Item 15 Council Action Report — original pdf

EUC Report re Council Action March 18, 2024 Item 15 Item below recommended by EUC February 12; Council approved on date indicated in parenthesis. (2/15) Recommend authorizing execution of a contract for construction services, for the Kramer Lane Substation project with Capital Excavation Company, in the amount of $12,272,916 plus a $1,227,291 contingency for a total contract amount not to exceed $13,500,207. (2/15) Recommend authorizing negotiation and execution of a contract for an underground feasibility and overhead distribution resilience study with Burns & McDonnel Engineering Company, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $1,725,000. (2/15) Recommend authorizing an amendment to the 2023 Chilled Water Construction in the Right-of-Way Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity construction contract with DeNucci Constructors to increase the amount by $6,250,000, for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $31,250,000. (2/29) Recommend authorizing negotiation and execution of a multi-term cooperative contract to provide rental of industrial equipment with United Rentals (North America) Inc, for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $4,500,000. (2/29) Recommend authorizing negotiation and execution of a contract for Splunk cyber security software products and services, with GTS Technology Solutions, Inc., for a term of three years in an amount not to exceed $1,200,000. (2/29) Recommend authorizing execution of a contract for construction services with Alpha Paving Industries, LLC to provide a New Austin Energy Pole Yard at St. Elmo Service Center in the amount of $312,470, plus a $31,247 contingency for a total contract amount not to exceed $343,717. (2/29) Recommend authorizing execution of a contract for ION meters with Dealers Electrical Supply d/b/a Dealers Electrical Supply Co, for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $2,500,000. (2/29) Recommend authorizing execution of a contract for construction services for the Brazos Street Duct Bank Civil Work project with Facilities Rehabilitation Inc., in the amount of $1,967,535 plus a $196,754 contingency for a total contract amount not to exceed $2,164,289. (2/29) Recommend approving issuance of a capacity-based incentive to KMFA Station, for the installation of solar electric systems on their facilities located at 41 Navasota St, Austin, TX, 78702, in an amount not to exceed $80,676. (2/29) Recommend approving issuance of a capacity-based incentive to Kensington Apartments, LLC, for the installation of solar electric systems on their facility located at 3300 Manor Rd Austin, TX, 78723, in an amount not to exceed $184,802. (2/29) Recommend approving issuance of $90,000 to the Texas Solar Energy Society for their Pathways Pilot Program to demonstrate how Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program funding can now be applied to solar installations in Austin Energy service territory. (2/29) Recommend approving issuance of a 5-year performance-based incentive to Starwood Capital Group LLC, for the installation of solar electric systems on their facilities shown in the table below, in an amount not to exceed $2,142,861.70. (2/29) Recommend authorizing expenditures for annual renewals of professional dues and memberships in national and state associations and organizations related to the electric utility industry, in an amount not to exceed $425,000. (3/7) Recommend authorizing negotiation and execution of a contract for software licensing, support, upgrades, and professional services with SSP Innovations, LLC, for up to five years for a total contract amount not to exceed $575,000. (3/7) Recommend authorizing negotiation and execution of three contracts for vegetation management around energized distribution lines with Asplundh Tree Expert LLC; Davey Tree Surgery Co, and Wright Tree Service, Inc, for up to 18 months for total contract amounts not to exceed $28,000,000.