Item 19 Quarterly Operations Report — original pdf

Item 19 Austin Energy FY2024 Q1 Operations Update Lisa Martin Deputy General Manager & Chief Operating Officer February 2024 © Austin Energy 1 Agenda Executive Summary Environmental Performance Reliability Performance Grid Resilience Strategic Goal Quarterly Operations Update 2 Executive Summary Renewable production on-target For the quarter, 40% aggregate renewable production as a percentage of load Carbon-free production on-target • For the quarter, 70% carbon-free generation as a percentage of load • On a rolling 12-month basis, 71% carbon-free generation as a percentage of load Generators availability is stable Resources at FPP and STP demonstrated 100% availability; SHEC had a planned outage for scheduled maintenance Reliability performance trend is stabilizing Performance metrics continue to show slightly better outage duration and frequency compared to previous quarters 3 Austin Energy Operations Update Environmental Performance 4 Carbon-Free Generation as a Percentage of Load Monthly Data 70% 5 Carbon-Free Generation as a Percentage of Load Rolling 12-Month Average Data 71% 6 Austin Energy Operations Update Reliability Performance 7 Electric Vehicle Charging Station Operations EV Charging Operations Updates • Austin Energy actively engaged ChargePoint and Smart Charge America to perform reactive and preventative maintenance • Implementing an updated rate of $0.09/kWh • Phasing out the former subscription plan Network Health as of 2/7/24 1.50% 13.90% 84.60% Available Faulted Unreachable Faulted: WiFi or cellular issue detected at the time of report Unreachable: WiFi or cellular issue detected with the station within the last 24 hours 8 Generator Commercial Availability Generation Resource Sand Hill Combined Cycle Fayette Power Project South Texas Project Commercial Availability Summer Target % 95 97 100 Commercial Availability Actual % Q1 FY24 Avg 53 99 100 9 Net Generation and Load Analysis FY2024 Q1 Power Generation Cost by Fuel Type Consumption vs. Generation (MWh) *Costs include fuel for generation, fuel transportation, renewable Power Purchases Agreements Historical System Peak Demand in Q1 (MW) Power Generation as Percent of Consumption Renewable Natural Gas Coal Nuclear 10 Distribution System Reliability CAIDI – Customer Average Interruption Duration Index Average time to restore service 79.3 82.27 85.26 83.42 78.39 76.88 77.32 75.22 91.31 96.62 94.61 99.40 79.17 120 80 40 0 SAIDI – System Average Interruption Duration Index Total duration of interruptions for the average customer 57.89 60.88 61.39 63.40 62.71 64.58 67.27 67.68 81.27 86.12 83.97 82.12 57.00 FY21 Q2 FY21 Q3 FY21 Q4 FY22 Q1 FY22 Q2 FY22 Q3 FY22 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY24 Q1 TOP QUARTILE BENCHMARK SAIFI – System Average Interruption Frequency Index How often average customer experiences a sustain interruption FY21 Q2 FY21 Q3 FY21 Q4 FY22 Q1 FY22 Q2 FY22 Q3 FY23 Q1 TOP QUARTILE BENCHMARK FY22 Q4 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY24 Q1 0.8 0.73 0.74 0.72 0.76 0.80 0.84 0.87 0.90 0.89 0.89 0.89 0.83 0.72 100 80 60 40 20 0 1.2 0.4 0 Note: CAIDI, SAIDI, SAIFI industry indices exclude major event days FY21 Q2 FY21 Q3 FY21 Q4 FY22 Q1 FY22 Q2 FY22 Q3 FY22 Q4 FY23 Q1 FY23 Q2 FY23 Q3 FY23 Q4 FY24 Q1 TOP QUARTILE BENCHMARK 11 Austin Energy Operations Update Grid Resilience Strategic Goal 12 Grid Resilience Initiatives Austin Energy Strategic Goals Grid Resilience Improve Distribution System Reliability Identify, rank, and address circuit maintenance needs in areas historically impacted by outages and most susceptible to wildfire risk • 25 circuits underway; 2 circuits recently reached 100% end-to-end completion • Overhead Hardening and Underground Feasibility studies kickoff February 2024; Estimated completion December 2024 • Concept Paper for Distribution Resilience submitted for DOE GRIP2.0 grant in January 2024 Transmission System of the Future As part of the 2030 Resource Plan, Austin Energy contracted for a transmission system study to investigate ways to achieve the plan’s goals while mitigating the impacts of the loss of generation plants • Transmission System Assessment completed in June 2023; Project implementation underway • Substation and line upgrades, including upsizing autotransformers and transmission lines and adding voltage support equipment • New substation in planning stages for increased import capacity Resiliency as a Service (RaaS) Program Providing resiliency and safety to customers and the community through a program that distributes the value of distributed generation assets across the customer base; meets SB398 back up generation rules • Four RaaS projects submitted as of Q1 FY24 • Program under consideration for RaaS rollout beyond SB398 requirements 13 © Austin Energy. All rights reserved. Austin Energy and the Austin Energy logo and combinations thereof are trademarks of Austin Energy, the electric department of the City of Austin, Texas. Other names are for informational purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective owners. 14