimously. e. Discussion and possible action on future staff and community briefings Hispanic Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission 3 | Page 8. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS a. Presentation from Budget Office on budget process and status. b. Presentation from Austin Fire abut response times in low-income neighborhoods ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Afifi moves to adjourn at 8:39pm. Commissioner Flay seconds. Motion passes unanimously. The City of Austin is committed to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reasonable modifications and equal access to communications will be provided upon request. Meeting locations are planned with wheelchair access. If requiring Sign Language Interpreters or alternative formats, please give notice at least two days (48 hours) before the meeting date. Please call Amanda Jasso at (512) 974-9107 or via email at for additional information; TTY users route through Relay Texas at 711. For more information on the Hispanic/Latino Quality of Life Resource Advisory Commission, please contact Amanda Jasso at (512)974‐9107 or