Electric Utility CommissionJuly 15, 2024

Item 8- Solar Battery Storage, Microgrids, and Load-Shaping Technology Briefing — original pdf

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Battery Storage, Microgrids & Load-shaping Technologies Tim Harvey Customer Renewable Solutions Manager July 2024 © Austin Energy Solar For All Grant (SFA) Purpose Transform the status quo, putting billions of dollars of solar panels on the homes of low-income families and closing the equity gap in access to solar energy EPA Funded • $7B and 60 Awards • Texas Coalition awarded $250M • Austin Energy targeting $31+M in negotiations Benefits • 3,000+ Homes with Solar & Batteries • Equitable Access to Solar • Low-Income Household Savings • Resilience Benefits • Workforce Development • Community Ownership • Environmental Benefits • Virtual Power Plants • Generation inside Load Zone 2 Aggregated Distributed Energy Resources Austin Energy Calls Event to Aggregator Based on the Market Aggregator Signals Customer Batteries through DERMS – Distributed Energy Resources Management System Austin Energy Passes Benefits to Customer Customer Batteries Discharge 1 Solar System Austin Energy Avoids Costs on the Market 3 Battery Incentives • Austin Energy is considering the battery value proposition to the customer holistically • Once an ongoing benefit approach is facilitated, we will evaluate an upfront incentive • Austin Energy is currently working on approaches using utility-controlled batteries to provide resiliency benefits that flow to low-income customers = $ 4 Battery Adoption Progress • Shines provided lessons on Current Efforts • Resilience Hubs planning interconnection & operations with Parks & Recreation Dept. • Residential and commercial • Microgrid – Camp Mabry interconnection guidelines and design criteria fully developed • Permitting and inspections • Billing system updates to enable more configurations • Vehicle to Home (V2H) • 10MW residential batteries installed • Making battery recycling info readily available • Market benefit analysis and operation strategies • Procuring an edge Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS) solution • Solar For All to use edge DERMS for Virtual Power Plant Planning • Working with Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) to build requirements for full scale central DERMS • DERMS working group • FY25 CIP budget includes funding for DERMS 5 Microgrid Enablement Behind the Meter Storage and Microgrid Isolation Device AC/DC Inverter Billing Meter Solar Meter 6 Resiliency Hub Pilot Pilot Sites • Montopolis Rec Center • Gus Garcia Rec Center • Dove Springs Rec Center • Givens Rec Center Batteries • Capable of handling full load • 3 days of autonomy • Virtual Power Plant Solar • Maximize site potential • Support batteries in off-grid mode • Community Solar Program 7 Microgrid Enablement Front of the Meter Storage and Microgrid Isolation Device Transformer Transformer Transformer Isolation Device 8 Load Shaping & Demand Response Technologies Commerical Demand Response Virtual or physical ‘end-node’ initiates building/site specific strategy to reduce energy from HVAC, lighting and process loads Power Partner Thermostat Shift HVAC load for residential and small business customers Thermal Energy Storage Chilled water or ice storage systems allow commercial customers to shift cooling load Demonstration Programs • Power Saver Program — Residential customers volunteer to receive alerts to conserve energy on days of peak demand • Multifamily Smart Home Rewards — Smart thermostats and water heater controllers/leak detectors qualify for new dual tenant and property owner incentives 9 Commercial Demand Response End Nodes Multifamily Smart Home: Armada Power Water Heater Controller & Ecobee Thermostat ©Austin Energy. All rights reserved. Austin Energy and the Austin Energy logo and combinations thereof are trademarks of Austin Energy, the electric department of the ©2023 City of Austin, Texas. Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners.