Electric Utility CommissionOct. 17, 2022

Approved Minutes — original pdf

Approved Minutes
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ELECTRIC UTILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2022 The Electric Utility Commission convened in a Regular meeting on Monday, October 17, 2022, at 4815 Mueller Blvd in Austin, Texas. Chair Hopkins called the Electric Utility Commission Meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. Commissioners in Attendance: Marty Hopkins, Chair; Dave Tuttle, Vice Chair; Cary Ferchill; Makenna Jonker; Marshall Bowen; Randy Chapman; Cyrus Reed Commissioners in Attendance Remotely: Kay Trostle PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: GENERAL There were 5 speakers. 1. Bill Oakey - spoke about the Base Rate proposal 2. Lanetta Cooper – spoke about the Base Rate proposal, representing 2WR 3. Dale Bulla – spoke about electric school buses and vehicle to grid technology 4. Ashley Fisher - spoke about the Base Rate proposal, representing Solar and Storage Coalition 5. Gene Cherry –spoke about concerns related to the Value of Solar program APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approve the minutes of the ELECTRIC UTILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING on September 12, 2022. The minutes from the meeting of 09/12/2022 were approved on Commissioner Chapman’s motion, Commissioner Reed’s second on a (8-0) vote with Commissioner Hadden absent and two vacancies. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION ON RECOMMENDATIONS The motion to approve recommendations 2-10 were approved on Commissioner Ferchill’s motion, Commissioner Reed’s second on a (8-0) vote with Commissioner Hadden absent, and two vacancies. 1 2. Recommend authorizing negotiation and execution of a multi-term cooperative contract with SHI-GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS Inc, to provide Novell SUSE software maintenance and support for up to three years for a total contract amount not to exceed $495,000. 3. Recommend approving issuance of a five-year production-based incentive (PBI) to Paloma Ridge Owner, LLC, for the installation of solar electric systems on their facility located at 13620 N FM 620 Rd, Austin, TX 78717, in an amount not to exceed $2,041,981. 4. Recommend authorizing negotiation and execution of a contract with Texas AirSystems, LLC for modular heat exchanger skids, for a term of five years in an amount not to exceed $25,000,000. 5. Recommend authorizing an amendment to a contract with Motorola Solutions Inc to provide support hosting services and related adjuncts and interfaces for the existing Customer Service Request System utilized by Austin 3-1-1 Citywide Information Center, to increase the amount by $2,500,000 and to extend the term by up to five years, for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $5,000,000. 6. Recommend authorizing negotiation and execution of a contract with Thielsch Engineering Inc. for power production maintenance, for a term of five years in an amount not to exceed $20,000,000. 7. Recommend authorizing negotiation and execution of a contract with Trane U.S. Inc. or one of the other qualified offerors to Request for Proposals 1100 JMF3016 to provide preventative and corrective maintenance, overhauls, inspections, repairs, modifications, upgrades, parts, testing, and rental of chillers for Sand Hill Energy Center, for a term of six years in an amount not to exceed $2,500,000. 8. Recommend authorizing award of a contract with KBS Electrical Distributors Inc to provide relays for switchgear and relay panels, for a term of five years in an amount not to exceed $1,650,000. 9. Recommend authorizing award of contracts with KBS Electrical Distributors Inc and Priester-Mell & Nicholson Inc. to provide circuit switchers, each for a term of five years in an amount not to exceed $6,000,000, divided between the contractors. 10. Recommend authorizing an amendment to a cooperative contract with Oracle America, Inc for continued technical cloud analytic services, to increase the amount by $1,185,461 and to extend the term by 20 months, for a revised total contract amount not to exceed $3,393,461. DISCUSSION ITEMS 11. Discussion and possible action on the proposed Base Rate changes. The Commission reviewed and discussed a draft resolution proposed by the Budget & Audit Working Group on Austin Energy’s Base Rate proposal. No action was taken. 2 The EUC requested the Austin Energy provide “number runs” with a $15 million revenue requirement and 7.5% graduated increase cap; the IHE $31.3 million recommendation with a 7.5% graduated increase cap; and the increase in revenue AE would generate with an increase in the customer charge of $3, $4, and $5. 12. Discussion and possible action on the 2023 Electric Utility Commission Meeting Schedule. There was no discussion or action taken. This item was tabled to be taken up at the November meeting. 13. Discussion of report regarding City Council action on items previously reviewed by the DISCUSSION ITEMS EUC. There was no discussion. WORKING GROUP UPDATE 14. Update from the Budget & Audit Working Group. The Working Group distributed a draft resolution that the Commission reviewed and discussed but took no action. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS • Resolution for a limited Resource Generation Plan Update in 2023 (Discussion & Possible Action at November meeting) ADJOURNMENT Chair Hopkins adjourned the meeting at 7:58 p.m. without objection. “The minutes were approved at the November 14, 2022, meeting of the Electric Utility Commission on Commissioner Reed’s motion and Commissioner Tuttle’s second on a (8-0) vote with two vacancies.” 3