Item 3- RCA: Electric Transmission and Distribution Easement — original pdf

..Body Posting Language ..Title Authorize negotiation and execution of all documents and instruments necessary or desirable to acquire a permanent electric transmission and distribution easement consisting of approximately 0.1952 acres (8,505 square feet) of land and a 12-month temporary construction easement consisting of approximately 0.0280 acres (1,220 square feet) of land, out of the William Cannon League Survey No. 19, Abstract No. 6, generally located at 8300 South Interstate Highway 35, Austin, Texas 78745, and being a portion of the remainder of Lot 3A, Mrs. Sosa J. Spillmann Estate, a subdivision recorded in Book 8, Page 15 of the Plat Records of Travis County, Texas, from Hazel Rose Investments Limited Partnership, in an amount not to exceed $549,900, including closing costs. Funding: Funding is available in the Capital Budget of Austin Energy. Lead Department Financial Services Department Fiscal Note Funding is available in the Capital Budget of Austin Energy. For More Information: Michael Gates, Financial Services Department, 512-974-5639; Brandon Williamson, Financial Services Department, 512-974-5666; Amy Everhart, Austin Energy, Director, Local Government Issues (512) 322- 6087; Elaine Veselka, Austin Energy, VP Electric Systems Engineering and Technical Services, (512) 322- 6667; Tina Little, Austin Energy, Director, Electric Systems and Shared Services, (512) 322-6396. Council Committee, Boards, and Commission Action: November 18, 2024 - To be reviewed by the Electric Utility Commission. Additional Backup Information: Various structures along the existing circuits 926, 927, 987, and 988 require relocation to accommodate the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) expansion of Interstate Highway 35 (I-35) as part of its I-35 Capital Express program. TxDOT’s I-35 Capital Express South project runs along I-35 from State Highway 71 south to State Highway 45. The relocation of the circuit adjacent to the property at 8300 South I-35 requires the City to purchase an electric easement and a temporary construction easement out of the William Cannon League Survey No.19, Abstract No.6, Travis County, Texas, being a portion of the remainder of Lot 3A, Mrs. Sosa J. Spillmann Estate, a subdivision recorded October 15, 1956, in Book 8, Page 15 of the Plat Records, Travis County, Texas. An independent, third-party appraisal was procured to establish the fair-market value of the proposed acquisition. The appraisal supports the purchase price of $545,659. The amount of the purchase price plus closing costs is not to exceed $549,900.