Electric Utility CommissionFeb. 10, 2025

Item 5- RCA: Solar for All — original pdf

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..De Posting Language ..Title Authorize negotiation and execution of an interlocal agreement with Harris County in support of the Solar for All Program activities, for the term of March 27, 2025, through the grant period ending August 31, 2029, for a total agreement in the amount not to exceed $31,593,683. Funding in the amount of $31,593,683 is available starting in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Austin Energy Operating Budget Special Revenue Fund. Lead Department Austin Energy Fiscal Note Funding in the amount of $31,593,683 is available starting in the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Austin Energy Operating Budget Special Revenue Fund. Prior Council Action: October 24, 2024- Council approved an ordinance to accept and appropriate grant funds from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and add three full-time equivalent grant positions to implement the Solar for All residential-serving community and residential rooftop solar program For More Information: Richard Génecé, Vice President, Customer Energy Solutions, Austin Energy, (512)-322-6327; Tim Harvey, Customer Renewable Solutions Manager (512)- 482-5386; Amy Everhart, Local Government Issues Director (512) 322-6087. Council Committee, Boards and Commission Action: February 10, 2025 - To be reviewed by the Electric Utility Commission. February 18, 2025 - To be reviewed by the Resource Management Commission. Additional Backup Information: On December 17, 2024, Harris County received a subrecipient agreement from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for The Texas Solar for All Coalition. Harris County has asked for subrecipient acceptance during the next meetings of the Commissioners Court. Austin Energy as a Coalition Member and as a subrecipient, will be required to execute an interlocal agreement with Harris County to carry out the performance of this award. Subrecipient interlocal agreement is subject to applicable EPA regulatory and statutory provisions, all terms and conditions of the signed agreement for a five-year grant term. The objective of these funds is to accelerate community solar projects in the City of Austin over the next five years. Austin Energy plans to provide financial and technical assistance to low-income and disadvantaged communities to deploy community solar and residential-serving distributed solar energy and storage projects. Solar projects receiving financial assistance from this federal funding may receive assistance for upgrades that maximize the benefits, such as energy efficiency improvements through existing Austin Energy weatherization programming. The expected outcomes include climate and air pollution benefits, equity and community benefits, and market transformation benefits. The intended beneficiaries include households in low-income and disadvantaged communities. The improvements will reduce energy use, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, enhance facility comfort, and directly benefit vulnerable members of the Austin community. Austin Energy expects to administer this grant funding through existing Customer Renewable Solutions program staff and budget, as well as additional grant-funded staff. Austin Energy has a long history of providing solar incentives in the community to ensure clean, affordable, and reliable electricity – and reduce the need to build new fossil-fuel power plants. Because of Austin’s emphasis on conservation and protecting the environment, Austin Energy’s energy-efficiency programs have garnered national attention and became a model for the federal government’s ENERGY STAR program. Currently, Austin Energy targets carbon-free generation by 2035 to support the City of Austin’s efforts towards our community-wide goals to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040, as outlined in the Austin Community Climate Plan. Grant funds help Austin Energy meet these carbon reduction targets that benefit the climate and community and is part of the utility’s strategy to lead the clean-energy transformation.